Dieses Gerät hat auch andere Anweisungen:
Anleitung Zusammenfassung
E-R Model - See Entity-Relationship model.
Entity - An entity is a description of an object in the information network, and belongs to a specific Entity
Entity List - The ordered list of entities that make up a relationship.
Entity Type - An object in the dictionary structure that classifies entity occurrences. Each entity type is
further defined by an associated set of attributes.
Entity-Relationship Model - A logical structure that is general enough that it can describe most, if not
all, of the information processing done on a computer network. The entity-relationship model is composed
of entity types, relationship types, relationship classes and attributes.
Environment - 1) The computer system hardware and software required for the operation of System
Extended Set - The user-created set of structure definitions within the dictionary; an extension of the
Core Set.
External Name - One of two names (see also Internal Name) assigned to every item in the dictionary. It
is a customizable and localizable reference that is intended for dictionary end users.
Homonym - The same name used for conceptually different entity occurrences of the same entity type.
Internal Name - One of two names (see also External Name) assigned to every item in the dictionary. An
internal name is not changeable, and is intended for use by software products used with System Dictionary
which rely on specific names for identification purposes.
Internal Number - An identification number automatically assigned to all dictionary components when
they are created. These numbers may be read from the Status array (parameter) of intrinsics used for
creation and retrieval of dictionary components and, when used, can greatly increase the efficiency and
speed of some dictionary operations.
Keyword-Clause -
A keyword clause can be either a single keyword or a keyword followed by
an equal sign (=) that is followed by either nothing, a single value, or a list of values separated
by commas. The keywords are SDMAIN-defined, while their values are either SDMAIN defined
or user-defined. Keyword clauses are separated by semicolons.
List Terminator - A semicolon ( ; ) that indicates to the intrinsic using a specific list, that there are no
more entries in the list.
Local Domain - A user-created name space that separates a set of names, which includes names used for
a different purpose. See also Common Domain.
Locking - A process that allows only one user at a time to access the dictionary. System Dictionary
provides two types of locking: automatic, which protects individual operations, and manual, which can
protect a sequence of operations.
Logging - A process that can automatically create a log of all dictionary transactions, providing a means
to repeat those transactions in the event of data loss.
Macro - A user-defined set of commands that you can save in a file and call using macro names. When
you call the macro, each defined command is executed in the same way that it would have been had you
entered each command individually. (SDMAIN only)
Metadata - Descriptive information about data, but not the data itself. Example: a file card in a library,
which contains information about a book, but is not the book itself; an address of a building, which
provides information about its location, but is not the location itself.
N-ary Relationship - A relationship that involves N entities, where 3<=N<=6 (see also Binary
D- 106
...Dieses Handbuch ist für folgende Modelle:
Software - MPE/iX 6.5 Operating System (170 kb)
Software - MPE/iX 7.0 Operating System (170 kb)
Software - MPE/iX 7.5 Operating System (170 kb)