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HP StorageWorks P4000 SAN Solution Quick Start Guide
Step 1
Setting up the storage system
Step 2
Setting up the network
Step 3
Setting up the SAN
Install the storage system into a rack, if necessary.
Using the HP StorageWorks Management DVD:
Verify or configure RAID. Configure network settings
We recommend using the provided rail kit for installing
Insert the HP StorageWorks Management DVD in the DVD drive. The installer
Verify the RAID configuration on your storage nodes before creating storage. You
the storage system in a rack.
Before configuring the network settings on individual storage
should launch automatically.
can only reconfigure RAID on storage nodes that are in the available pool.
nodes, have the following information ready:
Safety information
Change network settings, including bonding NICs, before creating storage.
• Host names
Setting up SAN storage
Due to the weight of the storage system,
• IP addresses, subnet mask and gateway.
use two people to lift it into a rack.
Use the management groups, clusters and volumes wizard to set up the storage
Logging into the configuration interface
configuration and create a storage volume.
Connect a keyboard and monitor (KVM). You will use this
• Using a 2-node or multi-site SAN configuration
Press enter to log in. Use the tab key to move through the fields
connection to assign a hostname and IP address to the
You may need to install the failover manager that runs on VMware for
and menu options in the configuration interface.
storage system.
automated failover configurations or multi-site SANs.
(Optional) Connect a PC or laptop to the storage
system’s serial port using a null modem cable. On
the PC or laptop attached to the storage system,
open a session with a terminal emulation program,
using the following settings:
19200, 8-N-1
Configuration interface main menu
Make certain that all the drives are seated and latched.
Tab to network TCP/IP settings and press enter.
Installing the centralized management console (CMC)
Connect the power cord(s) to the storage system and plug
into the power source(s).
Install the CMC on the computer that you will use to administer the SAN. You
need administrative privileges while installing the CMC.
Using the installation wizard:
Use only the power cord(s) supplied with the storage
1. Click centralized management console.
system. Other power cords may not fit correctly and may
2. Click Install CMC.
cause problems maintaining power to the storage
3. Continue through the installation wizard, following the instructions on each
Download and install iSCSI initiator(s)
Install the Failover Manager
Power on the storage system.
Install the appropriate iSCSI initiator on your application servers.
Install the Failover Manager onto a separate server on the network.
Enable access to volumes
Selecting an interface to configure
Caution: Do not install the Failover Manager on the HP LeftHand Storage
Solution, since this would defeat the purpose of the Failover Manager.
Tab to select the network interface that you want to configure
Using the installation wizard:
(eth0 or port1) and press enter.
1. Click Failover Manager.
2. Click Install FOM.
3. Continue through the installation wizard, following the instructions on each
After the installation wizard finishes, the default choice is to launch the
Failover Manager.
4. Click Finish to exit the wizard and start the Failover Manager.
Discover nodes on the network
Step 1
Setting up the virtual SAN appliance
Use the Find Nodes wizard to discover the storage nodes on the network, using
either IP addresses or host names, or by using the subnet and gateway mask of
the storage network.
Insert the HP StorageWorks P4000 VSA CD in the CD drive.
Change the host name and set IP address
The installer should launch automatically.
Set the IP address, subnet mask and gateway.
Log in to volumes via iSCSI initiator(s)
Installing the P4000 VSA for ESX:
Best practice
Configure the initiator(s) to ...
Manually assign IP addresses to the storage nodes. Using DHCP
• Connect to the cluster VIP
Select Install VSA for ESX
to obtain an IP address is not recommended unless using reserved
• Discover the targets
• Log on
Unzip to the prepared directory and start the VI Client.
• Format the disks with a file system.
Install and set up service console
Transfer the virtual machine to the ESX server.
Install service console from the HP StorageWorks Management DVD. Configure the
Add the VSA to inventory.
service console to automatically upload SAN health information to HP
StorageWorks technical support.
Select the network.
The found storage nodes appear in the available category in the CMC.
Configure the data disk.
Virtual device node must be SCSI (1:0)
Documentation Available
Mode must be Independent > Persistent
For detailed instructions about using the HP StorageWorks P4000 SAN Solution, see the following resources.
Reserve at least 2000 MHz CPU and 1024 MB memory.
• Online Help
Click Help > Help Topics from the menu bar to open the Online Help. Context sensitive help is available by clicking the question mark on any window.
Power on the VSA.
• HP StorageWorks P4000 SAN Solution User Manual
Verify IP address
Find complete instructions for configuring and managing storage nodes and clustered storage volumes in the User Manual. The User Manual is available in PDF format, installed in the same
Ping the IP address of the storage node from another host on the
directory as the Centralized Management Console program files.
Set the IP address and host name of the VSA
network to verify that it is operating correctly.
• HP StorageWorks P4000 VSA Quick Start Guide
10 Repeat for each VSA
Repeat for each storage node.
Find detailed instructions for planning and installing the VSA and getting started with the Centralized Management Console.
• HP StorageWorks P4000 VSA User Manual
Installing the P4000 VSA for Hyper-V:
Find detailed instructions for designing your virtual SAN, including hardware design and virtual network design. Also includes important information about using VSAs in the HP StorageWorks
P4000 SAN Solution, including sample configurations.
Select Install VSA for Hyper-V
• Release Notes
Review the Release Notes and Service Notes for the latest information about the product.
After installation is complete continue with step 3: Setting
These documents can be found at the HP support website at: http://www.hp.com/support/manuals after selecting your product model.
up the SAN.
Support Contacts
Telephone numbers for worldwide technical support are listed on the HP support website: http://www.hp.com/support
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