Anleitung Aquatic, modell Delicair Laundry Basin
Hersteller: Aquatic Dateigröße: 462.25 kb Dateiname: daf04dec-d813-6e14-6d3a-717a15e6a986.pdf

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
All specifications are ± 1/4’’ and are subject to change without notice. DELICAIR laundrY BasIn TABLE OF CONTENTS PrOduCT rEgiSTrATiON iNFOrMATiON 3 CONgrATuLATiONS! 4 SAFETy iNSTruCTiONS 5 iNSTALLATiON iNSTruCTiONS Pre-Installation Procedures 6 Installation Procedures 7 Electrical Specifications 7 OPErATiON Drilling Holes for Faucet Hardware 8 Delicair Laundry Basin Operations/Control Systems 8 User Information/Serial Number Location 9 FCC Information 9 MAiNTENANCE ANd CArE Initial Cleaning 10 Surface Cleaning 10 Surface Scratch Removal 10 Repair Information 10 PArTS OrdEr FOrM/PArTS MAPS/PArTS LiST Parts Order Form 11 Parts Map and List 12, 13 AquATiC LiMiTEd wArrANTy 14 AquATiC iNduSTriES, iNC. Product registration information Your product warranty is registered and confirmed with Aquatic through the Serial Number on your unit and/or your invoice number. You do not need to contact Aquatic to confirm registration. Please fill out the information below and reference when contacting the distributor to expedite warranty claims. OwNEr iNFOrMATiON: Model Name Serial Number (See table of Contents for Location) Purchase date distributor P.O. Box 889 • Leander, tX 78646-0889 Phone (800) 928-3707 • Fax (888) 296-7450 AqUAtIC INDUStRIES, INC. CONgrATuLATiONS! Aquatic Industries supports your purchase with strong commitments to quality and customer satisfaction. Please read and follow all of the instructions contained in this Owner’s Manual before installing, operating or maintaining your Delicair Laundry Basin. In addition, you should continually refer to these instructions during the life of your product. Failure to comply with these instructions may invalidate your warranty. If you have any questions concerning installation, operation, maintenance or any other aspect of your product, please contact: AquATiC iNduSTriES CuSTOMEr SErViCE CENTEr: 800-928-3707 NOTE: the installation and service of your Delicair Laundry Basin should be performed ONLY by a qualified technician or plumber. iMPOrTANT! this product MuST BE wATEr-TESTEd and inspected prior to installation or warranty will be voided. See page 6 for instructions. PLEASE CHECK ENTirE uNiT FOr ANy dAMAgE. If it appears damaged, contact your Aquatic Distributor immediately. Aquatic Industries, Inc. warranty does not cover damage that occurs in transit. AqUAtIC INDUStRIES, INC. iMPOrTANT SAFETy iNSTruCTiONS wArNiNg: wHEN uSiNg THiS uNiT, THESE BASiC PrECAuTiONS SHOuLd BE FOLLOwEd. this manual contains information and instructions for proper operation and maintenance of your Delicair Laundry Basin. Failure to follow these instructions could result in personal injury, electrical shock or fire. rEAd ANd FOLLOw ALL iNSTruCTiONS dANgEr! TO rEduCE THE riSK OF iNJury: Do not permit children to use this unit unless they are closely supervised by an adult at all times. Use Delicair Laundry Basin only for its intended use as described in this manual. Do not use attachments not recommended by the manufacturer. wArNiNg: Never operate electrical devices in or near the delicair Laundry Basin. Never drop or insert any object into any opening within the Delicair Laundry Basin. this unit must be connected to a supply circuit that is protected by a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI). Such a device should be installed by a licensed electrician and should be tested on a regular basis (at least monthly). to test the GFCI push the tESt button. the GFCI should interrupt the power. Push the RESEt button and the power should be restored. If the GFCI fails to operate in this manner there is the possibility of an electric shock. dO NOT uSE. Disconnect the unit and have the problem corrected by a qualified electrician. to avoid the possibility of personal injury and discoloration of the acrylic surface, the inlet water temperature should not exceed 60°C (140°F). the Delicair Laundry Basin should be drained after each use. CAuTiON: dO NOT uSE HArSH ABrASiVES Or SOLVENTS FOr CLEANiNg THiS uNiT. iNSTALLEr/ OwNEr BEArS ALL rESPONSiBiLiTy TO COMPLy wiTH ALL STATE ANd LOCAL COdES wHEN iNSTALLiNg THiS PrOduCT. SAVE THESE iNSTruCTiONS AqUAtIC INDUStRIES, INC. iNSTALLATiON iNSTruCTiONS/guidELiNES READ ALL INStRUCtIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE INStALLAtION PrE-iNSTALLATiON PrOCEdurES Note: A good knowledge of construction techniques, plumbing and electrical installation according to codes are required for proper installation. we recommend that a qualified licensed contractor perform the installation of all Aquatic products. Our warranty does not cover improper installation related problems. 1. Immediately upon receiving your Aquatic Delicair sink, inspect it thoroughly for freight damage. If necessary, contact your dealer/distributor immediately. Should inspection indicate any damage, do not install the Delicair sink. damage or defect to the finish claimed after the delicair sink is installed is not covered under the warranty. 2. Remove packing material between the sink and blower. 3. All Delicair sinks...