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(1) Double-click the hard disk icon where the printer driver was installed, the A AAAppl pplpplppl a aaat tttio ioioions nsnsns Applic icicicications folder, and the U UUUUt ttttilit ilitilitilitilities iesiesiesies folder. Printing Maintenance (2) Double-click the Print CPri PriPriPrint ntntnt Ce eCeCCeent ntntnter ererer icon. nter (3) Select i455 from the Name NameNameigure N NNa aam mme ee list and click Co Con nConCoConnf ffffi iiig gggu uuur rrre eee. (4) Select i455 from the Product tProducProducttSe SeSeSel llle eeec ccct ttt. P PPr rrod ododu uuc cct list and click Select 3 Start Print Head Deep Cleaning. (1) Select C CCCCl lllleaning eaningeaningeaningeaning from the pop-up menu. (2) Click DeeDeep pDeepDeeDeepp Cl ClClClClea eaeaeaean nnnni iiiin nnnng gggg. (3) Select the ink nozzles to be cleaned, and then click OK OK OKOKOK. (4) When the confirmation message is displayed, click OK OK OKOKOK. Important The process takes about one minute to complete, so simply wait until the POW POWE EER RR lamp stops flashing. PO POPOWER WERWER Note After print head deep cleaning finishes, print the nozzle check pattern to verify that the print head nozzles are clean. See "Pr ti Pri iPriPrPriin nnnntin ntintitinng gggg th ththththe N e Ne Ne Ne No oooozz zzzzzzzzl lllle eeee Ch ChChChChec ececececk P k Pk Pk Pk Pa aaaatt tttttttte eeeer rrrrn nnnn" on page 30. If the head is still not clean after the second deep cleaning, replace the ink tank. See "Replacing an Ink T Repl ReplReplReplac acacacing an Ink Ta aing an Ink Taing an Ink Ting an Ink Taank nknknknk" on page 41. If ink tank replacement does not resolve the problem, the print head may be worn out. Contact the Customer Care Center. Printing Maintenance Aligning the Print Head Aligning the print head position allows you to print without shifts in the color registration. 1 With the printer on, load a sheet of Letter paper in the printer. Move the paper thickness lever to the left position. 2 Open the Printer Properties dialog box. See "O OOOOp pppen neneennin inining the P Pg the Pg theg the PPr rrrrin ininininter P ter Pter Pter Pter Pr rrrrop opopopoper ererererties tiestiestiesties Dial DialDialDialDialog ogogogog B BBBBo oooox xxxx D DDDDi iiiire rerererect ctctctctly from ly fromly fromly fromly from the thethethethe S SSSSt ttttar arararart M t Mt Mt Mt Me eeeen nnnnu uuuu"pe ing theon page 14. 3 Print the pattern. (1) Click the Ma MaMaMaMain inininint tttte eeeen nnnna aaaan nnnnc cccce eeee tab. (2) Click P PPPPr rrrrint intintintint Hea HeaHeaHeaHead Alig d Aligd Aligd Aligd Alignme nmenmenmenment ntntntnt. (3) When the confirmation message is displayed, click OK OKOKOK OK. (4) After the pattern is printed, click Ye Yes sYesYeYess. Printing Maintenance 4 Align the Print Head. (1) Look at the print out. From the patterns, select the most even, least irregular patterns and enter the number that corresponds. (2) Enter the numbers. (3) Click OK OK OKOKOK. If it is difficult to pick up the best pattern on Column H, pick the setting Note that produces the least noticeable vertical white stripes. Less noticeable white stripes More noticeable white stripes (4) When the confirmation message is displayed, click OK OK OKOKOK. Printing Maintenance 1 With the printer on, load a sheet of Letter paper in the printer. Move the paper thickness lever to the left position. 2 Open the BJ Printer Utility dialog box. (1) Double-click the hard disk icon where the printer driver was installed, the A AAAppl pplpplppl a aaat tttio ioioions nsnsns Applic icicicications folder, and the U UUUUt ttttilit ilitilitilitilities iesiesiesies folder. (2) Double-click the Print CPri PriPriPrint ntntnt Ce eCeCCeent ntntnter ererer icon. nter (3) Select i455 from the Name NameNameigure N NNa aam mme ee list and click Co Con nConCoConnf ffffi iiig gggu uuur rrre eee. (4) Select i455 from the Product tProducProducttSe SeSeSel llle eeec ccct ttt. P PPr rrod ododu uuc cct list and click Select 3 Print the pattern. (1 (1(1(1(1) )))) Select T TTTTe eeeest ststststPrin PrinPrinPrinPrint tttt from the pop-up menu. (2 (2(2(2(2) )))) Click P PPPPr rrrrint intintintint He HeHeHeHead Alig ad Aligad Aligad Aligad Alignme nmenmenmenment ntntntnt. (3) When the confirmation message is displayed, click OK OK OKOKOK. 4 Align the Print Head. Printing Maintenance (1) Look at the print out. From the patterns, select the most even, least irregular patterns and enter the number that corresponds. (2) Enter the numbers. (3) Click Send Se SeSeSend ndndnd. If it is difficult to pick up the best pattern on Column H, pick the setting Note that produces the least noticeable vertical white stripes. Less noticeable white stripes More noticeable white stripes Printing Maintenance 41 Replacing an Ink Tank When replacing an ink tank, check the model number very carefully. The printer will not print properly if the wrong ink tank is used, or installed in the incorrect position. .. Replacing an Ink Tank When an ink tank run...