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Anleitung Canon, modell i9900

Hersteller: Canon
Dateigröße: 7.4 mb


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Anleitung Zusammenfassung

Use this function when printed results are blurred or the color is incorrect. Note Nozzle check pattern printing can also be executed from the printer itself. With the printer on, load a sheet of Letter-sized paper in the printer. Hold the RE RERERERES SSSSU UUUUME/C ME/CME/CME/CME/CANCEL ANCELANCEL button until the POWER POWER lamp flashes twice. AN ANANCEL CELCELPO POPOWER WERWER 1 With the printer on, load a sheet of Letter-sized paper in the printer. 2 Open the P PPPPr rrrrint intintintinte eeeer Pr rr Prr Pr Prrop opopopoper ererererties tiestiestiesties dialog box. r P O OOp ppening the Printe eeeer Properties Dialog Box Directly fro oooom mmmm the Start tttt Menu” on page 20. See “ ning th thththe Star e Stare Stare Star Me MeMeMen nnnu uuu Ope eOpOpeen nni iin nng the thegg thethe P PPPr rrri iiin nnnt ttt r P r Pr Pr Pr rrrop opopope eeer rrrt ttti iiies eseses D DDDi iiialog alogalogalog B BBBo ooox D x Dx Dx Di iiirec recrecrectly tlytlytly f fffr rrr 3 Print the Nozzle Check Pattern. (1) )))) Click the(1 (1(1(1inte inteinte Ma MaMaMaMai iin nnte teten nnnna aaaan nnnnc cccce eeee tab. (2) )))) Click No N NNNo ooozzle Ch ChChCheck. (2 (2(2(2zz zzzzzzle lelele Che eeec ccck kkk (3 (3(3(3(3) )))) Click Pr PrPrPrPrint intintintint C CCCCh hhhhec ececececk kkkk P PPPPa aaaatt tttttttter erererern. n nnn (4) When the confirmation message is displayed, click OK OKOKOKOK. (5) Confirm the nozzle check pattern. See “Exam amamin inini iin nnminin rn Exa aExExExamining gggg th ththe ee No NoNozz zzzzl lle ee C CCh hhec ececk P k Pk Pa aaaat ttt tte eern” on page 46. t tth hhe N e Ne No ooz zzz zzle Che le Chele Chec cck kk P PP tter tterttern nn Printing Maintenance (6) If you want to start print head cleaning, click Cle CleCle ni nining ngng C CCl lle eea aaaan nni iin nng gg on the P PPPPa aaaatt tttttttter erererern C n Cn Cn Cn Ch hhhhec ececececk kkkk screen. Otherwise, click Ex Exi iExiExExiit tttt to finish. 1 With the printer on, load a sheet of Letter-sized paper in the printer. 2 Open the BJ BJBJBJBJ P PPPPr rrrrint intintintinte eeeer Ut r Utr Utr Utr Uti iiiil llllity ityityityity dialog box. (1) Double-click the hard disk icon where the printer driver is installed, then the A AAAppl pplpplppl a aaat tttio ioioions nsnsnsU UUUUt ttttilit ilitilitilitilities folder. Applic icicicications folder, and then the ies iesiesiesP PPr rrin inint ttt Ce eCeCCeen nnt tte eer rr (or (2) Double-click the Pri PriPrin nnt C nt ntnter ererP PPPPr rrrrin ininininte teteteter Se eeeetup tuptuptuptupUtil UtilUtilUtilUtility) icon.r S r Sr Sr S ity ityityity (3) Select your printer from the Name list and clickNa NaNaNam mmme eeee eee C CCCCo oooon nnnnf ffffi iiiigur gurgurgurgure. (4) Select your printer from the ProductPr PrPrProduct oductoductoduct list and click Se ct Sel lSelSeSelle eeeec ccct ttt. 3 Print the Nozzle Check Pattern. (1) Select Test Te TeTeTes ssst P Pt Ptt PPr rrrri iiiin nnnnt tttt from the pull-down menu. (2) Click Nozzle Check kkk N NNNo ooozzle zzlezzlezzle C CCCh hhhec ecececk. (3) Click PPr rPrPPrrin inininint Chec ct Chect Chet Checck kkkk P PPPPa aaaatter tterttertterttern nnnn. t Che (4) Check the message, then click OK OKOKOKOK. (5) Confirm the nozzle check pattern. (6) If you want to start print head cleaning, click Cle CleCle ni nining ngng C CCl lle eea aaaan nni iin nng gg on the P PPPPa aaaatt tttttttter erererern C n Cn Cn Cn Ch hhhhec ececececk kkkk screen. Otherwise, click Ex Exi iExiExExiit tttt to finish. Printing Maintenance . Examining the Nozzle Check Pattern The nozzle check pattern should appear as follows when ink is discharged properly. Examine the nozzle check pattern output by the printer. Note The nozzle check pattern will not be printed correctly if there is not enough ink. Replace the ink tank if the remaining amount of ink is insufficient. Compare the printed nozzle check pattern with those shown in the tern ChecP PPPPa aaaatt ttttttter ererern C n Cn Cn Ch hhheck keckececkk dialog box on your screen. (1 (1(1(1(1) )))) If these patterns have white stripes, Group 1 print head nozzles need cleaning. Click eaning eaningeaningeaning C CCCCl lllleaning to go to the print head cleaning procedure. (2 (2(2(2(2) )))) If these patterns have white stripes, Group 2 print head nozzles need cleaning. Click eaning eaningeaningeaning C CCCCl lllleaning to go to the print head cleaning procedure. Both group 1 and 2 patterns have no white stripes, click Exit Ex ExExExit ititit. Printing Maintenance Compare the printed nozzle check pattern with those shown in the tern ChecP PPPPa aaaatt ttttttter ererern C n Cn Cn Ch hhheck keckececkk dialog box on your screen. (1 (1(1(1(1) )))) If these patterns have white stripes, Group 1 print head nozzles need cleaning. Click eaning eaningeaningeaning C CCCCl lllleaning to go to the print head cleaning procedure. (2 (2(2(2(2) )))) If these patterns have white stripes, Group 2 print head nozzles need cleaning. Click eaning eaningeaningeaning C ...


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