Anleitung DLO, modell TuneStik DLZ62000
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
and other countries. All Rights Reserved Printed in Taiwan M-62000A-070312-C 2| DLO TUNESTIK USER MANUAL Contents Quick Start Controls + Connections 6 Included in the Box 7 About the DLO TuneStik 8 Using Your TuneStik 9 Setting Up Your TuneStik 9 Tuning Your TuneStik 10 Setting a Preset Frequency 10 Finding Empty Radio Frequencies 12 Controlling the TuneStik FM Transmitter Volume 13 Using with a Cassette Adapter or Your Car’s MP3 Audio Jack 13 Using with a Home Stereo or Other FM Radio 14 Using with an iPod Auto Charger or Wall Charger 14 Tips + Troubleshooting 15 Tech Specs 17 Service + Support 18 Warranty 19 FCC Statement 20 |3 Quick Start About the DLO TuneStik Thank you for your purchase of the DLO TuneStik FM Transmitter & RF Remote for iPod. TuneStik is way more than just an FM Transmitter for your car. It’s a multipurpose iPod tool that can help you enjoy your music in a variety of new ways. A few suggestions: Use TuneStik to play your iPod not only in your car, but at a friend’s house, a hotel room, a rental car, a boombox -anywhere there’s an FM radio you have a set of speakers for your iPod. The TuneStik Remote can be used totally separately from its FM transmitter function. So if you use a cassette adapter/AUX Input in a car, or you hook your iPod to your stereo with a cable at home, you can still use TuneStik’s high pow- ered RF remote to control your iPod from afar. TuneStik features a 30-pin pass-through iPod Dock Connector. That means you can connect and use any iPod charger, sync cable, even other iPod accessories -and still use TuneStik as an FM Transmitter and Remote -or just a remote - or just the FM transmitter. TuneStik is very versatile iPod accessory when you consider all the different options it provides. 4| DLO TUNESTIK USER MANUAL DLOTuneStikQuickStartWe’llgetyouupandrunningin5easysteps: STEP1ConnecttheTuneStikFMTransmittertoyouriPoddockconnector. STEP2SecuretheTuneStikControltoyourcar’ssteeringwheel. STEP3Tuneyourcarstereoto88.5FM. STEP4PoweronyouriPodandselectaplaylist,albumorartist. STEP5PressthePlay/PauseButtononyourTuneStikControl. YoucannowenjoyyouriPodmusicthroughyourcarstereo.Formoredetailedinstructions,pleasereadSettingUpYourTuneStik[pg.9].If88.5isnotanavailablefrequency,pleaseseeFindingEmptyRadioFrequencies[pg.12] 3 . MENU125iPodMusicPhotosVideosExtrasSettingsShu eSongsNowPlaying4TUNESTIK |5 Controls + Connections Included in the Box 11234234VELCROSTEERINGWHEELSTRAPSTEERINGWHEELCRADLETUNESTIKREMOTECONTROLTUNESTIKFMTRANSMITTERTUNESTIK 121230-PINDOCKCONNECTORPASS-THROUGHDOCKCONNECTORTUNESTIK 6| DLO TUNESTIK USER MANUAL |7 About the DLO TuneStik NEXTTRACKPREVIOUSTRACKPLAY/PAUSEEXITFREQUENCYMODETUNESTIKVOLUMEUPFREQUENCYUPiPodCONTROLSTUNESTIKREMOTECONTROLSCYCLETHROUGHTUNESTIKPRESETSPUSHTOCHANGEFREQUENCYiPodBACKLIGHTONMONO(00)/STEREO(88) TUNESTIKVOLUMEDOWNFREQUENCYDOWNFREQUENCYMODEINDICATORLIGHT TheTuneStikisa“mini”radiotransmitterthatbroadcastsyouriPodaudiothroughtheFMradioinyourcar.TheTuneStikfeaturesapowerfulRFRemoteControlthateasilyattachestoyoursteeringwheelsoyoucancontrolyouriPodplaybackandnavigationwithouttakingyourhandsoffthewheel.ItcanalsobeusedtoplayyouriPodathome,inahotel,atafriend’shouse–anywherethere’sanFMradionearby. 8| DLO TUNESTIK USER MANUAL Using Your TuneStik Setting Up Your TuneStik Connect the TuneStik FM Transmitter to your iPod dock connector. Secure your TuneStik Control to your car’s steering wheel using the included cradle and velcro strap. You can position the steering wheel cradle anywhere you want on the wheel, but on the sides nearest your thumb works best. Tune your car stereo to an empty frequency and then match that frequency on your TuneStik. Press the Frequency Button on your TuneStik Control and “CH 1 88.5” will be displayed on your iPod screen. You are now in Frequency Mode. You can use the +/-Buttons to tune to the desired frequency displayed on your iPod screen. The initial broadcast frequency for the TuneStik is 88.5. Your TuneStik can be pro- grammed with preset stations for easy access with just a press of the Frequency Button. For help doing this, please see Setting a Preset Frequency [pg.10] The pre- set frequencies already set on your TuneStik are 88.5, 88.1, 94.9 and 107.9. To cycle through these preset channels, simply press the Frequency Button on the TuneStik Control. If your TuneStik is connected and your iPod is not playing, you should hear silence. If 88.5, or one of the other presets (88.1, 94.9 and 107.9) is not an empty frequency in your area (i.e., there is music or talk already on that station) you may hear static. Try finding another station with less interference. For help doing this, please see Finding Empty Radio Frequencies [pg. 12]. |9 Tuning Your TuneStik Press the Frequency Button on the TuneStik Control. The red light on the top of the remote will flash, and your iPod will display “Ok to disconnect” followed by “CH 1 88.5” (the default broadcast frequency for your TuneStik). This places the TuneStik Control in Fr...