Anleitung Canon, modell S800
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
4. From the Mai MaiMain nnt tte eenanc nancnanc Main MainMainten tentena aan nnc cce eeee tab, click the Print Head Alignment button: 5. When prompted to print an alignment test page, click OK OK. .OK.OKOK.. 6. If the pattern printed successfully, click Ye YeYeYeYes. s.s.s.s. 7. Compare the different patterns for each color on the printout. Notice that most patterns have vertical lines, but some in the middle look smooth and uniform. 8. For each color on the test printout, enter the number in the Print Head Alignment window that corresponds with the smoothest looking test pattern. 9. When finished, click OK OK OKOKOK. T TTTTo oooo al alalalalign ignignignign t tttth hhhhe eeee pr prprprpri iiiin nnnnt tttth hhhhea eaeaeaead dddd in inininin Ma MaMaMaMac cccc O OOOOS SSSS: :::: 1. Add a sheet of blank paper in the sheet feeder. 2. From the Fi FiFiFi Set Fil lllle eeee menu in a software application, click Pag Pa PaPaPage egeggee S SSSe eeetu ututtuup pppp. 3. Click the Utilities sss Utili UtiliUtiliUtilit tttie ieieies button. 4. Click the down-arrow to select TestTe TeTeTes ssst P Pt Ptt PPr rrrri iiint tntnntt. in 29 Printing Maintenance Printing Maintenance 5. Click the Print Head Alignment button: 6. When prompted to print an alignment test page, click OK OK. .OK.OKOK.. 7. Compare the different patterns for each color on the printout. Notice that most patterns have vertical lines, but some in the middle look smooth and uniform. 8. For each color on the test printout, enter the number in the Print Head Alignment window that corresponds with the smoothest looking test pattern. 9. When finished, click Send Se SeSeSend ndndnd. Printing PrintingPrintingPrintingPrinting a N a Na Na Na No oooozzle Check zzle Checkzzle Checkzzle Checkzzle Check P PPPPa aaaatte ttettettetter rrrrn nnnn The contact area of the printhead that discharges ink contains nozzles, tiny openings from which the ink is sprayed. You may see faded or streaked colors and text in your printed output if the nozzles are clogged or the printhead is not aligned. You can check for these problems by printing a nozzle check pattern. 30 Printing Maintenance Printing Maintenance T TTTTo oooo pri pripripriprin nnnnt a t at at at a n nnnno oooozz zzzzzzzzle lelelele c cccch hhhhe eeeec cccck kkkk pa papapapatte ttettettetter rrrrn nnnn in inininin Wind WindWindWindWindows owsowsowsows: :::: 1. Make sure the printer is turned on. 2. Click StartSt StStStart, then Se SeSeSeSettin ttinttinttintting ggggs, then Printe art artarts sssPri PriPriPrin nnnt ttters rserseersrs. 3. Right-click the C CCCCa aaaan nnnno oooon S80 n S80n S80n S800 printer icon and n S800 000select P PPPPr rrrro oooop pppper erererert tttti iiiies eseseses. 4. Click the M MMMMa aaaain ininininte tetetetena nananc ncnce eeee tab, then click nanc nancnancthe Nozzle Check Pattern button: The Maintenance tab button may vary for Windows NT® 4.0 and Windows 2000. 5. Read the messages, then click OK OKOKOK OK. The nozzle test pattern will print. 6. Check the nozzle check pattern. If part of the top pattern is missing, clean the printhead. See “Cleaning the Printhead” on page 32 for instructions. If the bottom pattern is streaked vertically with white, align the printhead. See “Aligning the Printhead” on page 29 for instructions. T TTTTo oooo pri pripripriprin nnnnt a t at at at a n nnnno oooozz zzzzzzzzle lelelele c cccch hhhhe eeeec cccck kkkk pa papapapatte ttettettetter rrrrn nnnn in inininin Ma MaMaMaMac OS: c OS:c OS:c OS:c OS: 1. Make sure the printer is on. 2. In a software application, click File Fi FiFiFil llle eee, then Pa Set Page gePagePaPagege S SSSe eeetu ututtuup pppp. 3. Click UUtilities ssss. The Canon S800 Printer Ut tUUttil ililili iiit tttie ieieieUtility dialog will display. 4. Select Te TeTes sst P Ptt PPr rrri iint tnnttin T TTe eest stst Print from the drop-down list. The test print options will display. 5. Click the NoNo NoNoNozz zzzzzzzzle lelele Chec ChecChecCheck button: le Check kkkRead the messages, then click OK OKOKOK OK. The nozzle test pattern will print. Printing Maintenance Printing Maintenance 6. Check the nozzle check pattern. If part of the top pattern is missing, clean the printhead. See “Cleaning the Printhead” on page 32 for instructions. If the bottom pattern is streaked vertically with white, align the printhead. See “Aligning the Printhead” on page 29 for instructions. C CCCCl lllleaning eaningeaningeaningeaning th ththththe eeee Pri PriPriPriPrin nnnnth ththththead eadeadeadead If your printed output appears faded, streaked or scratchy, the printheads may need to be cleaned. See the S800 Reference Guide on the Setup Software & Reference Guide CD-ROM for additional corrective actions. Printhead cleaning consumes ink. Avoid unnecessarily cleaning. T TTTTo oooo c ccccl lllle eeeea aaaan nnnn t tttthe P he Phe Phe Phe Pr rrrri iiiin nnnnt tttthea heaheaheahead dddd in inininin W WWWWi iiiin nnnnd ddddow owowowows ssss: :::: 1. Make sure the printer is tu...