Anleitung Pfaff, modell 114-38
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
51857,124698 and 124699........ 124698 9560 Needle Guard Shaft Crank Roller Bu3hlng. 124699 9560 Il it " " ” Stud 1253C 6976 » « Set Screw...... 59765 9560 it h 11 Spring............... 59766 9560 624C____ " " Collar with 624C 9562 Needle Guard Shaft Spring Collar Set Screw... 233J 9562 Needle Guard Shaft Spring Screw......... 124760 9560 » it 233J 9562 11 H “ Screw.............. 1072F 9562 ” Set Screw........................ 2058 9592 Presser Bar. 124838 9591 Bracket Collar and Thread Full-off with two 196C............... 196C 9562 Presser Bar Collar Set Screw............ 17842 9582 Il II Guide Bracket with 453C..... 453C 9558 il II " “ Set Screw..... 124790 7034 u « Lifting Lever............... 124839 9590 H II Bracket....... 164E 9555 II 11 " " Screw.. 120 ID 9562 Il II " '' Hinge Screw... 17845 9591 Il II Rod........... 39408 ---- 11 II 17846.. " 17845 with 17846 ---- Presser Bar Lifting Lever Rod Chain..... 32675 9583 ■ I II Spring....................... 68712 20337 Pulley (loose) 2 3/4 in. dlam. with 200584D 68713 ---- Pulley (loose) 68712 with 68714......... 68714 20337 11 II Ball Bearing............. 14 PARTS FOR MACHINE No. 114-37 No. Plate 68715 9583 51387R 9562 200584D 9562 68716 20337 68720 ---- 68717 ---- 17853 9583 1262C 9562 1662C 9562 17854 9583 17855 9583 124784 9591 124770 ---- 124904 ---- 124771 ---- 124772 9593 124773 21828 6976 50372D 9562 1204E 9562 17859 9583 898D 9562 11622 9583 19694 9563 1695E 9562 17861 9563 1254C 9562 1508J 9562 17862 9563 124774 9563 Name Pulley (loose) Bushing.................. " Cap Screw................ " Oil Hole Plug Screw...... (tight) 2 7/8 In. dlara........... 68716 with 1206C and 17854............................... Pulleys (ball bearing) complete, Nos. 51387R,68713,68715 and 68720........ Starting Lever.......................... " " Hinge Screw.............. " Nut.......... Stop Cara................................ " " Interlocking Rod............... " Case.......... 124784 with 124774,124901 and two 176J..... Stop Cam Interlocking Rod Case 124770 with 63976 and two 1255J............ Stop Cam Interlocking Rod Case 124904 with 1318D,17855,17863,17864 and 39222............................... Stop Cara Interlocking Rod Case Bracket Stop Cara Interlocking Rod Case Bracket complete, Nos. 1182E,1196C,1204E, 1254C,1262C,1508J,1662C,17853,17859, 17861,17862,17872,17873,124771, 124772 and two 898D................. Stop Cara Interlocking Rod Case Bracket Dowel Pin........................... Stop Cam Interlocking Rod Case Bracket Screw............................... Stop Cam Interlocking Rod Case Hinge Screw............................... Stop Cam Interlocking Rod Case Socket Joint............................... Stop Cam Interlocking Rod Case Socket Joint Cap Screw..................... Stop Cam Interlocking Rod Case Spring... .1 ii HoQk H II II li it It II Lock Nut............................ Stop Cam Interlocking Rod Case Stop Stud 1« n II tl II II tf Screw Bushing....................... Stop Cam Interlocking Rod Case Stop Stud Screw Bushing Lock Nut.............. Stop Cam Interlocking Rod Case Stop Stud Spring.............................. Stop Cam Interlocking Rod Case Wearing Block............................... PARTS FOR MACHINE No. 114-37 15 No. Plate Name 17863 9563 Stop Cam Interlocking Rod Spring........ 17864 9563 it n II " Stop.......... 1318D 9562 n 11 II n Screw---- 3012 9584 " Pin... 1206C 9562 " " Screw. 2102 9563 1560C 9562 " Regulating Thumb Nut............ 1274C 9567 62506 ---- tt 11 " 1274C with 1560C..... 13710 9563 " Spring. 124840 9584 " Thread Guide.................... 50370J 9562 M tt " Set Screw.......... 124850 9584 Thread Breaker. 62124 7034 n II Bar with 63130 and two 3021...... 124933 9584 Thread Breaker 124934 9584 II n " " Plunger........ 124935 9584 If n Case____ 1186D 9558 n n " " Screw 1722J 9558 n n " Lock Nut 1722J 9558 n tt .....Nut..... 124938 9583 It u " “ ” Spring.. 51120J 9558 II II " " Regulating Screw 51591J 9558 II 11 11 It n tl Lock Nut.. 50152J 9558 Thread Breaker Bar Check Screw.......... 124936 ---- Thread Breaker Bar Check complete, Nos. 51120J.51591J,124933 to 124935, 124938 and two 1722J................ 62126 9583 Thread Breaker Bar Connection with 17917 17915 9584 II 11 Slide Block 17917 ---- N II II tl tl tl 17915 with 17916 9584 Thread Breaker Bar Connection Slide Block Stud. 59734 9591 Thread Breaker Bar Driving Lever with 223F and 59735...................... 1382F ^58 Thread Breaker Bar Driving Lever Hinge Screw...... 1681C 9558 Thread Breaker Bar Driving Lever Hinge Screw Nut. 59735 9584 Thread Breaker Bar Driving Lever Lock 223F 9558 Thread Breaker Bar Driving Lever Lock Stud Screw. 124787 9584 Thread Breaker Bar Guide................ 1235F 9558 Il II Screw.......... 124908 9584 il...