Anleitung ALCATEL Mobile Phones, modell Temporis Mini
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Can’t be heard by other party FIXER LE TELEPHONE AU MUR MONTAREA TELEFONULUI PE PERETE Telefonul poate fi montate si pe perete (pe o placa neinclusa in pachetul livrat) Base unit with handset Percer dans le mur deux trous verticaux distants de 83 mm. Inserer des chevilles puis visser des vis a bois (diametre : 3 mm, long. : 25 mm) sans les bloquer. Fixer le socle sur les vis en le tirant vers le bas. Brancher l'extremite du cordon de ligne dans la prise telephonique murale. BEFORE YOU BEGIN MODULAR JACK REQUIREMENTS You need a RJ11C type modular jack, which is the most common type of phone jack and might look like the one pictured here. If you don’t have a modular jack, call your local phone company to find out how to get one installed. CARE AND MAINTENANCE To keep your phone working and looking good ,follow these guidelines; Avoid putting near heating appliances and devices that generate electrical noise (for example , motors and fluorescent lamps) DO NOT expose to direct sunlight or moisture. Avoid dropping and other rough treatment. Never use a strong cleaning agent or abrasive powder because this will damage the finish. Retain the original package in case you need to ship it at a later date. Introduceti suruburile de prindere (din spateletelefonului) in gaurile de pe placuta de perete si fixati unitatea in locasul sau. Bagati cablul de telefon in jacul modular de telefonie. Wall plate Telephone line jack INSTALLING THE PHONE Your telephone should be placed on a level surface such as a desk top, or you can mount it on a wall , A desktop /wall mounting pedestal is built into the base of the phone. RECEVOIR UN APPEL UTILIZAREA OPTIUNILOR TELEFONULUI RECEPTIONAREA UNUI APEL TELEFONIC Pozitionati comutatorul RINGER (Sonerie) pe ON (activ ( ). Cand telefonul suna, ridicati receptorul si incepeti convorbirea. Intoarceti butonul de SONERIE in pozitia ( ) cand nu doriti sa fiti deranjat de telefon. “WEEE” Weight: 0.34 kg RECEVOIR UN APPEL Used equipment must be disposed of in compliance with current environmental protection regulations. You should return it to your reseller or dispose of it in an approved recycling centre. Connect the telephone line cord to a modular telephone jack. Slide the RINGER switch (on the handset ) to ON. Set PULSE/ TONE switch (on the handset ) to TONE for touch-tone service, or set it to PULSE for rotary service. If you don’t know which type of service you have, check with the phone company. Verifier que le curseur de la sonnerie est positionne sur . Lorsque le telephone sonne ; decrocher le combine et vous pouvez parler. VOLUME DE LA SONNERIE VOLUMUL SONERIEI Puteti regla volumul soneriei cu ajutorul rotitei situate in partea dreapta a telefonului. = tonul de sonerie se va auzi tare. = telefonul nu va suna. EFECTUAREA UNUI APEL TELEFONIC Ridicati receptorul si asteptati tonul de apel. Apelati numarul de telefon dorit. TASTA DE REAPELARE Acest telefon poate reapela pana la 32 cifre. Pentru a reapela automat ultimul numar apelat: Ridicati receptorul pentru a obtine un ton de apel. Apasati tasta Reapelare. Par defaut, la sonnerie est activee et le curseur situe sur le cote droit du telephone est positionne sur . Pour desactiver la sonnerie, placer ce meme curseur sur . APPELER UN CORRESPONDANT WALL MOUNT INSTALLATION Your telephone may also be mounted on a wall plate (not included). Decrocher le combine, attendre la tonalite puis composer le numero du correspondant. Slip the mounting holes (on the bottom of the base) over the wall plate posts and firmly slide the unit down into place. Plug the telephone line cord into a modular wall phone jack. RAPPELER LE DERNIER NUMERO COMPOSER (BIS) Decrocher le combine pour obtenir la tonalite puis appuyer sur la touche . Sonerie pornita/ oprita Curseur sonnerie activee/ desactivee Curseur Tone/Pulse Comutator Ton/Puls Reapelare Thomson Telecom 46 quai Alphonse le Gallo 92100 Boulogne Billancourt France Touche Bis Model Temporis Mini-CE 00030411 (Rev.0 E/F/R/P/G) 09-39 Printed in China .......... .......... ....... .......... OKRESOWE PRZELACZENIE NA WYBIERANIE TONOWE TON TEMPORAR POLSKI .......A ... ..... ...... ....... ........ ... .......... .. .......... ........ .... ......... ....... ........... ... ........ .. ..... ....... .........., .... . ........ ........... ... ... ...... ... ......., ........ .. ............... .... .. ........... ...... .. ....... TONE (*) .... .. ..... ........ .. ... ........ .... .... .. .............. .. .......... ....... ........... ..... .. ........ .. ......, . ....... .. .......... ........ .. .......... ........ ........... Daca dispuneti de serviciul Puls (rotativ), si doriti sa accesati servicii care...