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Anleitung GE, modell Lamps

Hersteller: GE
Dateigröße: 1.39 mb
Dateiname: 60f641fa-8da0-4e64-b906-7f5d0f718516.pdf
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung

GE Lighting have an ongoing strategy product innovation and improvement meet the demands and applications of O.E.M.s and end users. This updated catalogue shows those lamps, from the extensive range of entertainment lighting products, which are currently in popular use. Certain other USA manufactured lamp types may be available to special order. Please contact your local GE Lighting Sales Office for details. Contents Notes A Hemispherical shield in front of filament B Operate at or near horizontal C Protect from moisture. Safety screening D Replace broken lamp immediately. Inner bulb pressurised and could shatter unexpectedly E Use safety screen external to lamp F Operate BDTH G Operate BD ±30° H 100V rating available to order J 120V rating available to order K Specially designed for searchlight applications L Twin filament lamp. Lumen figures relate to single and twin filament options M Tungsten Halogen minimum bulb wall temp 250°C N 3 or 4 amp HBC fuse necessary P 5 or 6 amp HBC fuse necessary Q 6 or 7 amp HBC fuse necessary R 10 amp HBC fuse necessary S Due to internal integral reflector nominal lumens not shown T Obscured top V Due to integral dichroic reflector nominal lumens not shown W Axial coiled coil single ended lamps will generally give better reliability against premature arcing if orientations in which the main support spine is under the filament are avoided Symbols 2 - 3 PAR Lamps 4 - 17 Single Ended Halogen Lamps 18 - 35 Linear Halogen Lamps 36 - 43 Specialist Projector Lamps 44 - 61 Discharge Lamps 62 - 77 Technical Information 78 - 111 Index 112 - 132 GE Lighting World Addresses 133 - 138 GE LIGHTING - ENTERTAINMENT LIGHTING CATALOGUE Symbols English Francais Italiano Espanol Deutsch English Francais Italiano Espanol Deutsch ANSI ANSI Codice ANSI ANSI ANSI-Code Finish Finition Finitura Acabado Finish 10% Beam 10% Faisceau 10% Apertura del fascio Haz 10% Austrahlwinkel 10% mm Gap (mm) Distance (mm) Distanza fra gli Distancia (mm) Lichtbogenlange al 10% del picco massimo elettrodi (mm) 50% Beam 50% Faisceau 50% Apertura del fascio Haz 50% Austrahlwinkel 50% HxW HxW Apertura in Gradi HxW HxW al 50% del picco massimo (orizzontale x verticale) Bulb/Lamp Ampoule Forma /lampada Lampara/bulbo Lampe Length 1 Longueur 1 Lunghezza 1 Longitud 1 Lange I Cap Culot Attacco Casquillo Sockel Length 2 Longueur 2 Lunghezza 2 Longitud 2 Lange 2 CCT CCT Kelvin Temperature de Temperatura di CCT Kelvin CCT LIF LIF Codice LIF LIF LIF - Code Couleur °Kelvin colore correlata Chromaticity Chromaticite Coordinate Cromaticidad Farbart Notes Notes Note Notas Bemerkung cromatiche Colour Couleur Colore Color Farbe Order Code Code de Commande Codice ordinazione Codigo de pedido Auftragscode Colour Temperature Temperatura Temperatura Farbtemperatur Product Code Code Produit Codice prodotto Codigo de producto Produktcode Temperature de Couleur colore de color Pulse Frequence Impulso di Frecuencia Impuls Capacitor Capaciteur Condensatore Capacitador Kondensator accensione CRI Rated Life Duree de Durata nominale Vida media Lebensdauer CRI rd IRC Indice di Indice de CRI rd resa cromatica resolucion cromatica Vie Moyenne Description Description Descrizione Descripcion Beschreibung Volts Volt Volt Voltios Spannung in Volt Diameter Diametre Diametro Diametro Durchmesser Watts Watt Watt Vatios Nennleistung in Watt GE LIGHTING - ENTERTAINMENT LIGHTING CATALOGUE English Francais Italiano Espanol Deutsch English Francais Italiano Espanol Deutsch BP ARO ARO Burning Position de Posizione di Posicion de ARO-Brennlage amp AMP Courant (amp) Corrente Intensidad (A) Strom (A) Position Fonctionnement ARO Fonctionnement ARO funcionamiento ARO BP 01 2 Angle 1/2 Ouverture 50% de Apertura al 50% Angulo mitad Halbwerts- Burn Position Position de Posizione di Posicion de Brennlage l’intensite max dell’intensita massima de pico (grados) winkel Fonctionnement funzionamento funcionamiento 01 10 Angle 1/10 Ouverture 10% de Apertura al 10% Angulo decima Zehntwerts- Figure Number Numero de schema Figura n. Figura numero Fig. nummer l’intensite max dell’intensita massima parte de pico (grados) winkel Filament Form Forme du Filament Forma filamento Forma del filamento Wendelausfuhrung Ballast Choke Ballast Ballast Balasto magnetico Drosselspule 100 Lumens 100hrs Lumens 100Hres Lumen 100 ore Lumenes 100 Anfangslicht- Initial Lumens Lumens initiaux Lumen iniziali Lumenes iniciales Anfangslichtstrom strom (lm) in Lumen A % H Maintenance Maintenance Manutenzione Mantenimiento Nutzlebens- Primary Application Applicazione Aplicacion basica Erstanwendung dauer Application Principale principale Pack Quantity Quantite par Imballo pezzi Unidad de embalaje Verpackungseinheit RT Run up time Temps de mise Tempo di andata Tiempo de Anlaufzeit Emballage en regime a regime arranque Peak Intensity Pic d’Intensite Intensita' di picco Intensidad maxima Lichstarke in cd Ignitor Amorceur Accenditore Ignitor Anzunden RC R Restrike time Temps de Tempo di Tiempo de Wiederzundzei...


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