Fotos und technische Daten Epson ELPDC11![]() |
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All other product names and other company names used herein are for identification purposes only and are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. EPSON disclaims any and all rights in those marks. Scan/Print samples shown herein are simulations. Specifications are subject to change without notice. iMagiNg iNNOvatiON PROjEctOR PERiPhERaLS Document Camera ELPDC06 Compatible with all projectors via PC. direct USB connection to selected Epson projectors; for details refer to website This high performance visualiser is easy to set up via USB connection, and displays documents or 3D objects at a sharp XGA (1024 x 768) resolution. iMagiNg iNNOvatiON PROjEctOR PERiPhERaLS Document Camera ELPDC06 Compatible with all projectors via PC. direct USB connection to selected Epson projectors; for details refer to website This high performance visualiser is easy to set up via USB connection, and displays documents or 3D objects at a sharp XGA (1024 x 768) resolution. LightWEight, cOMPact DiREct USB cONNEctiON, 4x zOOM, aND FOLDaBLE ONE-tOUch aUtOFOcUS Quick and simple to set up with no extra power cable required as power comes from main projector or PC. digitally captures images and text from books or documents and projects them onto the screen. made easy for users to bring along to presentations, it packs conveniently with any main unit without an extra storage bag or compartment. At 0.96 kg (2.11 lbs), its compact design makes it easy to be carried around and used whenever required. one-touch autofocus button zooms easily into specific contents on a book or document tWO-Way cONNEctiON Plug and play easily with compatible projectors. For other projectors, simply connect the document camera via PC by installing the supplied software application. Its 1.92 megapixel camera can capture up to 15 frames per second. PROjEctOR PERiPhERaLS Desktop Document Camera ELPDC11 iMagiNg iNNOvatiON Compatible with all projectors. A versatile addition to any projector, its rotating camera head with intuitive digital zoom (10x) and microscope adaptor lets you show small specimens, A3 documents, still images and 3D objects, in clear detail. ROtatiNg caMERa hEaD, aDvaNcED FEatURES With 10X DIgItIaL zoom anD manUaL zoom SPLit ScREEN FUNctiON Its split screen capability enables projection of a live video and still image from Sd card or its 1GB internal memory. The versatile remote controller works for both camera and projector. Bundled with a microscope tube, it is compatible with 20-34 mm eyepieces from a variety of microscopes. Provides great versatility in capturing images up to 5 megapixels from different directions. versatile rotating camera head with intuitive 10x digital zoom [including 2 times lossless zoom for XGA/WXGA output, 1.9 times lossless zoom for SXGA output] and manual zoom. Project images directly from Sd Card aPPLicatiON SOFtWaRE, FiLE MaNagEMENt Using its split screen, viewers can enjoy both still and moving images Enlarges objects for better viewing and understanding by the audience manages saved images and videos into groups according to time, subject and importance. view specimens or documents up to Other applications - With the built-in microphone and easy-A3 size in clear detail to-record function, users can record both video and audio. draw or make notes using ‘live’ annotation. The combining of images into one video file can easily be done using its time lapse function. ELPdC06, ELPdC11 SPECIFICATIONS MODEL NUMBER ELPdC06 ELPdC11 viDEO PICk-UP dEvICE 1/3” CmOS Sensor 1/4” CmOS Sensor EFFECTIvE PIXELS 1.92m pixels 5m pixels FrAmE rATE W/PC mAX 15fps mAX 30fps OUTPUT ANALOG NA SXGA / XGA / WXGA USB XGA QvGA / vGA / SvGA / XGA / SXGA / UXGA w/PJ, UXGA / SXGA / XGA / SvGA / vGA / QvGA w/PC WhITE BALANCE Auto Auto EXPOSUrE Auto Auto BrIGhTNESS Auto Auto ImAGE FrEEzE Available NA OPticaL SyStEM LENS F=2.8 f=4.1 F=2.8 ShOOTING ArEA 10.7”.14.3” 11.7”.16.5” dIGITAL zOOm 4x 10x digital (including loss-less zoom) FOCUS Auto (Need to press “AF Button”) Auto (Need to press “AF Button”) IrIS Auto NA iLLUMiNatiON SyStEM UPPEr White LEd.2 White LEd.2 BrIGhTNESS NA 250lx (Shooting area: A3) gENERaL OPErATING TEmPErATUrE 5 °C to 35 °C <41 °F to 95 °F> 5 °C to 35 °C <41 °F to 95 °F> OPErATING hUmIdITy 20%-80% 20%-80% dImENSION (Not including protruding parts) OPEN W260 x d76 x h388 mm W270 x d326 x h437 mm FOLdEd W260 x d76 x h60 mm W270 x d192 x h244 mm WEIGhT 2.1lbs / 0.9kg 4.85lbs / 2.2kg ThEFT PrOOF kENSINGTON LOCk Available Available SECUrITy BAr NA Available SECUrITy LOCk hOLE NA Available FUNctiON zOOm + (TELE => WIdE) 32 steps 10 times (including loss-less zoom) - (WIdE => TELE) 32 steps 10 times (including loss-less zoom) LOSS-LESS zOm NA 2 times *Only XGA/WXGA output **1.9 times at SXGA output FrEEzE / AUTO FOCUS / LEd Available Available SOUrCE ChANGE FOr PJ Available NA BrIGhTNESS / CONTrAST / NEGATIvE / B&W NA Available SPLIT SCrEEN / SLIdEShOW NA Available vIdEO CAPTUrE...
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