Anleitung Lyson, modell PHOTOCHROME R-38
Hersteller: Lyson Dateigröße: 560.46 kb Dateiname: 3345ba23-842a-4a2e-a4f0-c61abf019f1c.pdf

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage to your printer and the voiding of the CIS warranty. DISCLAIMER AsLyson RCS areselfinstalledby theuser,Lysonisnot responsibleforanydamagestoyourprinter,whetherthey areorarenot related to the Lyson RCS.Pleasecontactthestoreordealerwheretheprinterwaspurchased,ortheprinter manufacturer for any problems or questions related to the printer and its operation. If theCustomerchoosestouseinkinthesystemfromamanufacturerotherthanLyson,andisnotsatisfied with thatink,or it clogs the printer or the RCS, it will be the Customers responsibility to pay for the parts to repair the system and restore it to normal usage. WARRANTY Lyson RCS systems are warranted to be free from manufacturing defects for the period of six months from date of system purchase. RETURNS POLICY Wecanonlyguarantee that the Lyson RCS willdeliverLysoninkjustaswell asanormalink cartridge. Wewill notaccept unauthorized returnsof used systems,norcanweaccept returnsof systemsfilled with anink thatthecustomerlaterdecides does not meet their specific needs. You are encouraged to take all steps necessary to verify that Lyson inks will produce a satisfactory result before installing this RCS.Ifindoubt,askforaprint samplefromyoursupplier. I IIIIM MMMMP PPPPO OOOOR RRRRT TTTTA AAAAN NNNNT TTTTN NNNNO OOOOT TTTTE EEEE The LysonRefillCartridgeSystem(RCS)relies on aunique cartridge reader chip,which readsyouroriginalOEM brand cartridgechip,and conveysapermanentlyfull statustotheprinterstatusmonitor. Customersmustensure thattheoriginalOEMbrand cartridgeswhich aretobereplacedhaveatleast10%fill statusremaining. Yournew cartridgechip ‘piggybacks’ ontoyouroriginalOEM chip,usingit’sencryptioncodes. Theresultisarefillable cartridge which displays a permanently ‘full’ condition in your status monitor. Monitor the ink levels in each cartridgevisually 5simply openyour printercartridgelidperiodically,tocheck eachinklevelinturn,aseach cartridgehasatranslucentcase. Itisextremelyimportant nevertoallowany cartridgetorundry,asthiscan endanger your printer ink head. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND USER GUIDE Installation Instructions and User Guide -See also online install video at:- Thank you for purchasing a Lyson Refill Cartridge System (RCS). You have just taken the first step to enjoying the cost saving and superior performance benefits of using Lyson bulk ink. Lyson Refill Cartridge Systems are simple to set up and fill, easy to use and will provide you with many hours of troublefreeandlowercostprinting. Thesuccessful usetheRCS system is dependent on how accurately you follow this guide during set up and installation. Please read these instructions and familiarise yourself with the RCS components before you start the installation. During installation, it it wise to avoid touching the contacts of the cartridge reader chip, as well as the OEM brand chip, as the static voltages carried on your hands may blow the sensitive memories contained within the chips themselves. Please also remember that you are now about to start working with bulk ink instead of sealed cartridges. During installation, protect the area around your printer in case of ink spillage and wear the disposable glovesincluded with theRCSkit. Havearoll ofpapertowelhandy. Remember,accidentscanhappen! SYSTEM COMPONENTS 1. 9 offRefillable cartridges(each specificto a colour channel) 2. 9 off Refilling Syringes complete with filling tubes 3. Lyson R538ProfessionalInks(either125ml or60mlbottles) 4. Lyson CD5Rom 5. Lyson Printed Instructions STEP 1 Before starting the installation, print a good nozzle check print using the existing inks installed on your printer. Write the date on the print and keep it. No warranty claim regarding the bulk ink feed system will be accepted unless it is supported by a good nozzle check print produced before the system was installed. The utility for producing a nozzle check print can be found under the ‘Maintenance’ or ‘Utilities’ tab of the Epson print driver software supplied with your printer. A good nozzle check print should like this:. STEP 2 Ensure that you are using genuine Epson inks before proceeding, and that your status monitor shows a reading of more than 10% content in each OEM cartridge. The Lyson RCS chips can only function correctly when reading OEM brand chips with more than a 10% status. STEP 3 Open your Epson 3800 cartridge lid by depressing the ‘open lid’ button for 3 seconds (see Pic) Step 4 Arrange your Lyson refillable cartridges in the same colour order as your OEM brand cartridges withinyourprinter(seePic) Step 5 RemovethefirstOEMbrand cartridgefromyourEpson3800printer(MattBlack) and removethe chip.(SeePic) Step 6 Remove the cartridge reader chip assembly from your Matt Black refillable cartridge (See Pics) Step 7 PlaceOEMbrand chipfromMattBlackOEM cartridgeintoLyson refillable cartridge(See Pic) Step 8 Replace cartridge reader chip assemblybackintoMattBlack refillable ca...