Anleitung Harman Company, modell PELLET P61A
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
FAilure tO FOllOw inStructiOnS MAY reSult in PrOPertY dAMAge, bOdilY injurY, Or even deAth. FOr uSe in the u.S. And cAnAdA. SuitAble FOr inStAllAtiOn in MObile hOMeS. iF thiS hArMAn StOve iS nOt PrOPerlY inStAlled, A hOuSe Fire MAY reSult. FOr YOur SAFetY, FOllOw inStAllAtiOn directiOnS. dO nOt uSe MAkeShiFt cOMPrOMiSeS. cOntAct lOcAl building Or Fire OFFiciAlS AbOut reStrictiOnS And inStAllAtiOn inSPectiOn reQuireMentS in YOur AreA. cOntAct YOur lOcAl AuthOritY (Such AS MuniciPAl building dePArtMent, Fire dePArtMent, Fire PreventiOn bureAu, etc.) tO deterMine the need FOr A PerMit. cette guide d'utiliSAtiOn eSt diSPOnible en FrAncAiS. chez vOtre cOnceSSiOnnAire de hArMAn hOMe heAting. SAve theSe inStructiOnS. Agence Americaine pour la Protection de l'EnvironnementCe modele est dispense par EPA certification d'apres 40 CFR 60.531 par definition [Appareil a bois (A) << Ratio air/combustible>>] US ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCYThis model is exempt from EPA certification under 40 CFR 60.531 by definition [Wood Heater (A) "Air-to-Fuel Ratio"] "PREVENT HOUSE FIRES"Install and use only in accordance with manufacturer's installation and operation instructions. Contact local building or fire officials about restrictions and inspection in your area.WARNING FOR MANUFACTURED HOMES: Do not install appliance in a sleeping room. An outside combustion air inlet must be provided. The structural integrity of the manufactured home floor, ceiling and walls must be maintained. Refer to manufacturer's instructions and local codes for precautions required for passing chimney through a combustible wall or ceiling. Inspect and clean exhaust venting system frequently in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.Use a 3" or 4" diameter type "L" or "PL" venting system.Do not connect this unit to a chimney flue servicing another appliance. FUELS: WOOD PELLET FUEL OR UP TO 50% CORN/PELLET MIXTURE ONLY. Input Rating Max: 5.5 lb. fuel/hr. U.S. Electrical Rating: 115 VAC, 60 Hz, Start 4.1 AMPS, Run 1.1 AMPSEuropean Electrical Rating: 240 VAC, 60 Hz, Start 2.0 AMPS, Run 1.1 AMPSRoute power cord away from unit.DANGER: Risk of electrical shock. Disconnect power supply before servicing.For further instruction, refer to owner's manual.Replace glass only with 5mm ceramic available from your dealer. Keep viewing, fuel loading, and ash removal doors closed during operation. Report #/ Raport # 135-S-22-4Tested to / Teste a: ASTM E1509-04, ULC-S627-00,and ULC/ORD-C1482-M1990 WITHOUTSIDE SHIELDS WITHSIDE SHIELDSSer# - 008 DO NOT REMOVE THIS LABEL / NE PAS ENLEVER CETTE ETIQUETTE MADE IN USA / Fabrique aux E.-U. Appareil de chauffage a granules de bois Utilisable dans des mobile homes. Cet appareil de chauffage a granules a ete essaye et homologue pour les maisons prefabriquees, conformement aux normes 814-23-900 a 814-23-909 de l'OAR. P.N. 3-90-08626 MINIMUM CLEARANCESTO COMBUSTIBLES:Back Wall To Appliance 2" 2" Side Wall To Appliance 18" 12" Corner InstallationWalls To Appliance 13" 9" FLOOR PROTECTION-U.S. CANADA Sides ( A) 6" / 15 cm 8" / 20 cm Back ( B) 1" / 2.5 cm 1" / 2.5 cm Front ( C) 6" / 15 cm 18" / 45 cmUse a non-combustible(Min;2.24k)floor protector extending under the unit and to the sides, front, and back of unit as shown in Floor Protection Diagram. Measure front distancefrom the surface of the glass door. Recommended: Non-combustible floor protection extending beneath any horizontal sections of venting, including the "T" on the back when venting vertically. "PREVENTION DES INCENDIES"Respecter scrupuleusement les instructions du constructeur pour l'installation et les consignes de fonctionnement. Respecter les regles de securite en vigueur dans votreregion.AVERTISSEMENT POUR MOBILE HOMES: Ne pas installer dans une chambre. ll est imperatif de prevoir une prise d'alr exterieur. L'integrite structurale du plancher, du plafond et des murs doit etre strictement preservee.Se reporter aux instructions du fabricant et aux reglementations specifiques locales concernant les precautions requises lors de la traversee d'un mur ou d'un plafond.Controler et nettoyer frequemment tout le systeme d'evacuation des fumees conformement aux recommandations du constructeur. Utiliser des tuyaux <> de O76 mm ou 102 mm. Ne pas raccorder ce poele a un conduit de cheminee deja utilise pour un autre appareil.FONCTIONNE EXCLUSIVEMENT AVEC DES GRANULES DE BOIS. ASTM E1509-ULC-C1482-M1990Appareil de chauffage a granule type (UM) 84-HUD. Consommation maximum: 2.5 kg/h. U.S. Electrical Rating: 115 VAC, 60 Hz, Start 4.1 AMPS, Run 1.1 AMPSCaracteristiques electriques: 240 VAC, 60 Hz-Intensite au demarrage 2.0A -Intensite fonctionnement normal 1.1A. Tenir le cordon d'alimentation a l'ecart du poele. DANGER: Risque d'electrocution. Debrancher l'appareil avant toute intervention.Ne remplacer la vitre qu'avec une vitre ceramique 5mm de meme qualite disponible aupres de votre revendeur. Pour une information plus complete, se reporter a la notice d'utilis...