Hersteller: Strong Pools and Spas
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
If the opposite direction is desired, release the button and let the display revert to the current water temperature. Press the button to display the set temperature, and again to make the temperature change in the desired direction. after 3 seconds, the LCD will stop flashing and display the current temperature. Light There are several color options in our spas and by pressing the light button in quick succession the customer can cycle through the different lighting options. BEFORE START UP! IMPORTANT UNION ADJUSTMENTS There are SIX unions that require hand tightening prior to operation of your spa. When filling the spa with water, keep observing these fittings for any slight water drips. If a drip is observed, just hand tighten until dripping ceases. 5 Startup Preparations -Make sure that if spa is equipped with gate valves, that valves are opened. (These gate valves are easily noticed in your access area by the distinct “T” shaped handle.) - When filling your spa remove the filter, and place hose into filter area.This will fill the plumbing first, and hopefully reduce the chance of air lock. -Fill your spa above top jets (excluding neck jets). POWERING SPA -Power up spa, Controls will read (Pr), this indicates priming mode, which is intended to clear unwanted air. Priming mode will last less than five (5) minutes and begin normal operations. A-Most spas do not require pump priming B - Purge will clear lines of un-desired air pockets C - If pump makes inconsistent sounds, “cavitations”,then it will need primed (this can be done by loosening the unions) -Top display will then read water temperature. Due to the variations in spas and outside conditions, spas may take up to 24 hours to reach desired temperature. 6 Changing Filter Cycles FILTRATION Proper filtration is an important key to maintaining the clarity of your spa's water. The filter system is designed for unsurpassed effectiveness at removing debris and suspensions from the water anytime the water is circulating. Your control panel is set to filter for two hours every twelve hours. A two speed pump is supplied with your spa that provides filtration on low speed, the low speed will shut off if the temperature creeps more than 2 degrees above the set point, it will turn back on when temperature drops to the set point. The filter cycle begins six (6) minutes after the spa is energized. The second filter cycle begins 12 hours later. Filter duration is programmable for 2, 4, 6, 8 hours of for continuous filtration (indicated by FILC). The default filter time is 2 hours. To program, press “Temp” then “Jets”. Press “Temp” to adjust. Press “Jets” to exit programming. The default filter time is 2 hours. Troubleshooting No power to spa: 1. Check proper connection of to pack 2. Check fuse in pack. 3. Must have very good ground connection - If none call tech support Trips Breaker: 1. Make sure dedicated line: 2. Check breaker 3. First take note to how long runs before trips Trips instantly 1. Mis-wired - check electrical wiring 2. Breaker replacement 3. Short in Ozone - unhook to check - call tech support 4. Short in pumps - unhook to check - call tech support Trip after purge 1. Heater has short - check heater - call tech support Poor Water Flow: 1. Clean filter 2. Check if adjustable jets (are all open) 3. May have air lock, prime pump by loosening top pump union. 4. If water diverted valves are present make sure they are all the way open. 5. If gate valves are present, make sure they are all the way open. 6. If none of this works possible line obstruction or impeller loose on pump drive shaft No water or air flow to jet: 1. If adjustable jets, probably in off position. (At times can lock into position, may require some effort.) 2. Pinched line, cutting off flow before reaching spa. 3. Water diverter valve if present may be closed. Air controls not working: 1. Remove cap on air valve, (with flat head screw driver) and make sure not broken or improper alignment. 2. If internals are broke, call tech support 7 Troubleshooting continued from previous page Problem: No message on display. Power has been cut off to spa. Solution: The control panel will be disabled until power returns. Spa settings will be preserved until next power up. Problem: Temperature unknown. Solution: After the pump has been running for 2 minutes, the temperature will be displayed. Problem: “Overheat” - The spa has shut down. One of the sensors has detected that 110.F/43.C at the heater. Solution: DO NOT ENTER THE WATER. Remove the spa cover and allow water to cool. Once the heater has cooled reset by pushing any button. If spa does not reset, shut off the power to the spa and call your dealer or service organization. Problem: “Overheat” - The spa has shut down. One of the sensors has detected that the spa water is 110.F/43.C. Solution: DO NOT ENTER THE WATER. Remove the spa cover and allow water to cool. At 107.F/42.C, the spa should automatically reset. If spa does not reset, shut off the ...