Anleitung Bosch, modell WS461710/01
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
This could damage the glass surface. Do not fill the ovenware to such an extent that food spills over. Cover the food with a heat- resistant lid or aluminium foil. It is recommended that you do not keep food warm for longer than an hour. Suitable foods: The appliance is suitable for keeping meat, poultry, fish, sauces, vegetables, side dishes and soups warm. Method 1 Place the ovenware in the drawer. 2 Set the function selector to setting 3 and preheat the appliance for 10 minutes. 3 Add the food to the preheated ovenware. 4 Close the drawer again. The " power on" indicator light lights up. The appliance heats up. Switching off Switch off the function selector. Remove the food from the drawer using oven gloves or an oven cloth. Uses Th e t abl e sh ow s vari ous u ses for the wa rming d rawe r. Set the fu nct ion s elector to th e d esire d s ettin g. Prehe at the ovenw are as in dic ated in t he table. Level Food / ovenware Note Delicate deep- frozen food e. g. cream cakes, butter, sausages, Defrost cheese Leaving yeast dough to rise Cover Deep- frozen food e. g. meat, cakes, bread Defrost Keeping eggs warm e. g. hard- boiled eggs, scrambled eggs Preheat ovenware, cover food Keeping bread warm e. g. toast, bread rolls Preheat ovenware, cover food Preheating drinks containers e.g. espresso cups Delicate food e. g. slow- cooked meat Cover ovenware Keeping food warm Preheat ovenware, cover food Keeping drinks warm Preheat ovenware, cover drinks Warming flat dough- based foods e.g. pancakes, wraps, tacos Preheat ovenware, cover food Warming dry cakes e. g. crumble cakes, muffins Preheat ovenware, cover food Melting cooking chocolate or chocolate coating Preheat ovenware, break up food into small pieces Dissolving gelatine Open, approximately 20 minutes Preheating ovenware Not suitable for drinks containers Heating plate Cleaning C lean the hea ting plate us ing war m wa te r an d a littl e d eterg en t. D o no t us e h igh - p ressu re cle aner s or s te am jet s. Only cle an the drawer wh en the app lian ce is sw itc he d of f . Function sele ctor S ettin g = 0. Appliance exterior Wip e t he app liance with wa te r an d a little detergent. Th en dr y it with a s oft cloth . Caustic or ab rasi ve cleaning pro duc ts ar e not sui tab le. If a ca usti c or a bras ive sub stan ce c omes into contac t with the f rontage, w ash it of f immediately with water. Stainless steel surfaces Al ways re mov e any flec ks of lime scal e, g reas e, cor nflour and egg wh ite imme diatel y. Cor rosion can form under s uch f lec ks. Clean the ap pliance usin g water and a l ittle de te rge nt. Th en d r y the sur face with a so f t cloth . Appliances with glass fronts Clea n th e g lass f ron t w ith glass cle aner and a sof t clot h. Do not use a gl ass sc rap er. Tr ou bleshooting M a lf unc tions of ten h ave sim p le exp lanat io ns. P le ase re ad th e fo llowi ng in str uct io ns b efo re c a lling the a f ter- sa les ser v ice: The ovenware or food remain cold. Check whether: . the appliance is switched on . there has been a power cut . the drawer is closed completely The ovenware or food are not warmed suffi- This may indicate that: ciently. . the ovenware or food were not warmed for a sufficient length of time . the drawer was left open for a long time The " power on" indicator light flashes. Check whether the drawer is closed. The indicator light flashes rapidly when the Call the after- sales service. warming drawer is closed. The "power on" indicator light does not light The indicator light is faulty. Consult the after- sales service up. The fuse in the fuse box has blown. Disconnect the appliance at the mains and consult the after- sales service. Rep air s m us t o n ly be car rie d o ut b y qual ifie d s pec ialis ts. I nc orrec t r epai rs m ay r esul t in ser io us injur y to th e us e r. After- sales service Our after- sales service is there for you if your oven should need to be repaired. You will find the address and telephone number of your nearest after- sales service centre in the phone book. The after- sales service centres listed will also be happy to advise you of a service point in your local area. E number and When contacting the after- sales FD number service, always specify the product number ( E no. ) and the production number ( FD no.) of your appliance. The rating plate bearing these numbers can be found by opening the warming drawer. Make a note of these numbers in the space below to save time in the event of your appliance malfunctioning. E no. FD no. After- sales service O Please find the contact data of all countries in the enclosed customer service list. To book an engineer visit and product advice US 877 442 4436 toll- free You can rely on the manufacturer’s expertise. Rest assured that the repair will be handled by trained service technicians who have the original replacement parts for your appliance. Technical data Power supply: 120 V 60 Hz Total connected load: 810 W Table des matieres Pre...