Anleitung LG, modell VC48122HU
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Use the dusting brush & crevice tool to vacuum clean the brush and fan. • Crevice Tool (9) For vacuuming in those normally inaccessible places i.e. reaching cobwebs, or down the side of a sofa! • Dusting brush (10) For vacuuming picture frames, furniture outlines, books and other uneven objects. • Upholstery Nozzle (11) For vacuuming uphostery,mattresses,etc. The thread collectors help to pick up the threads and fluff. How to plug in and use Pull out the supply cord to the desired length and plug into the socket. Slide the knob (27) to desired appropriate position. Adjusting the power level Electronic power control (27) OFF: Power off MIN: Low power MAX: Full power Park-System (17) For short breaks during vacuuming, for example to move a small piece of furniture or a rug, use the "Park system" to support the flexible hose and cleaning head. Storage (18) When you have swiched off and unplugged the appliance, press the button (13) to automatically rewind the cord. You can move or store your appliance in a vertical positin by sliding the hook on the underside of the appliance. Changing the dust bag The dustbag needs changing when the cleaner is set to maximum power and the cleaner head window (19) is completely coloured red. Even if the dustbag does not appear to be full at this stage. it should be changed, as very fine dust can clog up the pores of the dust bag. Turn off the appliance and unplug it. Open the cover by pressing the hook (20) and lifting it up until it snaps into place. Turn off the appliance and unplug it. Open the cover by pressing the hook (20) and lifting it up until it snaps into place. - 20 E Your appliance is equipped with either a paper dust bag (21) or a fabric dust bag (26) (depending on model.) Take hold of the dust bag by the handle and pull. Remove the bag and throw it away. To refit a new bag push the cardboard support of a new bag into the bag mount (22) until it will go to further. If your appliance is fitted with a fabric dust bag (26) follow the instructions as follows: Pull the clip (36) out and empty the fabric dust bag, then set the clip back and push it until it can close the dust bag completely. Do not wash the fabric dust bag. Note: as the appliance is fitted with a safety device which checks that the bag is in place you cannot close the lid if the bag is not fitted correctly. Cleaning the motor filter The motor filter is situated inside the appliance between the dust bag and the motor. Each time that you change the air outlet filter we advise you to remove the motor filter (23) and clean it by tapping to remove the dirt and then replacing it in the vacuum cleaner. Cleaning the air outlet filters Depending on the model you have chosen your appliance is equipped with different types of filters: foam filter, electrostatic filter or washable HEPA filter (24). To change the filter or wash the HEPA filter (24) Press the button (25) down, the exhaust filter cover (38) is open, take the HEPA filter (24) out. To replace the cover after changing or cleaning the filter, insert the cover (38) by Pressing the exhaust filter cover (38) untill the button locks the cover. The foam filter should be cleaned regularly by tapping it to remove the dirt. The electrostatic filter should be changed regularly. (approximately every 6 bag changes). The washable HEPA filter should be cleaned with cold and running water at least once a year. -Do not use the brush. -Allow HEPA filter to dry in a shaded place for a day. What to do if your appliance does not work? Check that the appliance is correctly plugged in and that the electrical socket is working. What to do when the suction performance reduces? Stop the appliance and unplug it. Check that the tubes, flexible hose and cleaning tool are not blocked. Check that the dust bag is not full. Replace if necessary. Check that the air outlet filter is not blocked. Replace if necessary. - 21 y Як використовувати з'єднання гнучкогошланга Спочатку штовхають пилезахисний чохол (37) вгору, вiн фiксується. Потiм штовхнiть кiнець головки (1) на гнучкому шлангу (2) в пунктi прикрiплення на вакуумному прибиральнику. Щоб видалити гнучкий шланг з вакуумного прибиральника, натискають кнопку (3), розташовану на голiвцi, потiм тягнуть вгору. Збiрка труби (залежно вiд моделi) • пластикова або металева труба (4) -сумiстiть разом двi трубки, злегка скрутивши. • телескопiчна трубка (5) -штовхнiть клямку (6) вперед. -надання трубцi необхiдну довжину. -вiдпустiть клямку для замикання. • Колiно труби (29) Колiно труби використовується для легкого чищення пiд диваном, столом i лiжком. -Помiстiть колiно труби на кiнцi телескопiчної трубки i вiзьмiться за рукоять. -Якщо ви тягнете за клямку (30), колiно труби може бути зiгнуте. -Якщо ви потягнете за колiно трубу, це повернено його позицiї. Використання протиральних головки i додаткових насадок (залежно вiд моделi) Помiстiть велику протиральну головку на кiнцi трубки. • Головка (7) 2-позицiї обладнана педаллю (8), яка дозволяє ва...