Anleitung Porter-Cable, modell PSH3
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
IMPORTANTE Asegurese de que la persona que va a usar esta herramienta lea cuidadosamente y comprenda estas instrucciones antes de empezar a operarla. IMPORTANT Veuillez vous assurer que la personne qui utilise cet outil lit attentivement et comprend ces instructions avant de commencer a utiliser l'outil. Part No. D25800-048-1 SAFETY GUIDELINES - DEFINITIONS SAFETY GUIDELINES - DEFINITIONS This manual contains indicates an imminently hazardous situation in for ma tion that is which, if not avoided, will result in death or im por tant for you to know and un der stand. This in for ma tion relates to pro tect ing YOUR SAFE TY and PRE VENT ING EQUIP MENT PROB LEMS. To help you rec og nize this in for ma serious injury. indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. indicates a potentially haz ard ous situation which, if not avoided,may result in minor or mod er ate injury used without the safety alert symbol indicates tion, we use the symbols below. potentially hazardous situation which, if not Please read the man u al and pay avoided, may result in property damage. at ten tion to these sections. IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS • SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS • IMPROPER OPERATION OR MAINTENANCE OF THIS PROD UCT COULD RE SULT IN SE RI OUS INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. READ AND UN DER STAND ALL WARN INGS AND OP ER ATING IN STRUC TIONS BE FORE USING THIS EQUIP MENT. The Following Hazards Can Occur During The Normal Use Of This Product: HAZARD Risk of explosion or fire - flammable materials WHAT COULD HAPPEN HOW TO PREVENT IT When paints or materials are sprayed, they are bro ken into very small par ti cles and mixed with air. This will cause certain paints and materials to be come ex treme ly flammable and could result in serious injury or death. Never spray near open flames or pi lot lights in stoves or heaters. Never smoke while spray ing. Provide ample ventilation when spray ing in doors. HAZARD Risk of explosion - incompatible materials WHAT COULD HAPPEN HOW TO PREVENT IT The sol vents 1,1,1-Trichloroethane and Me th yl ene Chlo ride can chem i cal ly react with the alu mi num used in most spray equip ment, and this gun and cup, to produce an ex plo sion haz ard and could result in serious injury or death. Read the label or data sheet for the material you intend to spray. 1. Never use any type of spray coat ing ma te ri al containing these solvents. 2. Never use these sol vents for equip ment cleaning or flush ing. 3. If in doubt as to wheth er a material is compatible, con tact your material supplier. HAZARD Risk of breathing WHAT COULD HAPPEN HOW TO PREVENT IT Some paints, coatings and solvents may cause lung dam age, and burns if inhaled or allowed to come into con tact with skin or eyes. Use a NIOSH approved mask or res pi ra tor and pro tec tive cloth ing de signed for use with your specif ic ap pli ca tion and spray ma te ri als. Some masks provide only lim it ed pro tec tion against toxic ma te rials and harmful paint sol vent. Con sult with a Safety Ex pert or In dus tri al Hy gien ist if un cer tain about your equipment or ma te ri als. D25800 2- ENG HAZARD Risk of flying objects WHAT COULD HAPPEN HOW TO PREVENT IT Prolonged exposure to air spray can result in per- ma nent damage to hear ing. Certain parts are under pressure when ev er the gun is con nect ed to a pres sur ized air line. These parts may be pro pelled if the gun is dis as sem bled. Compressed air may propel dirt, met al shavings, etc. and possibly cause an injury. Always wear hear ing protection when operating spray equip ment. Disconnect the gun from the air line, or com plete ly de pres sur ize the air line when ev er the gun is to be disassembled. Never point any nozzle or sprayer toward a per son or part of the body. Always wear ANSI 278.1 safety approved goggles or glasses when spraying. HAZARD Risk of injection WHAT COULD HAPPEN HOW TO PREVENT IT Spray guns op er ate at pres sures and velocities high enough to pen e trate human and an i mal flesh, which could result in am pu ta tion or oth er serious injury. ! See a phy si cian im me di ate ly! Never place hands in front of noz zle. Direct spray away from self and others. SPECIFICATIONS Air Inlet 1/4 NPS Maximum Air Pressure 100 psi. Recommended Operating Air Pressure 60 psi. Cup 20 oz (600 cc) Air Consumption @ 40 PSI 9.6 SCFM GENERAL INFORMATION Before dis as sem bly or remov al of any part of gun or attached components, shut off com pres sor, release pressure by de press ing trigger, and disconnect power source. NEV ER as sume system pres sure is zero! TO AVOID CREATING AN EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERE, WORK ONLY IN WELL VENTILATED AR EAS. USE OF A FACE MASK IS RECOMMENDED TO PRE VENT HIN HA LATION OF TOXIC MATE RI AL. 3 - ENG D25800 OPERATIONOPERATION DO NOT ATTEMPT TO UN CLOG (BACK FLUSH) SPRAY GUN BY SQUEEZ ING TRIG GER WHILE HOLD ING FIN GER IN FRONT OF FLUID NOZZLE. Pressure may vary ac cord ing to viscosity of material used. Max i ...