Anleitung Canon, modell MultiPASS F50
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When enabled, it can be set to automatically print after each fax received, or only when an error occurs. • ••M MMu uul llt tti ii T TTX XX/ //R RRX XX R RRe eep ppo oor rrt tt is a multiple transaction/reception report that prints automatically after sequential broadcasting. • ••M MMe eem mmo oor rry yy C CCl lle eea aar rr R RRe eep ppo oor rrt tt automatically prints when power is restored after a 1 116 66 F50 Chapter 3-33.qxd 6/20/01 5:08 PM Page 17 Setting Up Your Fax TRANSACTION (TX/RX) NUMBER TRANSACTION MODE INDICATES AN ENTRY THAT HAS APPEARED ON A PREVIOUS REPORT COLOR TRANSACTION ERROR PAGE Stop/Reset WAS PRESSED DURING TRANSACTION TRANSACTION DURATION ERROR CORRECTION MODE TRANSACTION Sample Activity Report OK: TRANSMISSION SUCCESSFUL NG: SOME OR NO PAGES SENT "COLOR TX" INDICATES A COLOR TRANSMISSION NUMBER OF PAGES SENT TRANSMISSION DURATION TRANSMISSION TIME Sample TX (Transmission) Report 1 117 77 F50 Chapter 3-33.qxd 6/20/01 5:08 PM Page 18 MultiPASS F50 User’s Manual power outage, showing the telephone number or ID transmitted. The remaining reports can be printed on demand only. • ••U UUs sse eer rr D DDa aat tta aa L LLi iis sst tt prints all of the entered sender information and current settings. • ••D DDo ooc cc. .. M MMe eem mmo oor rry yy L LLi iis sst tt prints a list of documents in memory, along with the transaction number (TX/RX no.) for each document. See “Working With Faxes Stored in Memory” starting on page 32. There are also three reports relating to speed dialing: Tips for Printing Speed Dialing Reports The S SSP PPE EEE EED DD D DDI IIA AAL LL L LLI IIS SST TT option provides access to the three speed-dialing reports: • 1-TOUCH LIST • CODED DIAL LIST • GROUP DIAL LIST You have the option on these reports of sorting alphabetically by name. For S SSO OOR RRT TTE EED DD O OOU UUT TTP PPU UUT TT, press for Y YYe ees ss or for N NNo oo. • ••1 11- --T TTo oou uuc cch hh S SSp ppd dd D DDi iia aal ll L LLi iis sst tt prints the names and numbers entered for one-touch speed dialing buttons. • ••C CCo ood dde eed dd S SSp ppe eee eed dd D DDi iia aal ll L LLi iis sst tt prints the names and numbers entered for coded speed dialing codes. • ••G GGr rro oou uup pp D DDi iia aal ll L LLi iis sst tt lists groups registered under one-touch speed dialing buttons and coded speed dialing codes. Printing Reports on Demand To print a report on demand: 1 Access REPORTS/LISTS until R RRE EEP PPO OOR RRT TTS SS/ //L LLI IIS SST TTS SS appears. Press Press to access. 2 Select report Press to scroll through reports. Press to print the selected report. Enabling/Disabling Automatic Reports Automatic printing for the TX Report, RX Report and Activity Report can be turned off and on. If automatic reporting is disabled for an Activity Report, you 1 118 88 F50 Chapter 3-33.qxd 6/20/01 5:08 PM Page 19 can still print it on demand. See “Printing Reports on Demand” on previous page. To enable/disable automatic report printing: 1 Access desired report Press until F FF A AA X XX S SS E EE T TT T TT I II N NN G GG S SS appears. Press to access. Press until R RR E EE P PP O OO R RR T TT S SS E EE T TT T TT I II N NN G GG S SS appears. Press to access. Press to scroll to the desired report. Press to access. 2 Enable/disable automatic printing Press to scroll through options: P PPR RRI IIN NNT TT E EER RRR RRO OOR RR O OON NNL LLY YY causes a report to print only when a transmission error (TX) or reception error (RX) occurs. O OOU UUT TTP PPU UUT TT N NNO OO disables automatic printing. O OOU UUT TTP PPU UUT TT Y YYE EES SS prints a report every time a fax is sent (TX) or received (RX). For an A AAc cct tti iiv vvi iit tty yy R RRe eep ppo oor rrt tt the options are O OON NN or O OOF FFF FF only. Press to select. If you enable printing for the TX Report, continue to the next step. Otherwise, press to exit. 3 enable or disable fax page (TX Report only) If you select P PPR RRI IIN NNT TT E EER RRR RRO OOR RR O OON NNL LLY YY or O OOU UUT TTP PPU UUT TT Y YYE EES SS fora TX Report, you have the option to P PPR RRI IIN NNT TT W WWI IIT TTH HH I IIM MMA AAG GGE EE, which includes the first page of the fax (B&W only) with the report. O OON NN prints the first page of the fax after the report. O OOF FFF FF disables this feature. Press to scroll to O OON NN or O OOF FFF FF, then press to select. Press to exit. Setting Up Your Fax 1 119 99 F50 Chapter 3-33.qxd 6/20/01 5:08 PM Page 20 MultiPASS F50 User’s Manual 2 220 00 F50 Chapter 4-33.qxd 6/20/01 5:10 PM Page 21 How to Fax 4 How to Fax Below are the control panel buttonsyou will use for faxing. With the F50 MFP, you can: • Send or receive faxes manually • Send faxes with Coded Dialing or One-Touch Speed Dialing • Send the same fax to a selected group of recipients. If you have set the MultiPASS Suite to upload received faxes from the F50 MFP to your PC, but your PC is off, the F50 MFP will store the received faxes in its memory. Depending on the density of information o...