Anleitung Zusammenfassung
insert template into slot of guide plate.'Tum tempkbte advance knob until desired size appears in window the top side of guide plate, plate Window Template knob FIg. 2 45 .... 3_ Place guide plate onto machine so it fits i, place with plnlengeer tn the center of arc h_de of the tmmp_ete. Make sure guide blocks are inserted In guide slotsl , Carefully mark the buttonhole length on your garment. Pick up bobbin thread through guide pla!eby turning hand wheel. Piece feb_ between presser foot and guide plate, Align marked buttonhole with .entw marking 0n foot, Line up edge of fabric with greduatlone on both eddm of the guide plate, If you wish elt buttonho4es to be 1/2" from edge of fabric, for example, line up fabdc with 1/2" markings each time you start e buttonhole, Now you are ready to sew the buttonhole you ulected, Your buttonhoter d_ all vor you. ADJUSTING STITCH DENSIW 0ependtngupon thefabricsonwhich you are sewing, at your own preference in button- holes,youmayalter buttonholestitchdensity byturningstitch density control knob, I, For more denalty, turn the knob toward you, 2. For less density, turn the knob away from you, ® CHOOSING BUTTONHOLE STYLE AND SIZE Eachbuttonholing situation will be difforent _t buttonholes are m_t popular for so you will want to experiment with your ever_y _ng-for _ of buttor_ on gait, considering fabric and pta_t of dreu, bloum, vest, _mt ot coat. buttOn,Here are some _ic applications: Kqp/hoio _ ere I variation of the Built.in button.s (_ri_ previously) above, with mnenla_ _ing at one _d are ideal for one or two buttons uixKI on to allow _ r_ for bu_ shank. These waistbandor cuff, or for "_lt slots." are nor_ U_ in tailored vests, _ets, coats. ............... ii .. ,i i: . i I"lr iJ,,Jl i, i,rl i i -iii , i ,,,,L _ , i iJ . rl .. , "1 1111111 ., i ,L_ ......... _ Ji • i ROUND END _YHO_ STRAIGHT B_ONHOLE BUTTONH_ DECORATIVE EMBROIDERY DESIGNS 0 +pVR_,.__ Scallop Domino ++_,_ Diamond ....... ,,= ...... ,,, ...... ,d=. Arrowhead +"_,vvVV| ..... v_ll .... wvv_ ._+_i11_.._._-4_+___ Pyramid YOU may get the look and feel of hen embr_ Infinitely faster and easier by yo= machine, Just ch_ which of the duigna you wsl to sew alone or in combination with ea. other, TIPS ON DESIGN STITCHING 1, Always make 8 practice design on a scrt of the fabric you plan to use, 2, 8tart with e full bobbin and plenty thread on the spool to avoid running o of thread tn the middle of your design. 3. Reduce the top thread tension slightly. 4, On a very soft fabric you may want to u a tissue paper backing or organdy th can be cut away, 5, Decoretive designs are very ettracti' sewn with e double needle end two cole or shades of a color of thread. APPLICATIONS Createtheloveliestofcustomdesigns-yourownpersonaltouch.There ismuchyou can do by adjustingstitch width or length. Below you see some applications end vartatin. You*il find manymore design _s as you _ mote expert, SCALLOP PA_ERN A speedy and decorative way of handling a raw edge is by udng the k_dlop pattern. Simply sew along the raw _eof t_ _bri. and trim close to the outside of the Stitching, Thispattern is al_ atUactive when decorating acollar or down the front of e blouse, around a cuff or finish on the edge of n cockmll apron, Scall_ edge finish Scallop pattern on collar DIAMOND PA_ERN This is n series of diam_ pettema end is used to add professional touch to your sewing, such as blouses and d_, Ve_tion of width of dia_ pattem Scallop end dtam_ in Diamond on narrow hem c_ir,ation ARROWHEAD PATTERN A aeries of arrow _htide can ba UUd te_ accent your sewing, Indtylduel plttemunit IsI sloe tit good etltOh to retnforoe the point M atre!jl, OaeIt onthe poQketearner, DOMINO PATTERN This pattern Is suitable for decorative edge and border, Dominoonbin tai_ PYRAMID PA_ERN This la an attractive embroidery =tltoh to be used alone ot to sew on bias tape or ribbon trims, qyw".... ,vlpr" '"'lv" .... "VW,..... n_,'DOUBLE- NEEDLE DESIGNS Vary attreotlve designs can be produced using a double needle*, Use different colored threadsIn each needle, or tones of the Hme color, to make yet further designs. *Available at most Sears retell stores end catalog. 3,CARINGFORTHEMACHINE CLEANING THE FEED DOGII ITH A BRUOH To insure the belt poulble operation of your machine, It il neceaury to keep the essential parle clean at all tJnlo|, I, Removebobbin cover plate, 2. Remove needle plata.' 3, Usingthe brush provided, remove the lint that accumulate In and around the feed dogs and shuttlearea, CLEANING AND OILING SHUTTLE AREA On occasions, you wil! need to clean the doge shuttle area, Just follow these simple steps, Turn hand wheel toward you until needle is above feed dogs, 2, Remove bobbin case by lifting it out from front, 3. Clean the shuttle with the brush end put e drop of oil to the points Indicated by arrows. Don't over.oil. (Reminder: don't use household oll..,Kenmora sewing machine oli,) NOTE: Kenmore Oil/Oiler No, 6890 is available at most Seers retail stores and cata...
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