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Anleitung Bernina, modell 420

Hersteller: Bernina
Dateigröße: 1.13 mb


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Anleitung Zusammenfassung

lo regulate the pressure, open the face plate and turn the pressure control dial. (1) The larger the number on the dial, the greater the pressure. Set the dial at 4 for fabric of medium woight Use weaker pressure (1—3) lor lighter and stronger pressure (5-6) for heavier fabrics. For very thick fabnc such os demm and leother, use 7. TWO-STEP PRESSER FOOT LIFTER For extra thick fabrics, the presser foot can be roused further by lifting the presser lever o second stage. ¡21 DROP FEED CONTROL For normol sewing the feed dogs should be in the raised position 131 Push--- When th© fobnc is not required to be fed 'hrough the machine, i e for free hond embro*dery o' darning etc., the feed dog should be lowered Push 13 & SELECTING AND FITTING OF NEEDLE Select the correct we needle *o soil the fabric and thread. Usually the heovie' the fabric, the thicker the thread end lorget the needle Moko sure the needle is straight and not damoged \l) Change the needle regularly and at the first Sign of sewing problems Insert as illustrated. (2) t? EivJ o* "MO* IOC-»' , I •ghten r/ (Uinp Ft*« si-rnxk Irw'l nH«llf 6\ I or «1 *C 90CJ \n v ■-* T-y>i*.i loov*" / r»olO'»>3 spf 05 OvilW no*« FITTING OF SHANK AND QUILTING/SEAM GUIDE Rcj'se the presser oor ond fit shank os shown fl Insert auilfing/s«am guide carefully so os no? to damage the holding spring |?l Orwtouc* irvpr FITTING OF PRESSER FEET Raise the piesser fool. Pull the one-touch lever towards you and the foot wi.l be reieaved Centre new toot under shan».. Lower shank until groove is directly abovo ond touching the pm Pull one touch lever towards you and fhr foot will become engoged. (3,4i Uive touch i«vr* BRINGING UPTHE BOBBIN THREAD Hold the upper thread in your loft hand, turn ’he hand wheel toward* you so that the needle gees down one up ogam 11 Gently pull »he upper thread and the lower thread will be looped over ¡1. (2) Ploce both threods under the presser foot or>d to the reor 14 m BUTTONHOLE k. l 1 MODE I 41C STRAIGHT AND ZIG-ZAG STITCHES MODEL 4?0 3 STEP ZIG ZAG STITCH BLIND HEM SIITCH STRAIGHT STRFTCH STITCH AND TRIPLE ZIG-ZAG IRIC-RACI STITCH STRETCH OVtRlOCK STITCH OVERLOCK STITCH MODEL 430 MODfl 440 [ ♦ HONEYCOMB STITCH SCALLOP DECORATIVE STITCH DOUBLE SCALLOP IDECORATIVE STITCH ii COLOUR CODING Simply select the stitch pattern you requite by rotating the pat'er n selector dial to the desired position. I hen match ’ho colour code of the stitch with the same colour marking on the stitch length and stitch width dials The stitch length and width can be varied within the colour marl» mgs on the dials Choose the vctt ngs OCCOrding to the application ond effect requited f NEEDLE POSITION AND PATTERN ZIGZAG DIAL STITCH LENGTH DIAL « a» While sewmg Iwn ihe dial from 0 to 5 ond return it fiom 5 to 0 o’ the some speed. 0.5—1 n While jewing turn the dial from 0 to 5 and return it from 5 to 0 drawing same curved lines 0.5-1 iV* 11 While sew.ng turn Ihe dul slowly ot »he same speed from 0 to 5 and return if quickly frarr 5 »o 0 0.5 — 1 NEEDLE POSITIONS Th<> neod'e position con be set by moving »he levc A The normal sewmg posi'ionis 1« the centre posii'on (1) The lelt and -igr«i needle positions moke >t easier to sewoosetothe edge at labnc* elc. and Crea'e various munoul embroidery putrerrv SEWING PATTERNS MANUALLY By selecting u satin s»iich (closcd-up z g zogi ond by changing the rig rag width in O regular manner and at a constant sewing speed, various pattern:. can be sewn l>f-’erent needle position* wi> give different results TWIN NEEDLE SEWING A twi c i needle, using two top threads, can DC used to C«eole very attractive double1 ’op stitchmg WARNING. CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN TO SELECT ONLY THE CENTRE NEEDLE POSITION AND NEVER SET THE STITCH WIDTH GREATER THAN NR 3 16 17 STRAIGHT STITCHING Set the pattern selector dial t AI as illustrated and the stitch width dial (B| to "O" I he stitch length is controlled with the stitch length dial (C|. While 7" or '3‘ on the dial gives a suitaoie stitch length for ordinary purposes, the stitch length varies with the weight of fabric, thickness ol thread ond purpose of sewing. Generally speaking, the finer the fabric, the liner the thread ond shone' the stitch length, the heavier the fabric, the thicker the thread and lancei the stitch length ¡1) REVERSE STITCHING_ To finish n srnm, push the reverse button and hold it. sewing o few stitches bockwnrds. When the button is released the machine will sew forwards again (?| REMOVING FABRIC ~ Raise the threud take-up lever to its highest position by turning the hand wheel towards you. Slide the fobnc out from unde- -he foot to the reat ol the machine. (3) PRESSER BArThREAD CUTTER Hold the thread in both hands behind the presser loot Cent-e the •out thread mto the slot "A" and pull down to cut the thread ,;3) ZIG-ZAG STITCHING The /ig-fug stitch tan be set ut vofiOuS stitch widths and engths according to the a...

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