Anleitung Panasonic, modell SLSX279V
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Adjust the buckle and fix in place. ■ Portable CD player Dear Customer I h.\nk you for purchasing ihn product For optimum porlcimtvw and safety, plnnoe 'Md tofiftfi instructions ca-efully Panasonic Operating Instructions Model No. SL-SX279V Tne crocel number and venu' number th« produc* СЛП oé lourd on e«ther me back or me bottom О» UK u Pmttorx SatM Company Owe* or MatxusMa Citctnc «• Puerto Лео hcrWC i А*ф *Л О» И—lina 1л »S4ir &СГКГ lnGJZ-Л Гл» Z*t>né *».4*10t*C0CO№ rmitm Canada he S7W Ar*«f Crt»e. Uíi-uiu^ 0"*агч «К ?n «« рииопс ce y im» unit be sure to reafl 'he applicable items of the oparat ng Inst'ucUone and thojc safety suggestion« carefully. A1tfir*aid« kaa.n them handy for fu’.utw inference. lake special сага ю follow tha warnings Indlcaled on the und itself as well n« in ihe operating instruction*. Sofety 1. Power Source The ur.» *vn 1 be connected ж poww- supply only Oi the type describee m me operating instruction# or as marked on me unit Use orty the AC adaptor or car adaptor described one way Th* m a sa*eiу 'eatj*e t you *’• unasie »in-sed tho pk/j »J»y rto me ou**t try rt.e-snc i-e plug II the pkjg yt^ud sk "0 1C te. contact your electrician to replace you' obeo*ete ooi*e» Oc nat defeat ihe safety purpose o' tnu poUir^od plug 3. Cara ol AC adaptor -Take cure tnut thu coid of the AC adaptor snnuld be 'ouiad so that they are not likely to M wrtikan on or pircnad by items placed tipon or againal them Never taka nold o' the AC adaptor rf your hand .* wet лпа a ways grass re plug body e^or connecsng i» о vonnectnq л 4. Nonuse Periods wren not m uie. be sure to dfe-conoect the AC udaptcr from tlu AC power cutet 5. Batteriea -If ma set ■» not иьиО lar a long pernxl ot nrre or ia i.ted only from an AC pcwer acurce. remove a ‘he batteries to prevent potential oamage duo to pow'hle hottery leakage Dn not mix bareries (old and nowl о» dHtercnl type« of hare' es Installation ■ Environment 1. Water and Moieture -Dc not uuc this und nour water—fcr example naar a oa:hiuo. vrasnbowl swvnmmq pool or tna нка Оатэ basements slK4ikJ mso oc avooed 2. Condensation *.*ovire ~-%y lorm on me are n the fc«ivw«ng cordKions e!mmed«iei> after a twakr hu-j been tu'ned an •m a siearr.y or very humd ioon> •when the urwi is sudden»y moved Irom a cold environment to a warm one в moieture forms inside ftas line, it may not ope'ale property. To correct the p-'jtx.-ni WO t about one now lor rhe rrotsru'e to evaocate 3. Heel- Nev*r use o* puce tna* uni ne»' a faai source Dc not leave * n an аиХг^чзЬ« e*posoo to dreci sunkgnt 4» a tong tana *-e> me doc s ana windows closed *s tms may de»o'tr me cabme*. ■ Placement 1. Foreign Material—Care ahou d be taken so that ob-jocts oo not tail into and i«qn in ara rot spilled intc t'iu unit 1)0 not subject tMt und tc excessive smote •Just mod*antcai v oraion ot shock 2. Magnetism Thu jnd should te eauaMd away from equpmerl -jr dyvcvv f at generate strong ma.inetr fields. 3. Stacking—Oo not olace ary ob,ecU on top ot the unit. Maintenance ■¡Sef* oage 5 for detalla ) C'ean tnß caomet. panel and controls with « soil cloth ighfy mc-stcoed wm deterqent solution Do ’k;t use any type of atxawe pad. powoer 3» sol-rftnl soc?i ov akond pr Service 1. Damage Requiring Service The un.l uhotiid oe serviced oy qualified service personn« whun ia5 The AC aoaptor s camejed: o' It: Ooiects have *al*n or bQiad has been VC eti i^OtYirl. or ici Tbe ur t has oeen exposeo :o r* n or •e: Tv-«u'« does not appea* lo operate nomutyer exrab«s a marked change n perton«vance. O’ •» Tne Lfit has beer dropped 0> tnc enclo damaged 2 Servicing—Tna user should not attempt lo uu'ViCO the wait beyonn thai danc'ibed n me operat ing ir -stiuctions A: i other satviclnfl nhculd be 'efetred to an autharized Sorvlco i...