Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Any Little Wonder Gasoline powered Maximum Output Blower or part found to be defective within the warranty period is to be returned to any registered Little Wonder dealer. Engines for all gasoline powered products are warranted separately by the engine manufacture. Therefore, there are no warranties made, expressed or implied, for engines for gasoline powered products by Little Wonder. Transportation charges for parts and units submitted for replacement under this warranty must be borne by the purchaser. THIS WARRANTY shall not be effective if the product has been subject to misuse, negligence or accident, or if the product has been repaired or altered outside of our Southampton factory or authorized repair facility in any respect which affects its condition or operation. Little Wonder shall not be liable for any special indirect or consequential damages arising from defective equipment. Any implied warranty, including merchantability of fitness for a particular purpose, shall not extend beyond the written warranty period. THIS WARRANTY shall only be effective if the enclosed Warranty/Registration card is properly filled out and returned to Little Wonder, Schiller Grounds Care, Inc. at time of purchase. WARNING DANGER THE ENGINE EXHAUST FROM THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS CHEMICALS KNOWN TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO CAUSE CANCER, BIRTH DEFECTS OR OTHER REPRODUCTIVE HARM. LITTLE WONDER® SCHILLER GROUNDS CARE, INC. 1028 STREET ROAD, P.O. BOX 38 SOUTHAMPTON, PA 18966 PHONE 877-596-6337 • FAX 215-357-8045 Specifications, descriptions, and illustrative material in this literature are as accurate as known at the time of publication, but are subject to change without notice. LITTLE WONDER TECHNICAL MANUAL OPTIMAX MAN 4164196 Rev. A 5-2009 Owners Manual and Safety Instructions for MAXIMUM OUTPUT BLOWER Manuel d’utilisation et consignes de securite pour la SOUFFLANTE A DEBIT MAXIMAL Manual del propietario e instructivo de seguridad para el SOPLADOR DE POTENCIA MAXIMA LB1401-00-01 CALIFORNIAProposition 65 WarningDiesel engine exhaust and some ofits constituents are known to the Stateof California to cause cancer, birthdefects and other reproductive harm. Californie Proposition 65AvertissementLes echappements des moteurs dieselet certains de leurs composes sontreconnus par l’Etat de Californie pouretre cancerigenes, provoquer desdefauts congenitaux et d’autres dangersen matiere de reproduction. ADVERTENCIAAVERTISSEMENTWARNINGThe engine exhaust from this productcontains chemicals known to the Stateof California to cause cancer, birthdefects or other reproductive harm. California Advertenciade la Proposicion 65El estado de California hace saber quelos gases de escape de los motoresdiesel y algunos de sus componentesproducen cancer, defectos denacimiento y otros danos en elproceso de reproduccion humana. L’emission du moteur de ce materielcontient des produits chimiques quel’Etat de Californie considere etrecancerigenes, provoquer des defautscongenitaux et d’autres dangers enmatiere de reproduction. El estado de California hace saberque los gases de escape de esteproducto contienen productosquImicos que producen cancer, defectos de nacimiento y otros danosen el proceso de reproduccionhumana. CALIFORNIAProposition 65 WarningBattery posts, terminals, wiringinsulation, and related accessoriescontain lead and lead compounds, chemicals known to the State ofCalifornia to cause cancer and birthdefects or other reproductive harm. WASH HANDS AFTER HANDLING. MENSAJE IMPORTANTE En nombre de todos los empleados de Little Wonder, queremos darle las gracias por haber adquirido la sopladora Optimax con motor de gasolina. Este soplador de uso profesional fue disenado teniendo en cuenta las normas mas estrictas de la industria, con el fin de garantizar un funcionamiento ininterrumpido, durante muchas horas. Este manual le proporcionara la informacion necesaria para la operacion y el servicio eficiente y seguro de este equipo. Para su propia seguridad, es sumamente importante que lea y entienda todo el contenido de este manual, antes de operar su soplador. LITTLE WONDER SHILLER GROUNDS CARE, INC. 1028 STREET ROAD, P.O. BOX 38 SOUTHAMPTON, PA 18966 INDICE FIGURAS PAGINA SEGURIDAD..............................................................................................................................................18-21 MONTAJE........................................................................................................................................................22 OPERACION...................................................................................................................................................23 ESPECIFICACIONES DE LOS PARES DE APRIETE....................................................................................24 CONJUNTO DE PROTECTOR DE ADMISION...FIGURA 1..........................................................................25 CONJUNTO DE MOTOR...............................
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