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Anleitung Billy Goat, modell KV650HFB

Hersteller: Billy Goat
Dateigröße: 719.07 kb
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung

.. Clean Debris bag .. Check bag strap tightness .. Engine (See Engine Manual) Check for excessive vibration .. Troubleshooting P roblem P os s ib le C aus e S o lu tion A bnorm al vib ra tio n . · L oos e o r o u t o f b a lanc e im peller o r loos e e n g ine · C hec k im peller a n d replac e if require d . Chec k e ng ine W ill not vac uum or has poor vac uum p erfo rm anc e · d irty d e b ris b a g . H os e k it c ap m is s ing. ·Clogge d noz z le o r ex haus t . E x c es s ive quantity o f d eb ris . · Im p roper n o z z le h e ig h t · C lean debris b a g . S hak e b a g c le a n o r was h. Chec k for hos e k it c ap. Unc log noz z le o r e x haus t . A llow a ir to feed w ith debris E n g ine w ill n o t s ta rt . · S to p switc h o ff. Throt t le in o ff p o s it io n . E n g ine n o t in full c hok e pos it io n . O ut o f gas oline. B a d o r o ld gas o line . S park plug w ire d is c onnec te d . D irty a ir c leaner · C hec k s to p switc hes , throt t le , c hok e pos it ion and gas oline . C onnec t s park p lug w ire. Clean o r re p lac e a ir filte r. O r c on tac t a q u a lifie d s ervic e pers o n . E n g in e is loc k e d , w ill not p u ll o ve r. · D ebris loc k e d in im p e ller. E n g in e p roblem . · S e e p a g e 5 . C o n tac t a e n g in e s ervic e dea le r for e n g in e p ro b lem s Noz z le s c rapes g round in lowes t h e ig h t s et t in g . Noz z le h e ig h t o u t o f a d jus tm ent A djus t n oz z le h e ig h t (S ee N oz z le heig h t fine adjus tm e n t for hard s urfac es on page 5 Too m uc h d u s t c om in g from bag. · V ac uum in g very d ry , b rit t le o r sm a ll debris · S witc h to felt b a g (s ee p a g e 1 ac c es s ories ) IMPELLER REMOVAL 1. Wait for engine to cool and disconnect spark plug. 2. Drain fuel and oil from the engine. 3. Remove bag, quick release, and upper handle. Do not kink, stretch, or break control cables, control housings, or end fittings while removing handles. 4. Remove housing top plate by removing bolts around outside of housing. 5. Leaving engine fastened to top plate, turn it upside down so the impeller is on top. 6. Remove impeller bolt and lock washer and washer. 7. Lift impeller upward. If impeller slides freely, proceed to (step 10). 8. Place two crowbars between impeller and housing on opposite sides. Pry impeller away from engine until it loosens. Using a penetrating oil can help loosen a stuck impeller. 9. If the impeller does not loosen, use two pry bars and pull the impeller near the hub away from the engine, this should loosen it and allow you to remove the impeller from shaft. Using a penetrating oil can help loosen a stuck impeller. 10. Using a new impeller bolt and lockwasher and washer, reinstall new impeller in reverse order. 11. Tighten impeller bolt. Torque impeller bolt to 33-38 Ft. Lbs. (44-51 N.m) (see item 30 on page 15). 12. Reinstall engine onto housing in reverse order of removal. 13. Gas and oil. 14. Reinstall spark plug wire. Part No 891203 8 Form No F060911D KV Push Owner’s Manual PARTS DRAWING KV KV Push Owner’s Manual PARTS LIST KV Push Owner’s Manual PARTS LIST ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION KV600/KV600FB PART NUMBER QTY KV650H/KV650HFB PART NUMBER QTY 1 MAIN FRAME HOUSING NEW KD 891100-S 1 891100-S 1 2 NOZZLE ASSEMBLY TKV 891110-S 1 891110-S 1 3 AXLE WA KV MICRO 891138 1 891138 1 4 PLATE TOP ENGINE KV 891007-1-S 1 891007-1-S 1 5 IMPELLER 12.75 WA PUSH VAC 891108-S 1 891108-S 1 6 DOOR EXHAUST ASSY RAW 890148 1 890148 1 7 WASHER 1/2" SAE Z/P 8172011 4 8172011 4 8 WHEEL ASSY 12" X 2.5" TREAD 900509 4 900509 4 9 ENGINE 6.5 HP HONDA GSV190AN1L --840069 1 ENGINE 6.0 HP B&S 890622 1 -- 10 LOWER HANDLE KV 891050 1 891050 1 11 HANDLE UPPER KV 891054-S 1 891054-S 1 12 QUICK DISCONNECT 890176 1 890176 1 13 PIN CLEVIS 3/8" x 2.125" LONG 520120 4 520120 4 14 RETAINER 360279 4 360279 4 15 GRIP HANDLE 1"X 9.5" LG 430342 2 430342 2 16 LABEL WARNING FUEL EN/SP 100261 1 -- 17 LABEL READ 890301 1 890301 1 18 LABEL WARNING DANGER 400424 2 400424 2 19 LABEL DANGER FLYING DEBRIS 810736 1 810736 1 20 LABEL EAR EYE BREATHING 890254 1 890254 1 21 BAG DEBRIS NO ZIPPER KV 891132 1 891132 1 BAG DEBRIS FELT (FB MODELS) 891126 1 891126 1 23 CABLE THROTTLE ASSY 42" W/CHOKE 891036 1 891027 1 25 BOLT J 3/8-16 X 6" 891071 1 891071 1 26 TY WRAP 900407 3 900407 3 27 WASHER LOCK 3/8" ST MED 8177012 1 8177012 1 28 KEY 3/16 SQ. X 1.25 9201080 1 9201080 1 29 NUT 1/4-20 ACORN 840071 1 840071 1 30 SCREWCAP 3/8-24X1 LOCKTITE 900154 1 -- SCREWCAP 3/8-24X1 1/2" GR. 8 --900344 1 31 SCREWCAP 1/4 - 20 x 5/8 HWH 890359 16 890359 16 32 WASHER 5/16 FLATWASHER Z/P 8171003 16 8171003 16 33 SCREWCAP 5/16-18 X 1.75 ZP 8041031 8 8041031 8 34 NUT LOCK 5/16-18 8160002 8 8160002 8 35 SCREWCAP 1/4-20 X 3/4" 8041004 2 8041004 2 36 WASHER 1/4" SAE ZP 8172007 10 8172007 10 37 NYLON INSERT LOCKNUT, 1/4-20 UNC 8160001 8 8160001 8 38 1/2-13 CAP NUT NP W/PATCH 890530 4 890530 4 39 SCREWCAP 1/4-20x2" HCS ZP 8041010 1 8041010 1 40 SCREW PLASTIC 1/4-10 X 1 891039 8 891039 8 4...

Dieses Handbuch ist für folgende Modelle:
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