Anleitung Cleveland Range, modell 36-CGM-16-300
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
x 20. x 21.2. deepCafeteria Pans per compartment, or four 18. x 26. Buns Pans. ¦ Pressureless cooking with forced convection steam, permittingdoors to be opened while cooking continues. ¦ Solid State Controls operate water level and safety functions. ¦ Each compartment is equipped with a 60 minute mechanical timer, separate bypass switch for constant steaming. ¦ Instant Steam Standby Mode: Holds generator at steamingtemperature. Allows unit to start cooking instantly. ¦ Durable 10 Gauge Stainless Steel Construction: For Compartment Door and Steam Cooking Cavity. ¦ Separate Main Power Switch for “On/Off” ¦ Exclusive Steam Cooking Distribution System: The exclu- sive Convection Jets produce a high velocity convection steam without fans. Coved Corner design in cooking compartment dis- tributes heat evenly and is easy to keep clean. Creased bottom enhances drainage. Cold Water Condenser for each compart- ment maintains a dry steam. Fully insulated cooking compart- ment for thermal efficiency. Removable Stainless Steel Slide Racks for easy cleaning. ¦ Heavy duty, one piece, solid compartment door designwith replaceable door gasket ¦ Left Hand Door Hinging: Compartment Doors hinged left, controls on the right. ¦ Modular Cabinet Base with Hinged Door. ¦ Heavy duty Stainless Steel Base Frame. ¦ High Efficiency Gas Steam Generator with NickelGuard, Electronic Spark Ignition and Automatic Water Fill on start up. ¦ Automatic Generator Drain at shutdown: Contains a “Water Jet” Spray Rinse Cleaning Cycle to keep drain clear. ¦ Automatic Water Level Control System with Low Water Power Cut-off Circuit. ¦ Steam generator equipped with High Limit Pressure SafetySwitch, 15 psi Safety Valve, and Steam Generator Pressure Gauge. ¦ NSF Certified 6. Stainless Steel Legs with adjustable flanged feet for a one inch level adjustment. ¦ Gas Pressure Regulator and Control Valve. ¦ Standard Voltage for Control: 115 volts, 60 Hz, single phase. ¦ All Controls are serviceable from the front. ¦ Compartment Door Steam Shut Off Switch. Options & Accessories . Electronic Timer with Compensating Load Feature. (ETC) . ON/OFF Steam Switch only for compartment controls (MC) . Cafeteria pans in depths of 1., 21.2., 4. and 6. MODEL: ShallbeTwoLargeCompartments,CLEVELANDConvectionSteamer,Gas- firedSteamGenerator,Model36-CGM-16-300,NickelGuard,300MBTU, _____gas,_____volts,_____Hz,singlephase.SolidStateControlsoperatetiming,waterlevelandsafetyfunctions.Type304StainlessSteelcookingcompartment.Insulatedcookingcompartments.One60minuteMechanicalTimerwithTouchControlpercompartment.AudibleandVisualSignalsforcyclecompletionandsteamshut-off. ShortFormSpecificationsShownwithoptionalElectronicTimer100% 5YearBoilerWarrantyNickelGuard ™ Project ________________________________ Item __________________________________ Quantity _______________________________ FCSI Section ____________________________ Approval _______________________________ Date __________________________________ 36-CGM-16-300 . 18. x 26. Bun Pans . Stainless Steel Insulated Flue Cover (SSF) . Quick Disconnect for gas line (QDC) . Correctional Packages . Secondary Low Water Cut-Off, factory installed (CALG) (Required for AZ. AR. CA. CO. CT. DE. FL. GA. HI. IL. IA. KS. MD. MA. MI. MN. MT. NE. NV. NM. NC. OK. OR. PR. RI. TN. UT. VA. WA. WV., Buffalo, NY, Wash. DC) . Boiler Descaling Pump Kit (107142) . Water Filters . Rear Gas Connection (RGT) SECT. III PAGE 27 1333 East 179 St., Tel: 1-216-481-4900 Web Site: Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. 44110 Fax: 1-216-481-3782 Email: (NOTTOSCALE) SECT.IIIPAGE281007LithoinU.S.ARight-6”,Left-6”,Rear-6”(12” oncontrolsideifadjoiningwallorequipmentisover30”highforserviceaccess) Foruseinnon- combustiblelocations. ContactfactoryforvariancestoclearancesDonotusePVCpipefordrain. Eachcompartmenthascapacityfor: •Eight,12.x20.x21.2.deepCafeteriaPans.Canaccomodate18.x26.BunPans. WATERQUALITYREQUIREMENTTherecommendedminimumwaterqualiwhetheruntreatedorpre-treated,basedupon10hoursofuseperday,andaDailyBlowdown,areasfollows: TOTALDISSOLVEDSOLIDSlessthan60partspermTOTALALKALINITYlessthan20partspermSILICAlessthan13partspermpHFACTORgreaterthan7.5CHLORINElessthan30partspermConsultalocalwatertreatmentspecialistforanonswateranalysisforrecommendationsconcernigeneratorfeedwatertreatment(ifrequired),iremoveorreduceharmfulconcentrationsofminerauseofhighlymineralizedwaterwillmeanthatmorefrequentservicingofthesteamgeneratornecessary.Thefactthatawatersupplyispotabproofthatitwillbesuitableforthegenerator. **DonotconnecttoGFIoutlet.Seenotebelow. ty standards illion illion illion illion ite ng steam n order to ls. The will be le is not NOTES: **DO NOT CONNECT TO GFI OUTLET. CLEVELAND RANGE RECOMMENDS GAS FIRED 120 VOLT STEAMERS BE HARD WIRED DIRECTLY TO ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. Cleveland Range reserves right of design improvement or modification, as warranted. Many regional, state and local codes exist and it is the responsibility of the owner and installer to co...