Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Set 59288 7336 Thread (upper) 1423D 7335 H it Screw.............. 59239 7331 ft H Take-up.................. 853C 7331 ii tt 11 Set Screw........ 59290 7327 Throat Plate for 59212 and 59437........ Note: Throat Plate No.59290 la regularly furnished unless otherwise specified on order. 59305 7328 Throat Plate for 59302.................. 59291 7372 Packing (left) with 59292.. 59292 7336 " M " Position Stud 1149C 7369 Screw........ 59293 7372 " " (right)............ 1149C 7369 " '' Screw........ 1011F 7372 Screw...................... 59294 7372 " Steady Pin................. 15404 ----- Trade Mark..... 15405 ----- '' Rivet........................ 13 LIST OF PARTS COMPLETE FOR MACHINE No. 105-2 ForStitching Harvesters’ Gloves. One needle, one looper; flat work plate and throat plate. Makes seven to twelve stitches to the inch. Speed 3500 R. P. M. No. Plate Name •59201 Arm, , upper and lower (solid) with 15404 59491 22579 Arm Rotary Shaft........................ •59609 7369 " " " Bushing (back)......... 59610 " 59609 with 52045 and 59611.................... 59611 7369 Arm Rotary Shaft Bushing (back) 011 Wick (braided cotton)................... 52045 7369 Arm Rotary Shaft Bushing (back) Packing (wick)............................. 50554C 7369 Arm Rotary Shaft Bushing (back) Set 59524 7369 Arm Rotary Shaft Bushing (front) with 52045 7369 Arm Rotary Shaft Bushing (front) Packing (wick)............................. 44 BC 7369 Arm Rotary Shaft Bushing (front) Set •59612 7369 Arm Rotary Shaft Bushing (Intermediate). 59613 59612 with 52045 and 128571........ 128571 7369 Arm Rotary Shaft Bushing (intermediate) 011 Wick (braided cotton).......... 52045 7369 Arm Rotary Shaft Bushing (Intermediate) Packing (wick)..................... 50554C 7369 Arm Rotary Shaft Bushing (Intermediate) Set Screw.......................... •59628 22579 Arm Side Cover.......................... 59629 22579 " 59628 with 59630,59631 and 132555............................. •59630 22579 Arm Side Cover Oil Tube, for oiling Needle Bar Lever Connecting Rod.... 59631 7369 Arm Side Cover 011 Tube 011 Cup......... 14 PARTS FOR MACHINE No. 105-2 No. Plate Name 132555 22579 Arm Side Cover Oil Tube Oil Wick (braided cotton)......................... 1423J 7335 Arm Side Cover Screw.................... 59208 22579 Balance Wheel, 2 3/16 In. pulley with 424C and 1354C..................... 1354C 7369 Balance Wheel Position Screw............ 424C 7369 " " Set Screw................. 59306 7337 Cloth Plate with 59292,66629 and 66630.. 66629 7369 " " Oil Tube, for oiling Feed Eccentric Connection Bar........... 66630 7369 Cloth Plate Oil Tube, for oiling Feed Lifting Eccentric.................. 59307 22578 Cloth Plate Slide (left)................ 59308 22578 " " " (right)............... 59292 7336 " " Steady Pin.................. 59309 ----- Cloth Plate complete, Nos.59306 to 59308 1149C 7369 " “ Screw....................... 59209 22579 Feed Bar with two each 449C and 882C---- 59621 ----------" " 59209 with 59211 and 59623..... 59622 22579 " " Carrier with two 882C and four 449C............................... 59623 ----- Feed Bar Carrier 59622 with 59617 and 59618.............................. 57234 22579 Feed Bar Carrier Hinge Pin.............. 57235 7369 " " " " " Bushing...... 457C 7369 " " " " " " Set Screw.............................. 449C 7369 Feed Bar Carrier Hinge Pin Set Screw.... 59211 7369 " " Hinge Pin...................... 59617 7369 " " " " Bushing (left)....... 882C 7369 ........ " " Set Screw 59618 7369 " " " " " (right)...... 882C 7369 " " " " " " Set Screw.............................. 882C 7369 Feed Bar Hinge Pin Set Screw............ 59212 7327 " Dog,16 teeth (12 teeth to the inch) Note: Feed Dog No. 59212 Is regularly furnished unless otherwise specified on order. 59302 7328 Feed Dog,10 teeth (12 teeth to the Inch) 59437 7370 " ” 29 teeth (22 teeth to the Inch) 59489 7370 " " 24 teeth (18 teeth to the Inch) 176J 7370 " " Screw.......................... •59213 ----------" Eccentric with 130337.............. •59494 ----------" " Body with 42727.......... 51061C 7369 " " " Set Screw........... 7071 7368 " 11 Clamping Washer.......... 217E 7368 ” " " " Screw---- 130337 7368 " " Lubricating Oil Pad (wood) PARTS FOR MACHINE No. 105-2 15 No. Plate Name 59495 7369 Feed Eccentric (adjustable) complete, N03. 217E,7071,50338C,59213,59494 and two 51061C..................... 59517 ----- Feed Eccentric 59495 wltn 59210......... 59216 7368 " " Connection with 12002 and 139110............................. 59217 7368 Feed Eccentric Connection Bar with 59218 59218 7368 " .in plug...... 449C 7369 " " . « Set Screw. 139110 7368 " " " Oil Wick (braided cotton)................... 13002 7368 Feed Eccentric Connection Oil Wick Retaining Pin........................ 59513 7368 Feed Lifting Eccentric with two 50150C.. ...
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