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Anleitung LG, modell V-K9765ND

Hersteller: LG
Dateigröße: 9.5 mb
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung

Floor Upholstery Nozzle Dusting Brush Crevice Tool c‡O‡‰I‡ ‰Ifl .EOUIE O·E‚IE oAUI‡ ‰Ifl U‰‡IAIEfl O.IE c‡O‡‰I‡ ‰Ifl .EOUIE ‚ U.U‰IO‰OOUUOI.. IAOU‡. Carpet eOI aO‚A. c‡O‡‰I‡ ‰Ifl .EOUIE IO‚.‡/OOI‡ Carpet/Floor Nozzle 2 1 1 2 Long type Carpet Hard Floor & Short type Carpet NIEIIO‚O.OI.E IO‚A. UAOUIOA OOIOA OOI..UEA E IO.OUIO‚O.OI.E IO‚A. Carpet Master iOU.OEOU‚O ‰Ifl .EOUIE IO‚.O‚ Long carpet Short carpet 9 5 1 2 3 4 3 How to use Dry vacuuming aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA O.IAOOO‡ eU.‡fl .EOUI‡ Air Flow Regulator eA„UIflUO. OEI. ‚O‡O.‚‡IEfl eUI..U. Open Close a‡I..U. The Air Flow Regulator allows you to change the vacuum suction for different fabric and carpet weight. Adjust the suction power with Air Flow Regulator in the handle. eA„UIflUO. OEI. ‚O‡O.‚‡IEfl OOA‚OIflAU ‡‰‡OUE.O‚‡U. UOIO‚Efl .EOUIE ‰Ifl I‡UA.EE E IO‚.O‚ . ‡AIE.IOE OIOUIOOUE. eU.A„UIE.UEUA IO.IOOU. OA.AII..‡UAIAI I‡ .U.IA. Connecting the dust tank. Closing the Top Cover Assy Assembling Hose and Pipes Connecting the Hose Turning on the Power Switch a‡I..‚‡IEA ‚A..IAE I...IE e·O.I‡ .I‡I„O‚ E U.U·OI ‡OO‡.‡U‡ iOU‡IO‚I‡ IOIUAEIA.‡ ‰Ifl O·O.‡ O.IE eO‰OOA‰EIAIEA .I‡I„‡ CII..AIEA OEU‡IEfl oEOUI‡ OOI‡/IO‚.‡ 6 Cleaning the Floor/Carpet. ON Caa 1 2 10 7 8 9 After cleaning Opening the Top Cover Assy and Lifting the Dust Tank. Separating the Dust Cover and Pouring the cleaning Dust. Washing the Guide Buoy. eIflUEA ‚A..IAE I...IE E EA‚IA.AIEA IOIUAEIA.‡ ‰Ifl O·O.‡ O.IE. eIflUEA I...IE IOIUAEIA.‡ ‰Ifl O·O.‡ O.IE E OOO.OEIAIEA IOIUAEIA.‡. e.OI.‚‡IEA UEI.U.‡. eOOIA .EOUIE eeONieeOUNOcaO! AIIU.‡UIO O.OIOEUA I‡E‰U. ‰AU‡I. UEI.U.‡ ‚ .OIO‰IOE O.OUO.IOE ‚O‰A ‰O UA. OO., OOI‡ ‚O‰‡ IA OU‡IAU .EOUOE. cAI.Afl EOOOI.AO‚‡U. IO..EA O.A‰OU‚‡, ‡ U‡IEA EOOOI.AO‚‡U. ‰Ifl UEI.U.‡ OUE.‡I.IU. EIE OOOU‰OIOA.IU. I‡.EIU. 9 WARNING! Gently rinse guide buoy separately under a cold running water until the water runs clear. Do not use detergent or a washing machine or dishwasher. Shake off excess water from the guide buoy. Re-assemble and place it back in your machine. 11 10 11 12 Removing the Cleaning Water & Connecting the Dust Cover. Connecting the Dust Tank. Closing the Top Cover Assy. a‡I..‚‡IEA ‚A..IAE I...IE ‡OO‡.‡U‡ a‡I..‚‡IEA ‚A..IAE iOU‡IO‚I‡ IOIUAEIA.‡ ‰Ifl O·O.‡ O.IE. i‰‡IAIEA ‚O‰., UOU‡IO‚I‡ I...IE IOIUAEIA.‡ ‰Ifl O·O.‡ O.IE. 1 3 2 12 How to use Wet cleaning aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA O.IAOOO‡ CI‡EI‡fl .EOUI‡ 1 2 3 5 8 4 6 7 7 If there is a strange sound in the pump, put the cleaning fluids into the shampoo tank. Because it indicates that there is no cleaning fluid in the shampoo tank. OOIE I‡OOO O.OEA‚O‰EU OOOUO.OIIEE .UI ‰O·‡‚.UA ‚ IOIUAEIA. ‰Ifl .