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Advanced Communications Controller Release Notes for the B.03.01 Release
Patches and Fixes for this Version
Defect / Fix
Reference: SR #4701391862
An enhancement to detect hardware
Reference: SR #4701391912
revisions of ACC cards was needed. A
Reference: TPO0h02130
standard interface has been defined to
identify hardware revisions of all ACC
No current method to determine
cards. The mx command of zmntr has
hardware revision.
been enhanced to include the display of
the hardware revision.
Reference: SR #5003380527
The incorrect parameters caused the
kernel to run out of message buffer. A
When kernel parameters msgssz &
timeout mechanism is added to zmasterd,
msgseg are incorrectly configured, it
so it can drop out and display an error
causes zmasterd to hang during ZCOM
when there is not enough message buffer
subsystem start up.
in the system.
Reference: SR #5003398362
A defect in the X.25 firmware code,
Reference: TPO0h01774
caused queue corruption on the ACC
whenever a short DATA packet was
A large number of short packets
received (one that is less than the full
received with the M-bit set can lead to a
packet size but with the M-bit set and
firmware failure (ACC card restart).
without the D-bit set). The error handling
causes the queue corruption. The ACC
firmware can survive for some time with
this queue corruption, but a lot of these
errors will eventually cause the card to
fail. This defect is fixed in this release.
Reference: SR #5003415463
This problem is extremely difficult to
reproduce in the lab. The relevant
Occasionally, zmlog displays ‘bad ZCOM
software is enhanced to display more
log header, and skips log messages
information when this problem happens.
during system start up. This happens
Refer to “Known Problems and
more often in systems with large ACC
Workarounds” for more details about this
problem and the enhancement made.
Reference: SR #5003417972
The panic was due to ZCOM memory
Reference: TPO0h02086
corruption. One of the Znode kernel
routines was calling a ZCOM routine
System panics when zx25l2stat_rcvr() is
with a missing argument. This corrupted
called rapidly from a remote node.
the ZCOM memory. This is fixed in this
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Netzwerk - HP-UX 11i v1 I/O Cards (64.94 kb)