Anleitung KitchenAid, modell 9743822
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Call t_ KitchenAtdConsumerAssistance Centerwhen you: Havequestionsaboutdishwasherinstallationor operation. 1_ Needtoobtainthenameand numberofa KitchenAid-authorized service company, Important: • Installer:. LeaveInstalLationInstructions withthe homeowner. • Homeowner: KeepInstallationInstructionsfor future reference. • Save InstallationInstructionsfor localelectricalinspector's use, PartNo. 9743822 Rev,C Piece n° 9743822 R_. C In_on s_s cont fmm _ s If connecting dishwasher with power supply cord, check that power supply is dlsconne_ed. ElectricalShockHazard PlugIntoa grounded3 prongoutlet. Donotremovegroundprong. Do notusean adapter. Donotusean extansloncord. Failureto followthese InstructionscanresultIn death,fire, orelectricalshock. • Usepowersupply cord kit (Part No. 4317824) available fromyour dealer or partssupplier.Followinstructionswithkit for installing powersupplycord. Ifthe cord kitis notacailable,a U.L.-listed/CSA-cerlifled, 16-gauge, three-conductor,power supplycord and m.ainreliefmust be used. Six feet (1.8m) must be the maximumlengthof power supplycord. • Routepower supplycord so itdoes not touchdishwashermotoror lowerpartofdishwasherrob. _ *Removethedishwasherterminalboxcover(O). • Installa U.L..listed/CSA-certiliedstrain relief(P) to theterminal box. Runpowersupplycord throughstrain relief. ® A. electric drill B. Phillips screwdriver C. flat-blade screwdriver D. 2 adjustable wrenches E. pliers F. measuring tape or ruler G. pipe wrench H. hole cutters (1/2", 3/4", t-ln") 1. tubing cutter J. wire stripper K. utility knife L. 1 1/32" and 1/4" nut driver or hex socket M. 2 twist-on wire connectors for 16-gange wire N. level O. safety glasses P. gloves R. Teflon tape S. Drain tube adapter Part No. 9741366 (available from your dealer) if connecting to a 1/2" I.D. drain line. Not shown: 90 ° elbow with 3/8" N.P.T. external threads on one end. The size of the other end must fit your water supply line. A. 2 drain hose clamps B. 2 No.-lO x 1/2" Phillips-head screws Remove parts from bag. Check that all parts were supplied. / (6xem) 34"(S6._) Unshaded area must be free ofpipes, wires anddrain hose. Power supply cord or cable shouldnot bekinkedor pinchedbetwom dishwasherandcab'met. Leveling legs and wheels adjust to fit34-inch (86.4cm) to 35-inch (88.9cm) cabinetopeningheight. Iflevelinglegsand wheelsare removed from dishwasher, 33-13/16inches (85.9cm) istheminimumcabinetopening height.Measurethisdistancefromthe lowestpoint ofthe underside ofthe countertop. Corner locations requirea 2"(5.1cm) minimumclearancebetweenside of dishwasherdoor and the wallor cabineL Checklocation where dishwasherwillbeinstalled.Do Notinstalldishwasher over carpeting.Thelocationmust provide: • Protection so that the water inlet and drain lines cannot freeze. Damagefromfreezingis notcoveredbythe warranty.If dishwasher will be subject to freezing temperatures and leftunused fora periodof time, see"Winterizing"instructionsinyourUseand CareGuide. • Easyaccess to water,dectvidtyand drainagelines. • Convenientloading.Thebest locationis to the rightor leftofa sink •Asquareopeningforproper dishwasheroperationandappearance. * Acalfmetfruntthatis perpendicular tothe floor. • 1/4"(.64cm) minimumclearancebetweenmotor and flooringto preventthe motor from overheating. • The hot water line to the dishwasher must provide between 20-125 psi (138-862 kPa) water pressure. • The hot water heater should be set to deliver 120°F (49°C) minimum water temperature to the dishwasher for best results. • A 3/8" minimum O.D. copper tubing inlet line is recommended. • Dishwasher inlet valve has 3/8" N.P.T. internal pipe threads. • Allsolder connections must be made before water line is connected to dishwasher inlet valve. Do Not solder within 6 inches (15.2cm) of inlet valve. 20-(so.san) The drainhose suppliedmeetsAHAMDW-i teststandards. • Thedrain hose musthavea highdrain loop, 20 inches (50.8cm) abovefloor.Thiswillhelp topreventbackflowor watersiphoning during dishwasheroperation. • An'airgap mustbe used in thehigh drainloop ffthedrain hoseis connectedto house plumbinglower than20 inches(50.8cm). • Thewasteteeor disposerinletmust be20 inches(50.8cm) minimumabovethe floor. • Drain hose must be installed to wasto tee or inlet above drain trap in house plumbing. • Drain line and fittings must be 1/2" minimum I.D. • ff a longer drain hose is required, the _um length is 12 feet (3.7m). Check that drain hose is resistant to heat and detergent. Direct wire method Localcodes maypermitusingarmored ornon-metallicsheathed, copper wire(A) (withgroundwire) to connectdishwasherto unctionbox. 5. Cuta 3/4"(l.gcm) holeinla_, sideorfloorofcabinet(B) for directwiring.Rightsideis easiestlocation. Wood cabinet: Sandholeuntilsmooth. Metal cabinet: Coverholewithgrommet (PartNo.302797) availablefrom your dealeror parts supplier. 6. Install a U.L-listed/C_A-certffied strain relinfto the junction box. If using conduit, use a Ui.-listed/CSA-cer tiffed conduit connector. Connect th...