Anleitung Philips, modell AQ 5211
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
All claims for warranty service most be made to the retailer from whom this product was purchased AH transport charges incurred m connection with warranty service or rep'acement will be paid b/ the purchaser Z These warranties do not cover batteries and extend cnty to defects in materials or workmanship occurring under normal use of the product where operated in accordance with cur instructions Philips Consumer Products Division, Technology Park, Figtree Drive, Australia Centre, H0MEBUSH2140, New South Wales GUARANTEE AND SERVICE FOR NEW ZEALAND Th3n’<-’,ou for purchasing this quality Philips product The document\ou are now read* ingisyour guarantee card Guarantee. Pmlips New Zealand Ltd guarantees this p’oduct against defective components and faulty workmansh.p for a period of 12 months Any defect in materials or workmanship occurring withm 12 months from the date of purchase sufyect to the folfo.v-ng conditions will be rectified free of charge b/ the retailer from .vhoTi this product was purchased Conditions. 1. The product must have been purchased in New Zealand, and this guarantee card completed at time of purchase (this is your proof of the c;ate of purchase) Z The guarantee applies only to faults caused by defective corponents, cr fault/ workmanship oi the рзп of the manufacturer 1 The guarantee does not cover failures caused by mistse, neglect, normal wear and tear, accidental breakage, use on the шсотеЛ voltage, use contrary’ to operating instructions, or unauthorised modification to the product or repair by an unauthorised techmcan 4. Reasonable evidence (m the form of a safes docket or completed guarantee card) must Ьэ supplied to indicate that the product was purchased no more than 12 months prior to the date of your claim 5. In the event of a failure. Philips shall be under no liability for any injury, or any loss or damage caused to p-operty or products other than the product under guarantee This guarantee doss not prejud, ce your rights under comm:n ¡a ;*/ and statute, and is m addition to the norma! responsibilities of the retailer and Pailtps How to claim. Shourd yojr Pmlips product fail within the guarantee period, please return it to the retailer from whom it was purchased In most cases the retailer will Ьэ able to satisfactorily repair or rep’ace the product Ноле.ег, should the retailer not be able to conclude the matter satisfactorily, or if you ha.e other difficulties claiming under this guarantee, p’ease contact the Guarantee Controller, Philips New Zealand Ltd, ВЙО- Box 1041, AUCKLAND-*2* (09) 605-914 GARANTIE EN SERVICE IN NEDERLAND • Watwordtgegarandeerd? Philips Nederland 8 V garandeert dat dit apparaat koste’oos vvcrdt herste'd iri en - bj norma3l particulier gebruik volgens de gebruiksaan.vjjzir.g • t nnen 12 rraer.den n3 aankoopdatum fabncage- en/of matenaalfo jlen cptre den • Wie voert de garantie uit? Oe zorg vocr de uitvoennçj van de garantie fcerust bj de'aar d e u hit epparaat verkocht heeft OehandelaarkandaarbijeventueeleenfcercepdcenopeenderFhilips Servicevestig'ngen •Uw aankoophon+de identificatiekaart Oe identificatiekaart is uw garantiebe.Mjs U kunt alleen een beraep d:en op cb fc> venomschreven garantie tegsn o.erleggmg van de aankoepbon (factum, fasset:i of kwitantie), in combinats met de identificatekaart. waarep t^enummer tn scricnum-mer zijfi vermeld Uit de aankoopben d.enen du delijk de aatfopistum cn de: raam van de handetear te blijken f.'ocht het noodzake'ijkzijn deze decjteiten oan uw han-delaaraf tegeven, dan kunt u hem daarvosr een ontvangstte.vijsvragen Oe garante vervaltmd.encp degenoemde d::umentenietS!Svera,‘de'd,di:orge>'3e,d, verwijdsrd of on’eesbaar gemaakt Oe garantievervalt e.eneens irden h:t t,p ;num-mer en/of serienummer op het apparaat is verarde'd. dccrgehaa’d, vcr.v^dc'd cf o> leesbaar genast • Hoe te handelen bij een storing? Om cnnodige kosten te vcorkomen, raden wj u aan b j stonrgen e:rst neu.*' ejng de gebroiksaanvvi;zing te lezen Indien de gebruiksaan.viizing daarm geen uitkomst b edt, kunt u uw hande'aar raadp’egen en/of hem het epp3raat ter reparati ^ aanb eden • ~.en bij Problemen? 8ij Problemen omirent de garantie-uitvoenng kunt u Z'Ch in ve*b rd>ng ste'ien met Philips Nederland B.V. Afdeling Consumentenbelangen Antwoordnummer 500, 5600 MB EINDHOVEN k sstzegel metnod g),ofg 040-781178.__ GARANTIE FÜR DIE SCHWEIZ Philips-Gerate sind aus e.nvvandfre.em f/atenal und mit großer Sorgfalt hergeste’it worden Dieses Gerat wird Ihnen gute D:enste leisten, sofern es se:hgem.,S tjjient und unterhalten wird Trotz aller Sorgfalt ist das Auftreten von Fehlem n-cht ganz a jszuschlieSen im Fcüe emes Defektes wenden Sie sch bitte unter Vorlage des Erkaufendes und des Geratepasses an das Fachgeschäft in v.e’c’oemSie das Gerat e v.O'fcen baten GARANTIE POUR LA SUISSE Les app3rei!s Philips ont été fabriqués au mof en de maténau*: d3 toute premiers qualité et avec beaucoup de soins Cet appare.l vous dennera encore p’u...