Anleitung Campbell Hausfeld, modell 2Z363F
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Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury and/or property damage! Retain instructions for future reference. Speedaire® General Purpose Spray Gun E N G L I S H Refer to Form 5S6326 for General Operating and Safety Instructions For Warranty & Service call 1-888-606-5587 Do Not Return To Branch Description The 2Z363F spray gun is a general purpose spray gun which handles all types of paints and materials. It can be converted for use with a separate pressure paint tank. Ideal for spraying small objects and doing detail work. E S P A N O L F R A N C A I S Figure 1 Specifications Model Air Required SCFM @ 40 psi Max. Inlet Air Pressure Fluid Nozzle I.D. Pattern size Feed Type 2Z363F 2.0 Average 4.0 Continuous 50 psig 0.049 inches 6.5 inches @ 40 psi Pressure / Siphon (1.2 mm) (8 inches distance from work piece) Mix Type Bleed Type Air Inlet Fluid Inlet Fluid Nozzle Material Fluid Needle Material Internal / Bleeder / Non-bleeder 1/4 NPS (M) 3/8 NPS (M) Zinc Plated Steel Stainless Steel External Form 5S6324 Printed in China IN234202AV 12/08 09666 1208/540/VCPVP E N G L I S H For Repair Parts, call 1-800-323-0620 24 hours a day – 365 days a year Please provide following information: - Model number - Serial number (if any) - Part description and number as shown in parts list Speedaire Repair Parts Manual 2Z363F Figure 2 – Repair Parts Illustration * 3/8 inch (9,5 mm) NPS (M) Speedaire Repair Parts Manual Model 2Z363F Repair Parts List Reference Part Number Description Number Quantity 1 Gun body assembly --1 2 Snap retaining ring s 2 3 Trigger pin s 1 4 Fluid needle assy. n 1 5 Air cap lock ring l 1 6 Air cap (internal mix) l 1 7 Air cap (external mix) l 1 8 Fluid tip n 1 E N G L I S H 9 1-1/32 x 7/32 inch O-ring s 2 10 Spring n 1 11 Fluid control knob n 1 12 Valve piston n 1 13 3/8 x 1/4 inch O-ring s 1 14 7/16 x 5/16 inch O-ring s 1 15 Spring n 1 16 1-1/16 x 7/8 inch O-Ring s 1 17 Packing ns 1 18 Packing nut n 1 19 Canister cover assembly --1 20 5-40 x 1/8 inch Socket hd. setscrew n 1 21 Canister gasket (pkg. of 3) DH420400AV s 1 22 Material tube DH065700AV 1 23 Air Inlet 1/4 NPS (M) HF001800AV 1 24 Trigger DH011800AV 1 25 Canister DH054001AV 1 26 Fluid hose adapter DH006900AV 1 27 1/16 inch Hex Allen wrench --1 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE KITS AvAILABLE s Gasket kit DH420100AV n Fluid control kit DH420200AV Air cap kit DH420300AV --Not Available 3 Speedaire Repair Parts Manual 2Z363F Speedaire® General Purpose Spray Gun E N G L I S H LIMITED WARRANTy DAyTON ONE-yEAR LIMITED WARRANTy. SPEEDAIRE® GEnERAl PuRPoSE SPRAy Gun, MoDElS CoVERED In THIS MAnuAl, ARE WARRAnTED By DAyTon ElECTRIC MFG. Co. (DAyTon) To THE oRIGInAl uSER AGAInST DEFECTS In WoRKMAnSHIP oR MATERIAlS unDER noRMAl uSE FoR onE yEAR AFTER DATE oF PuRCHASE. Any PART WHICH IS DETERMInED To BE DEFECTIVE In MATERIAl oR WoRKMAnSHIP AnD RETuRnED To An AuTHoRIZED SERVICE loCATIon, AS DAyTon DESIGnATES, SHIPPInG CoSTS PREPAID, WIll BE, AS THE EXCluSIVE REMEDy, REPAIRED oR REPlACED AT DAyTon’S oPTIon. FoR lIMITED WARRAnTy ClAIM PRoCEDuRES, SEE “PRoMPT DISPoSITIon” BEloW. THIS lIMITED WARRAnTy GIVES PuRCHASERS SPECIFIC lEGAl RIGHTS WHICH VARy FRoM JuRISDICTIon To JuRISDICTIon. LIMITATION OF LIABILITy. To THE EXTEnT AlloWABlE unDER APPlICABlE lAW, DAyTon’S lIABIlITy FoR ConSEQuEnTIAl AnD InCIDEnTAl DAMAGES IS EXPRESSly DISClAIMED. DAyTon’S lIABIlITy In All EVEnTS IS lIMITED To AnD SHAll noT EXCEED THE PuRCHASE PRICE PAID. WARRANTy DISCLAIMER. A DIlIGEnT EFFoRT HAS BEEn MADE To PRoVIDE PRoDuCT InFoRMATIon AnD IlluSTRATE THE PRoDuCTS In THIS lITERATuRE ACCuRATEly; HoWEVER, SuCH InFoRMATIon AnD IlluSTRATIonS ARE FoR THE SolE PuRPoSE oF IDEnTIFICATIon, AnD Do noT EXPRESS oR IMPly A WARRAnTy THAT THE PRoDuCTS ARE MERCHAnTABlE, oR FIT FoR A PARTICulAR PuRPoSE, oR THAT THE PRoDuCTS WIll nECESSARIly ConFoRM To THE IlluSTRATIonS oR DESCRIPTIonS. EXCEPT AS PRoVIDED BEloW, no WARRAnTy oR AFFIRMATIon oF FACT, EXPRESSED oR IMPlIED, oTHER THAn AS STATED In THE “lIMITED WARRAnTy” ABoVE IS MADE oR AuTHoRIZED By DAyTon. Technical Advice and Recommendations, Disclaimer. notwithstanding any past practice or dealings or trade custom, sales shall not include the furnishing of technical advice or assistance or system design. Dayton assumes no obligations or liability on account of any unauthorized recommendations, opinions or advice as to the choice, installation or use of products. Product Suitability. Many jurisdictions have codes and regulations governing sales, construction, installation, and/or use of products for certain purposes, which may vary from those in neighboring areas. While attempts are made to assure that Dayton products comply with such codes, Dayton cannot guarantee compliance, and cannot be responsible for how the product is installed or used. Before purchase and use of a product, review the product applications, and all applicable national and local codes and regulations, and be s...