Anleitung Hotpoint, modell BFZ 680
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
The cycle will start up from where you interrupted it. Cycle end The end of the wash cycle is indicated by two short beeps and the word "END" flashes on the display. Warning! Turn the appliance off by pressing button “A”, unplug the appliance from the electricity socket to cut off the power supply; the power supply cable should consequently be easily accessible. Turn off the water tap. Wait a few minutes before unloading the dishes: they are very hot! If you wait a little while, they dry better due to the steam. Make sure the wash cycle has ended before removing the dishes! Empty the lower basket first. There's been a power failure or you opened the dishwasher door The wash cycle stops and then restarts when the electricity comes back on or when you close the door. You decide when it starts. When you have loaded the dishes, you can choose when to start your dishwasher before setting the wash cycle desired. Press button "I" repeatedly to postpone the start of the wash cycle from 01 hour to 24h. If you press the button again, the word "OFF" is displayed (no selection made). Once you have made your selection, make sure the appliance door is shut and start the wash cycle by pressing the START button. Symbol "U" lights up on the display and the countdown begins. Once the countdown is up, the wash cycle begins and the approximate amount of time left until the end of the wash cycle is displayed. A quick look at the indicator lights will keep you informed of the countdown progress at all times. Have you changed your mind? If you change your mind, you can set a shorter time delay: press button "I" to select it. You need not reset the wash cycle. If you have changed your mind and wish to start the wash cycle immediately, press button "I" until the countdown is fully reset. Indicator light "U" will turn off and the cycle will start at the sound of a beep. The indicator light corresponding to the cycle phase under way will come up on the display and the countdown to the estimated cycle end begins. Half load. Your dishwasher also allows you to wash half a load When you only have little cutlery to wash, you can run just half a load on the upper rack, saving on both water and electricity. Press button "N"; you will hear a beep and the symbol ‘V’ corresponding to the half load will light up. Once you have made your setting, start the wash cycle by pressing the START button. -This option is available with all wash cycles.. Press it once more to reset the rack selection and the dishwasher will consequently wash on both racks. How to programme “extra” drying If you want your dishes to be perfectly dry, follow the instructions below. Press button "H". After a prolonged beep, indicator light "Z" lights up and the time corresponding to the wash cycle selected on the knob will flash on the display. To disable the extra drying option, press the same button and indicator light "Z" will be turned off after a beep is sounded. This option is incompatible with the soak cycle. Remember that with extra drying, the wash cycle will last longer, to provide you with drier dishes. D ISHWASHE. Programme Chart Select the most suitable programme for the type of dishes and how dirty they are. To select the wash programme see the chart below: Auto Wash Cycle: the dishwasher is equipped with a Sensor System that measures how dirty the dishes are and decides the most suitable programme for the load, setting the optimal cycle length, number of rinses and water level. This provides a more efficient and economic wash cycle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o optimise wash performance and save on energy, try yo use the dishwasher with a full wash load. If it takes some time to fill your dishwasher, use the soak...