Anleitung Zusammenfassung
it shall deliver at least 550 watts into m 8 ohm load. The amplifier shall be immune to damage from shorted. open, or mismatched loads. The amplifier shall have a gain of 29dB t .5dB per channel and an input sensitiviqr of 1.3 Volts ! 20/o lor lull rated output. Frequency response shall be 10Hz Io 2OkHz t .5d8. It shall be stable into any load including pure capacitors and inductors. Hum and noise shall be at least 110d8 below full output and SMPTE intermodulation distoftion shall be less than .010/o at full output. The amplifier shall have rear panel switching for mono and bridging modes and rear mounted level controls. The inputs shall be balanced bridging type with male and female XLR type connectors as well as 1/4" phone jacks. A three-color LED type indicator shall be employed to show the power level of each chamel and self contained forced air cooling shall be used. The power output devlces shall be of the Lateral MOS FET The fpe. anplifier shall lveigh 371b. net and mount in a standard 19 inch rack using two spaces (3.5" high). The power requirement shall be 1 10 125VAC. 50 60H2. The porveramplitier shall be an Ashly FET- 1500M. Ashly Model 1500C 'Ile power amplilier, being of two channels, shall deliver a minimum power ol 175 watts per channel into 8 ohm loads or 275 watis per channel into 4 ohn loads wiLh both channcls operating. When switched into bridged mono mode. it shall deliver al leasi 550 watts into an 8 ohm load. The amplifier shnll be imntune to dam:rge liom shoried, open. or nisnratched loads. The amplifier shall have a gain oi29dB t .SdB per ch:rnnel and an input sensitivily of 1.3 Volts t 20/o lor ltll rated output. F-requency response shall be 1OLIz to 2OkHz, t .5dts. It shall be stable inlo irny lo:rd inclllding pure capacitors and inductors. IIum :rnd noise shall bc at lcast I 1Odts below llll output ancl SMPI'E intermodulation clistortion shall be less than .010/o at Iull output. Thc amplilier shall have rear panel swikrhing lbr rrono and bridgine modes and rear ntounted level controls. The inputs shall utilize 1/4' phonc.jacks as well as terminal/barricr input strips. Sell conLait.red lbrced 'l'he air cooling shall be used. porver output dcvices shall be ol the Lateral MOS-FET type. The nmplilier shall weigh 371b.net and mouni in a stanclard l9 inch rack usinq two spaces (3.5' high), The power requirement shall be 110 l2SVAC. 50-60H2. The power amplilier shall be an Ashly FET- I 500C. ...
Dieses Handbuch ist für folgende Modelle:Receiver und Verstärker - FET-I500C (2.05 mb)