Hersteller: Bissell
Dateigröße: 1.17 mb
Dateiname: 8cef624e-f861-45aa-b25a-bbb1cd1af0b6.pdf

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Everything we know about floor care went into the design and construction of this complete, high-tech home cleaning system. Your BISSELL Healthy Home Steam Mop Max is well made, and we back it with a limited one year warranty. We also stand behind it with a knowledgeable, dedicated Consumer Services department, so, should you ever have a problem, you’ll receive fast, considerate assistance. My great-grandfather invented the floor sweeper in 1876. Today, BISSELL is a global leader in the design, manufacture, and service of high quality homecare products like your BISSELL Healthy Home Steam Mop Max. Thanks again, from all of us at BISSELL. Mark J. Bissell Chairman, President & CEO 2 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS When using an electrical appliance, basic precautions should be observed, including the following: Read all instRuctions befoRe using youR HealtHy HoMe steaM Mop™ Max. Always connect to a properly Earthed outlet. Unplug from outlet when not in use and before conducting maintenance or troubleshooting. WARNING: To reducethe riskoffire,electric shock, orinjury: ¦ Useindoors only ¦ Do notimmerse ¦ Use onlyon surfaces moistenedby cleaningprocess ¦ Do notleave machine whenitispluggedin ¦ Donotservicemachinewhenitispluggedin ¦ Ifthe supplycordisdamaged,it mustbe replacedbythe manufacturer orits serviceagentin orderto avoid ahazard ¦ Donotusemachineifithasbeendropped, damaged,leftoutdoorsordroppedintowater ¦ Do notexposeto rain, storeindoors ¦ Donotpullorcarrybycord,usecordasahandle,closedooroncord,pullcordaroundsharpcornersoredges,runapplianceovercord,orexposecordtoheatedsurfaces ¦ Do notcarrythe appliance whilein use ¦ Do notunplugbypulling on cord; unplug bygraspingplugnotthe cord ¦ Do not handle plug or appliance withwet hands ¦ Donotputanyobjectintoapplianceopenings, usewithblockedopeningorrestrictairflow ¦ Do notexposehair,loose clothing,fingersorbodypartsto openings or movingparts ¦ Do notpickuphot orburning objects ¦ Do notpickupflammable or combustiblematerials(lighterfluid,petrol,kerosene, etc.) or useinthepresence of explosive liquids or vapours ¦ Do notuse appliancein an enclosedspacefilled with vapoursgiven offbyoilbasepaint,paintthinner, some mothproofingsubstances,flammabledust, or other explosive ortoxic vapours ¦ Removeplugfrom electricaloutletbefore cleaning or maintainingthe appliance ¦ Notintendedforusebypersons(includingchildren) withreducedphysical,sensoryormentalcapabilities,orlackofexperienceandknowledge, unlesstheyhavebeengivensupervisionorinstructionconcerninguseoftheappliancebyapersonresponsiblefortheirsafety ¦ Youngchildrenshouldbesupervisedtoensurethattheydonotplaywiththeappliance ¦ Donotpickuptoxicmaterial(chlorinebleach,ammonia,draincleaner,petrol, etc.) ¦ Do notmodifytheEarthedplug ¦ Do notallowtobe used as atoy ¦ Do notusefor anypurpose otherthandescribedinthisUser’sGuide ¦ Use onlymanufacturer’s recommended attachments ¦ Use onlycleaningproductsformulatedbyBISSELLfor useinthis appliancetopreventinternalcomponentdamage ¦ Keepopeningsfree ofdust,lint,hair, etc. ¦ Keepappliance on alevel surface ¦ Turn offall controlsbefore unplugging ¦ Be extra carefulwhen cleaning stairs ¦ Liquidor steam must notbedirected towards equipment containing electrical components ¦ Payclose attention when working around children SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS This model is for household use only. WARNING: This appliance mustbeEarthed. The symbol meansWARNING: Danger ofscalding. Surface maybehot.Avoidcontact. IMPORTANT FOROPERATION ONA220-240VOLTA.C.50/60Hz POWERSUPPLYONLY. Ifyour applianceisfittedwith a nonrewireable BS1363plugitmust notbe used unless a13 amp(ASTA approvedtoBS1362)fuseisfittedinthe carrier containedintheplug.Sparesmaybe obtainedfromyourBISSELL supplier. Iffor anyreasontheplugis cut off,it mustbe disposedof, asitis an electric shockhazard shoulditbeinsertedinto a13 amp socket. 3 Product view Strain Reliever Handle™ Demand Trigger Cord Wrap Power Cord Carrying Handle Removable Water Tank Lower Cord Wrap Water Purification System Ready Light Maneuverable Swivel head Deluxe Microfiber Mop Pad Steam on Quick Release™ for replacement parts and accessories, see page 11 4 Assembly Assembly Your Healthy Home Steam Mop Max assembles quickly and easily. The only thing you will need for assembly is a Phillips head screwdriver. Your Steam Mop is packaged with the following items: Handle Assembly Lower Body with Water Purification System Maneuverable Swivel Head Removable Water Tank 1 large Phillips Head Screw taped to the handle Handle Assembly Large Screw Lower Body Maneuverable Swivel Head Small Screw 1 small Phillips Head Screw taped to the handle 2 Deluxe Mop Pads 1. Attach lower body to maneuverable swivel head. 2. Secure maneuverable swivel head with small Phillips head screw.Tighten until secure. 3. Slide handle assembly down into lower body until it will go no further. 4. Securethehandlebyplacingthe largePhillipsheadscrewthroughthe screw openingint...