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Anleitung Chamberlain, modell EL25

Hersteller: Chamberlain
Dateigröße: 1.98 mb
Dateiname: 114A3042.pdf


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Anleitung Zusammenfassung

These instructions are not intended to be comprehensive. Please consult the Keypad Programming Manual for complete information. © 2005 The Chamberlain Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved Guide for Programming the EL25 ProgrammingNumber Description of T ask Factor ySetting Programming Procedure *** Entering Programming Mode *** (6 Digit Password) 0 Exiting Programming Mode 0 # 1 Change or Verify the Unit's Password 000000 1 # (1 to change; 2 to verify) # (six-digit code) # 2 Set Unit ID Number and No. in Chain Unit ID 1, Chain No. 1 2 # (unit ID number, 1-7) # (Number of Units in Chain, 1-7) # 3 Set the Clock 3 # yymmdd # (day of the week) # hhmm # 4 Enable/Disable Daylight Savings Time Enabled 4 # (0 = disable; 1 = enable) # 5 Set Visitor Talk Time 60 Seconds 5 # (15 – 250 seconds) # 6 Set Directory Code Length 2 Digits 6 # (1 or 2) # 7 Set Entry Code Length 4 Digits 7 # (3-9) # 9 Enable/Disable Call Waiting Enabled 9 # (0 = disable; 1 = enable) # 10 Enable/Disable Do Not Disturb Schedule Disabled 10 # (directory code) # (0 = disable; 1 = enable) # 11 Enable/Disable Unlock Time Zone Enabled 11 # (0 = disable; 1 = enable) # 12 Enable/Disable Anti-Passback Disabled 12 # Enable/Disable True Anti-Passback (0 = disable; 1 = enable) # Enable/Disable Timed Anti-Passback (0 = disable; 1 = enable) # 13 Set Anti-Passback Time 3 Minutes 13 # (1-60 minutes) # 14 Set Maximum Number of Rings Allowed Before Aborting Attempt 5 Rings 14 # (1 – 9) # 15 Set Standard Single Ring or Double Ring Response 0 = One Long Ring 15 # (0 – 1; 0 = one long ring, 1 = double ring) # 16 Number of Rings Before Unit Answers 5 Rings 16 # (0 – 15) # Each unit in chain must have same setting 17 Set “Strikes” and “Out” 3 Errors 17 # (max errors, 0-5) # 18 Set Speaker Volume 5 18 # (0 = mute; 1-10, 1 is low and 10 is high) # 19 Set Microphone Volume 5 19 # (0 = mute; 1-10, 1 is low and 10 is high) # 20 Enable/Disable the Telco Mode Enabled 20 # (0 = disable; 1 = enable) # 21 Enable/Disable Direct Commands Enabled 21 # (0 = disable; 1 enable) # 22 Enable/Disable Voice Mail Disabled 22 # (0 = disable; 1 = enable) # 23 Enable/Disable Access Granted Beeps Enabled 23 # (0 = disable; 1 = enable) # 24 Enable/Disable Real-Time Monitoring Disabled 24 # (0 = disable; 1 = enable) # Optional Steps Indicated with a Background, all other steps are Required The Pound Key (# ) must be used as Data Field Separator and to Save Data at the end of the sequence. Time must be entered using a 24-hour format (8AM=0800, 3PM=1500 etc.) Important: 2 Short Beeps: Programming input is valid. 1 Long Beep: Input is not valid. If you make an error during an entry, press the asterisk key (*) to begin again. Page 1 ProgrammingNumber 30 30 # (time zone number, 2-63) # (segment number; 99) # (starting time = hhmm; 99) # (ending time = hhmm) # (day of week, 1-8; 1 = Sunday; 7 = Saturday; 8 = holiday) # Create a Time Zone 29 Reset the Unit 31 # (door 1-4) # (time zone, 2-63; 99) #31 Assign Door Auto Lock/Unlock Time Zone Disabled FactorySettingDescription of Task Programming Procedure 41 Add or Edit a Full Function Directory Code 40 40 # (directory code) # (phone number) # (phone extension) # 32 # (1 = add, 2 = verify, 0 = delete) # (yymmdd; yy = year, mm = month, dd = day of the month) # Add a Basic Directory Code 32 Setting Holidays 29 # 101010 # 28 Restore Factory Settings 28 # 101010 # Verify an Entry Code 55 Activate/Deactivate an Entry Code 56 55 # (entry code) # Change an Entry Code ONLY 54 54 # (entry code to change) # (new entry code) # Activate/Deactivate a Directory Code 45 Enable/Disable Call Forwarding (Directory Calls) 46 Disabled Disabled Delete a Directory Code Enable/Disable Call Forwarding and Do Not Disturb Schedule with Residence “Call” Button Only 48 49 48 # (directory code) # Verify a Directory Code 47 47 # (directory code) # Add a Basic Entry Code 50 Add/Edit a Full Function Entry Code 51 50 # (entry code) # 44 # (new directory code) # (directory code to change) # Change a Directory Code ONLY 44 41 # (directory code) # (phone number) # (phone ext) # (DnD schedule number, 0-63) # (enable/disable call fwd) # (call fwd schedule number, 0-63) # (new call fwd phone number) # (call fwd phone ext) # 46 # (directory code) # (0 = disable; 1 = enable) (schedule number, 0-63) # (new call forward phone number) # (call forward phone extension) # 49# DnD Enable (1)/Disable (0) # DnD Schedule (063) # Call Forward Enable/Disable (0 = disable; 1 = enable) # Call Forward Schedule (schedule number, 0-63 # (new call forward phone number) # (call forward phone extension) # (call forward extension delay, 0 to 30 sec.) # 51 # (entry code) # (schedule for door 1, 0-63) # (schedule for door 2, 0-63) # (schedule for door 3, 0-63) # (schedule for door 4, 0-63) # 56 # (entry code) # (0 = deactivate; 1 activate) # (0 = don't use start; 1 = use start) # (Start Date = yymmdd) # (Start Time = hhmm) # (0 = don't use end; 1 = use end) # (End Date = yymmdd) # (End Time = hhmm) # 45 # (directory code)...

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