‡IOUIfl .EOUfl.AE EE‰IOOUE. oUI „O‚O.EU O UOI, .UO ‚ IOIUAEIA.A ‰Ifl .‡IOUIfl IA OOU‡IOO. .EOUfl.AE EE‰IOOUE. Opening the Top Cover Assy Closing the Tank Cap and the Top Cover Assy Turning on the Power & Shampoo Switch Connecting the Hose & Tube Pulling the lever Assembling Hose & Pipes and Connecting Tube Opening the Tank Cap Pouring Water & Shampoo eUI..‚‡IEA ‚A..IAE I...IE ‡OO‡.‡U‡ a‡I..‚‡IEA I...IE .AAA.‚U‡.‡ E ‚A..IAE I...IE ‡OO‡.‡U‡ e·O.I‡ .I‡I„‡, U.U· E OOA‰EIEUAI.IO„O O‡U.U·I‡ CII..AIEA OEU‡IEfl E OO‰‡.E .‡IOUIfl eO‰OOA‰EIAIEA .I‡I„‡ eA.AIA.AIEA ...‡„‡ eUI..‚‡IEA I...IE .AAA.‚U‡.‡ a‡IE‚‡IEA ‚O‰. E .‡IOUIfl Standard spot 1 Cup Heavy spot 2 Cup eU‡I‰‡.UIOA OflUIO 1 Cup Tank Cap i.U‰IOU‰‡IflAIOA OflUIO 2 Cup a...I‡ .AAA.‚U‡.‡ Carpet aO‚A. Tile a‡UAI. Window eIIO Sofa afl„I‡fl IA·AI. CO‰‡ ON Caa ON Caa .‡IOUI. 13 12 13 9 10 11 10 When you hear the big noise from the main body during the operation, empty the dust tank. Because it indicates that the safety float automatically closes the suction inlet and you will notice that no more liquid is sucked up. C OIU.‡A OEI.IO„O .UI‡ ‚ O.IAOOOA O.EOUEUA IOIUAEIA. ‰Ifl IUOO.‡. i‡IOE .UI „O‚O.EU O UOI, .UO ‡‚UOI‡UE.AOIEE II‡O‡I A‡I..I ‚OUOIIOA OU‚A.OUEA. C. U‚E‰EUA, .UO EE‰IOOU. OA.AOU‡I‡ ‚O‡O.‚‡U.Ofl. Wet Cleaning Lifting the Dust Tank Pouring the Cleaning Liquid Checking the Cleaning Liquid Opening the Top Cover Assy CI‡EI‡fl .EOUI‡ aA‚IA.AIEA .AAA.‚U‡.‡ ‰Ifl O·O.‡ O.IE a‡IE‚I‡ .EOUfl.AE EE‰IOOUE e.O‚A.I‡ U.O‚Ifl .EOUfl.AE EE‰IOOUE eUI..‚‡IEA ‚A..IAE I...IE ‡OO‡.‡U‡ MAX a‡IOEI‡I.I.E 14 Closing the Top Cover Assy a‡I..‚‡IEA ‚A..IAE I...IE ‡OO‡.‡U‡ 15 Removing the Cleaning Water & Connecting the Dust Cover. 16 Connecting the Dust Tank. 14 17 Washing the Guide Buoy. i‰‡IAIEA ‚O‰., UOU‡IO‚I‡ I...IE IOIUAEIA.‡ ‰Ifl O·O.‡ O.IE. iOU‡IO‚I‡ IOIUAEIA.‡ ‰Ifl O·O.‡ O.IE. e.OI.‚‡IEA UEI.U.‡. eeONieeOUNOcaO! AIIU.‡UIO O.OIOEUA I‡E‰U. ‰AU‡I. UEI.U.‡ ‚ .OIO‰IOE O.OUO.IOE ‚O‰A ‰O UA. OO., OOI‡ ‚O‰‡ IA OU‡IAU .EOUOE. cAI.Afl EOOOI.AO‚‡U. IO..EA O.A‰OU‚‡, ‡ U‡IEA EOOOI.AO‚‡U. ‰Ifl UEI.U.‡ OUE.‡I.IU. EIE OOOU‰OIOA.IU. I‡.EIU. 14 WARNING! Gently rinse guide buoy separately under a cold running water until the water runs clear. Do not use detergent or a washing machine or dishwasher. Shake off excess water from the guide buoy. Re-assemble and place it back in your machine. 15 How to use Carpet cleaning aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA O.IAOOO‡ oEOUI‡ ...


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