Anleitung Kawasaki, modell 840457
Hersteller: Kawasaki Dateigröße: 507.16 kb Dateiname: ec94914e-26c9-4eab-815f-5c1e2da6f3da.pdf

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
.. T TTh hhe ee b bba aat ttt tte eer rry yy p ppa aac cck kk a aan nnd dd c cch hha aar rrg gge eer rr h hhe eea aat tt d ddu uur rri iin nng gg c cch hha aar rrg ggi iin nng gg. .. Place the charger on a flat, non-flammable surface away from flammable materials with at least four inches of clearance to allow proper air circulation around the charger and battery pack. W WWh hhe een nn t tth hhe ee b bba aat ttt tte eer rry yy p ppa aac cck kk r rre eeq qqu uui iir rre ees ss r rre eec cch hha aar rrg ggi iin nng gg, ,, a aa 1 11 h hho oou uur rr c cch hha aar rrg gge ee a aal lll llo oow wws ss t tth hhe ee t tto ooo ool ll t tto oo o oop ppe eer rra aat tte ee a aat tt f ffu uul lll ll p ppo oow wwe eer rr. .. A charging indicator light on the charger will illuminate to show that charging is taking place. CCHHAARRGGIINNGG BBAATTTTEERRYY PPAACCKK UUSSIINNGG OONNEE HHOOUURR CCHHAARRGGEERR ##669900550077 C CCH HHA AAR RRG GGE EE B BBA AAT TTT TTE EER RRY YY P PPA AAC CCK KK: :: BATTERY PACK 1. Plug the charger into the nearest 120 volt electrical outlet. The step of the battery has positive and negative terminal markings on it. Align the markings with the identical markings on the top of the charger base. Insert the battery pack into base. Pack will not insert properly if reversed. 2. Make sure the trigger on the Cordless Waxer/Polisher is in the “ ““ O OOF FFF FF” ”” position and remove the battery pack from the Cordless Waxer/Polisher. BATTERY CHARGER 3. If, when first inserting the pack, the red “ ““ O OON NN” ”” button does not light up, press the “SET” button When the battery is charging, the red light is “ ““ O OON NN” ”” . 13 4. After approximately one hour of charging, the red indicator light should go “ ““ O OOF FFF FF” ”” and the green light should come “ ““ O OON NN” ”” . The green light indicates that the battery is fully charged. 5. When fully charged, reattach battery pack onto Cordless Waxer/Polisher, making certain latches fasten securely. Cordless Waxer/Polisher will not operate properly if the battery pack is not seated properly. O OO P PP E EE R RR A AA T TT I II N NN G GG T TT H HH E EE W WW A AA X XX E EE R RR / // P PP O OO L LL I II S SS H HH E EE R RR Be aware that this tool is always in an operating condition because it does not have to be plugged into an electrical outlet. Always turn the switch “ ““ O OO F FF F FF ” ”” and remove the battery pack before changing bonnets or servicing. B BBE EEF FFO OOR RRE EE U UUS SSE EE: :: • Make sure the car is clean. Wash thoroughly to remove all dirt and road film. Waxing a dirty car will scratch the car’s finish. • Remove the battery pack to prevent accidental starting. • Turn the waxer upsidedown with the foam pad facing up. • Slip the synthetic wool bonnet over the foam pad. Tuck the elastic down evenly around the pad so the bonnet will not come off while 14 MMAAIINNTTEENNAANNCCEE AANNDD CCLLEEAANNIINNGGWWAAXXIINNGG WWAAXXIINNGG The bonnet will absorb the wax as you work. Reapply as necessary. A AAl llw wwa aay yys ss r rre eem mmo oov vve ee t tth hhe ee b bba aat ttt tte eer rry yy p ppa aac cck kk b bbe eef ffo oor rre ee a aat ttt tte eem mmp ppt tti iin nng gg c ccl lle eea aan nni iin nng gg o oor rr m mma aai iin nnt tte een nna aan nnc cce ee. .. • Never apply wax in direct sunlight. • Wash and dry vehicle before waxing. • Make sure you have a firm grip on the waxer/polisher before switching power O OON NN. • N NNE EEV VVE EER RR press down on the waxer/polisher. Move over the surface with light, sweeping strokes. • Using a crisscross pattern, work your way across the broad, flat surfaces of the car first. Move across the hood, over the roof, down the trunk and around the sides. PPOOLLIISSHHIINNGG • Slip the terry cloth bonnet over the foam pad, making sure that the elastic is securely tucked around the pad. • Polish surfaces in the same order that you waxed them. • Hard-to-reach areas can be polished by hand. Slip the bonnet over your fingers and polish in small circles, working your way around 15 Do not use paint thinner or any other chemicals to clean the waxer/polisher case. Harsh solvents may damage the plastic. Use only mild soap and water for cleaning. Clean vents frequently. Keep clear of all dirt and obstructions. Wash bonnets in warm soapy water. Do not use harsh detergents. Air dry completely before use. Worn bonnets may be replaced with any standard 7-8" bonnet. AACCCCEESSSSOORRIIEESS U UUs sse ee o oon nnl lly yy a aac ccc cce ees sss sso oor rri iie ees ss t tth hha aat tt a aar rre ee r rre eec cco oom mmm mme een nnd dde eed dd b bby yy t tth hhe ee m mma aan nnu uuf ffa aac cct ttu uur rre eer rr f ffo oor rr y yyo oou uur rr m mmo ood dde eel ll. .. Accessories that may be suitable for one tool may become hazardous when used on another tool. A AAl llw wwa aay yys ss a aat ttt tta aac cch hh g ggr rro oou uun nnd dde eed dd ( (( 3 33- -- p ppr rro oon nng gg) )) e eex xxt tte een nns ssi iio oon nn c cco oor rrd dds...