Hersteller: Vitek
Dateigröße: 640.57 kb
Dateiname: Vitek-VT-1554-Pdf-Rus.Pdf

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
The food steamer has 20 minute keep warm. Warning: To prevent burns, use a mitt or potholder when removing the lid or steaming bowls, as hot steam will escape. Remove the lid slowly with the inside of the lid pointing away from you and let steam escape gradually. Hold the lid over unit to allow the condensation to drain into the steamer. Do not reach into the unit while steaming. If you need to check on the cooking progress or to stir, use a utensil with a long handle. 11. In order to prevent food from being overcooked, remove the steaming bowl immediately using a potholder, and place it on a plate or on the reversed lid. If you use the rice container, remove this carefully, holding it by the sides and if necessary use a kitchen utensil with a long handle. 12. When you have finished using the appliance, unplug from the wall socket and leave to cool completely before removing the drip tray and storing. WARNING: 1. Use caution when removing the drip tray, while other parts of the unit may be cool, the water in the water basin and the drip may still be very hot. 2. Do not operate the appliance without steaming bowl and lid in place. COOKING EGGS 1. Set up the food steamer as described in "How to use". 2. Place the eggs into the steaming bowl, which integrated with eggs holder. 3. Place the lid on top. 4. Set the timer for the desired or recommended cooking time. COOKING RICE 1. Set up the food steamer as describes in "Howto use". 2. Place a steaming bowl on the base. 3. Place 1 cup of rice and 1,5 cup of water in the rice container 5 1554.qxd 01.07.03 14:25 Page 12 ENGLISH (Maximum 250grams of rice). 4. Cover the steaming bowl with lid. 5. Set the timer for the desired or recommended cooking time. REFILL WATER DURING COOKING For recipes with long cooking time: 1. Check the water level; 2. Check the timer; 3. Refill water through the water inlet opening; 4. Set the timer for the desired cooking time. USEFUL HINTS AND TIPS 1. For high altitude cooking, steaming times may need to be increased. Exact times vary by location. 2. Steaming times stated in the charts are only a guide. Times may very depending on the size of food pieces, spacing of the food in the steaming bowl. Freshness of food, and personal preference. As you become familiar with the steamer, adjust cooking times. 3. A single layer of food steams faster than several layers. Therefore, the cooking time for a large quantity of food will be increased. 4. For best results, be sure pieces of food are similar in size. If pieces vary in size and layering is required, place smaller pieces on top. 5. Do not crowd food in the steaming bowl or food container. Arrange the food with spaces between pieces to allow for maximum steam flow. 6. When steaming large quantities of food, remove lid about halfway through the steaming time and stir using a long handled utensil, protecting your hands from the steam with oven mitts. 7. Do not add salt and seasoning to the steaming bowl until after cooking. This is to avoid possible damage to the heating element located in the water basin. 8. Save liquid in drip tray to use in soups, sauces, and gravies. 9. Never steam meat, poultry or seafood from frozen. Always thaw completely first. 10. All the times stated in the 'steaming Guide' are based on the use of cold water in the water basin. 11. The food container is an ideal container for steaming other foods such as fruit, vegetables, puddings, quick snacks, etc. 12. Using three steaming bowls: a. Always place the largest pieces of food with the longest cooking time in 6 РУССКИЙ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ ПО ПРИГОТОВЛЕНИЮ МЯСА Мясо Ът Вес/коли- чество Рекомен- дуемые приправы Время варки (мин.) ОДица Филе 250 г (4 куска) Карри Розмарин 12-15 Свинина Филе, бифштекс, отбивные 400 г (4 куска) Лимонный бальзам Тимьян 5-10 Говядина Филе, вырезка 250 г Карри Красный 8-10 РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ ПО ПРИГОТОВЛЕНИЮ МОРЕПРОДУКТОВ Море- продуюы Тип Вес/ количество Рэкомен- дуемые приправы Время варки (мин.) Моллюск Свежий 250г/«Юг Лимонный бальзам 8-10 Креветки Свежие 400г Лимонный бальзам Чеснок 6 Умник Свежие 400г Чеснок Лимонный бальзам 8-10 Омар Заморо- женный 400 г Хрен Чеснок 20-22 Свежее Заморо- женное 250г Сухая горчица 10-12 19 1554. фсс! 01.07.03 14:25 Раде 14 РУССКИЙ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ ПО ПРИГОТОВЛЕНИЮ ОВОЩЕЙ Овощ Тип Вес/коли- чество Рекомен- дуемые приправы Время варки (мин.) Артишоки Свежие Эстрагон 3 средних Чеснок 45-50 Спаржа Свежая Заморо- женная 400 г Лимонный бальзам Тимьян 13-15 16-18 Брокколи Свежая Заморо- женная 400 г Чеснок Красный перец 16-18 15-18 Морковь резанная Свежая 400 г Анис Мята 20-22 Цветная капуста Свежая Заморо- женная 400 г Розмарин Базилик Эстрагон 16-18 18-20 Шпинат Свежый Заморо- женный 250 г Тимьян Чеснок 8-10 18-20 Бобы Свежие Заморо- женные 400 г Тмин Укроп 18-20 Горох Свежый Заморо- женный 400 г Базилик Майоран Мята 10-12 15-18 Картофель Свежый 400 г Чеснок 20-22 18 ENGLISH the lower bowl. b. You may ...