Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Short (or apply 0 mV) to the copper wires at the Calibrator. 5. Verify the thermometer reads 0.0 oC ± 0.3 oC. 6. If this test fails, reposition the thermocouple wires and Mercury thermometer to the same depth in the ice bath, and repeat steps 3-5. If the test continues to fail, perform the calibration procedure, located after this procedure. 7. Remove the short applied in step 4. 8. Using Table 3, steps 2-5, obtain an output from the Calibrator equal to the values in the “Input Voltage (mV DC)” column, and verify the thermometer reads within the limits specified. If any step fails, perform the calibration procedure located later in this section. 9. Disconnect the thermocouple from the input terminals. This completes the ice bath test. 51, 52, 53, 54 Series II Service Manual Table 3. Performance Test Values (K-Type Thermocouple) Step Input Voltage (mV DC) Equivalent Temperature Display Reading limits °C °F 1 0.0000 0.0 °C 32.0 °F -0.3 to 0.3 31.5 to 32.5 2 0.9193 23.0 °C 73.4 °F 22.7 to 23.3 72.9 to 73.9 3 -5.7297 -190.0 °C -310.0 °F -189.3 to -190.7 -308.9 to -311.1 4 40.8853 990.0 °C 1814 °F 989.2 to 990.8 1813 to 1815 5 48.8382 1200 °C 2192 °F 1199 to 1201 2190 to 2194 Verification ofIR Communications Port(Fluke 53 and 54) This section explains how to verify the operation of the IR Communications Port (IR port). Perform the following procedure using a PC and HyperTerminal. The IR port can also be verified using FlukeviewO software. To set up a HyperTerminal file, follow these steps: 1. Connect the IR adapter cable to the DB9 Adapter connector. Connect the other end of the DB9 Adapter to a COM port of the PC. 2. Place the Fluke 53 or 54 in front of the IR adapter. 3. Open up a HyperTerminal session. Select Start button, Programs, Accessories, HyperTerminal. 4. Open up a New Connection with a name like “Fluke 54 IR Test”. 5. When the Connect To box appears, select the COM1 or COM2 (the port that the IR adapter cable is plugged into). 6. Select Port Settings: 9600 baud rate, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control. 7. Under File, select properties. Verify that the correct port is selected. Click on Configure. Verify that port settings are correct (the baud rate may need to be changed to 9600). 8. Select the Settings tab then click on ASCII Setup. Check the following boxes: • Echo typed characters locally • Append line feeds to incoming line ends · Wrap lines that exceed terminal width To open a HyperTerminal file to test the IR port, use the following procedure: 1. Under File, select Save As. Use a file name such as “Fluke 54 IR Test” and then click on save. 2. Click on the phone disconnect icon. 3. Click on open folder or under File select Open. Double click on Fluke 54 IR Test. 4. Type in "ID" followed by the Enter key (notice the "ID" is capitalized). 5. The display of the thermometer now shows the thermometer name (Fluke 53-II or Fluke 54-II), and the units operating software version (e.g. Fluke 54-II, V1.01). Thermometer Calibration and Offset Adjustment Calibration and Offset Adjustment Calibration consists of two parts: 1. Calibration of the A/D converter, using the set up shown in Figure 3. 2. Reference junction calibration, using the ice bath test set up shown in Figure 2. A/D Calibration To calibrate the A/D portion of the thermometer, follow these steps: 1. Connect the calibrator to the T1 input of the thermometer using copper (nonthermocouple) wire and a copper thermocouple connector. Refer to Figure 3 for proper equipment connections. 2. Turn the thermometer on, with a small, blunt probe, press the calibration button located on the back and in the center of the thermometer. Refer to Figure 4. 5700A Calibrator 51, 52, 53, or 54 Series II Thermometer Copper wire Copper Thermocouple connector + - _ -+ zb06f.eps Figure 3. Calibration Connections 51, 52, 53, 54 Series II Service Manual Calibration button access zb02f.eps Figure 4. Calibration Button Access 3. The menu on the display changes to “CAL A-d”. Note Within CAL are four menu options that may be accessed by pressing E: • CAL A-d prompts the operator for the A/D calibration inputs in mV dc. • CAL rEF allows the operator to calibrate the reference junction at a known temperature. • CAL donE saves the new calibration constants in memory. • CAL Abrt ignores calibration changes (turning the thermometer off while in CAL will also ignore calibration changes). 4. Press K or . to select different menu options. 5. With CAL A-d selected, press E. The thermometer prompts “80”. Set the calibrator to +80.000 mV and allow the output to stabilize. Note For steps 6 and 8, keep hand and body motion to a minimum while the thermometer takes A/D readings. 6. Press E. Wait while it takes A/D readings. 7. When the thermometer prompts for “-8”, set the Calibrator to -8.0000 mV. Allow the output to stabilize. 8. Press E on the thermometer and wait while it takes A/D readings. The thermometer now shows the measured value in the bottom portion of the di...
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