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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
The term SPU is used in some OS interfaces. The term is used for compatibility reasons, but
refers to a schedulable hardware entity. If LCPUs are enabled, an SPU is an LCPU. If LCPUs
are not enabled, an SPU is a core.
Integrity Virtual Machines use the term “Virtual CPU”. It would be more correctly described
as a virtual SPU. The guest OS running in an Integrity VM wil limit the number of running
process threads to one per virtual SPU, just as HP-UX wil only execute one process thread per
SPU at any given time.
The term CPU can be used as a generic compute resource, as in “CPU resources can be
managed by gWLM”. CPUs can’t be counted, since the definition is ambiguous.
Similarly, HP VSE has changed the simple notion that one server runs one OS, which runs multiple
applications al competing for resources. HP has introduced the Partitioning Continuum, which
provides several ways to divide system resources among workloads.
nPars are physical partitions, which divide a single server into multiple electrical y isolated
partitions. Not al servers support nPars. Servers that support nPars can be divided into one
or more nPars. HP-UX, Linux, Windows, OpenVMS in any combination and any version (that
is supported by the server) can al run simultaneously on a single server, each in its own nPar.
vPars are virtual partitions, which divide a single nPar or server into multiple virtual systems.
Each vPar has dedicated physical hardware resources including cores, memory and I/O.
Each vPar can run one instance of HP-UX. The HP-UX instances can be different versions (11i
v2 or 11i v3), have different patches instal ed, and use different tunable parameters. Each
OS is a ful implementation of HP-UX. The physical hardware associated with each vPar
(cores, memory) can be migrated from one vPar to another without rebooting (I/O migration
is not supported as of January 2007). Because vPars run on physical hardware, their actual
CPU resources wil always be an integer number of cores.
Integrity VMs (HP Integrity Virtual Machines) are virtual machines, running under a Host OS.
The host OS is HP-UX. The host supports multiple Integrity VMs. Each Integrity VM provides
virtualized resources (cores, memory, I/O) to a guest OS. The guest OS can be HP-UX,
Windows, and in the future Linux or OpenVMS. Virtual CPUs are actual y time slices on
physical cores, control ed by the host OS. This al ows the virtual CPUs to al ocated in
fractional CPU shares to the guest OS. A guest OS can be al ocated as lit le as 5% of a core
or up to 100% of several cores, in1% increments.
Resource Partitions operate within an OS. A resource partition can include an al ocation of
CPU resources, memory and I/O bandwidth. Process Resource Manager (PRM) is used to
define Resource Partitions and assign workloads to them. CPU resources in a Resource
Partition can be control ed by either the Fair Share Scheduler or psets. A single OS instance
can contain one or more psets and zero or more Fair Share groups, at the same time.
Resource Partitions are supported within vPars, but not within Integrity VMs.
The Fair Share Scheduler (FSS) al ocates CPU time slices to workloads, ensuring that
each workload gets its “fair share” of CPU resources. Because FSS is al ocating time
slices, a single core can be divided among multiple Fair Share groups. A Fair Share
group can be al ocated as lit le as 1% of a core. Fair Share partitions are not
supported within Integrity VMs because the guest OS can not guarantee a “Fair
Share” of the CPU resources (the host controls the CPU al ocation, not the guest).
A processor set (pset) is a group of physical cores that are reserved for use by
specific applications or workloads that wil only be scheduled on those cores.
Because they are physical cores, they are al ocated in whole cores, not fractions of a
core. The “default” pset is reserved for use by al applications that have not been
assigned to a pset and includes al cores that have not been assigned to a pset. Al
Fair Share groups execute on the default pset. Pset based partitions ar not supported
within Integrity VMs because they depend on physical CPU characteristics which are
not valid for Virtual CPUs.
...Dieses Handbuch ist für folgende Modelle:
Software - HP Matrix Operating Environment w/Insight Control 24x7 Supp 1 Server Lic (132.49 kb)
Software - HP Matrix Operating Environment w/Insight Control 24x7 Supp E-LTU (132.49 kb)
Software - HP Matrix Operating Environment w/Insight Control 24x7 Supp Flexible Lic (132.49 kb)
Software - HP Matrix Operating Environment w/Insight Control 24x7 Supp Tracking Lic (132.49 kb)