Dieses Gerät hat auch andere Anweisungen:
Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Service Contract – Lenovo Damage Protection Services
by any regulatory authority. Notice of such cancellation will be in
misrepresentation, or failure to pay for the Agreement, and notice
writing at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to cancellation. If
of cancellation by Us will be given at least thirty (30) days prior to
We cancel due to a requirement of a regulatory authority, Your
cancellation. Refunds will be issued on a pro rata basis. Under
refund will be based upon 100% of the unearned pro rata premium.
“What this agreement does not cover”, provision Q is deleted and
replaced with the following: ANY AND ALL PRE-EXISTING
Transfer: You may transfer this Agreement to another
party only when ownership of the covered product is transferred to
the other party and you have obtained Our prior written consent.
concerning Arbitration is deleted in its entirety. The obligations of
Mail all such requests to the Lenovo Damage Protection
the Provider under this Agreement are backed by the full faith and
Administrator Center at the address provided at the top of this
credit of Lenovo.
Agreement. Your written request must include a copy of this
IN HAWAII: Prior notice is not required if the reason for
Agreement, Your Invoice(s) noting the part number and serial
cancellation is nonpayment of the Provider fee or a material
number of the covered Product(s) and your entitlement to Service,
misrepresentation by You relating to the covered property or its
the effective date of transfer, and the transferee’s name, address
use, or a substantial breach of Your duties relating to the covered
and phone number. The coverage provided under this Agreement
Product or its use. If You have a question or complaint, You may
may not be transferred to any product other than the covered
contact the Insurance Commissioner, 250 South King Street, 5th
Floor, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813.
This Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement
IN ILLINOIS: The cancellation fee is equal to the lesser of ten
of the terms and conditions regarding Our performance, and
percent (10%) of the Agreement purchase price or fifty dollars
replaces any prior oral or written communications on that subject.
($50.00). This Agreement does not provide coverage for normal
wear and tear except as specifically provided in the coverage
Neither You nor We will bring a claim under this
section above. The obligations of the Provider under this
Agreement more than two (2) years after the expiration of this
Agreement are backed by the full faith and credit of Lenovo.IN
Agreement unless otherwise provided by local law without the
INDIANA: The obligations of Lenovo under this Agreement are
possibility of contractual waiver or limitation.
backed by the full faith and credit of Lenovo.
You are not responsible for failure to fulfill any
IN KENTUCKY: The obligations of the Provider under this
obligation due to causes beyond Your control. Similarly, We are
Agreement are backed by the full faith and credit of Lenovo.
not responsible for failure to fulfill any obligation due to causes
IN MARYLAND: The “Purchase Price” shall refer to the
beyond Our control.
purchase price of the covered Product as shown on Your sales
receipt. We will pay a penalty of 10% of the Agreement purchase
In the event that any provision of this Agreement is
price per month on a refund that is not paid or credited within
held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of
forty-five (45) days after return of the Agreement to Us.
this Agreement remain in full force and effect.
IN MISSOURI: The obligations of the Provider under this
Agreement are backed by the full faith and credit of Lenovo.
IN NEVADA: No claim incurred or paid shall be deducted from
the amount of Your cancellation refund. If We are unable to repair
IN ALABAMA: Prior notice is not required if the reason for
Your Product, replacement of Your covered Product will be
cancellation is nonpayment of the Provider fee or a material
provided for with a store voucher or check equal to the original
misrepresentation by You relating to the covered property or its
purchase price of the covered Product. Refund of the original
use, or a substantial breach of Your duties relating to the covered
Product purchase price will fulfill this Agreement in its entirety
Product or its use. The obligations of the Provider under this
and will cancel and discharge all further obligations under this
Agreement are backed by the full faith and credit of Lenovo.
Agreement. With respect to each Product covered under this
IN COLORADO: Action under this Agreement may be covered
Agreement, Our liability is limited to the original retail purchase
by the provisions of the “Colorado Consumer Protection Act” or
price You paid for such Product. We may not cancel this
the Unfair Practices Act”, articles 1 and 2 of title 6, C.R. S. A
Agreement once it has been in effect for seventy (70) days, except
party to this Agreement may have a right of civil action under these
under the following conditions: failure to pay the Agreement
laws, including obtaining the recourse or penalties specified in
purchase price; the conviction of You of a crime which results in
such laws.
an increase in the Service required under the Agreement; fraud or
IN CONNECTICUT: Your Agreement term is automatically
material misrepresentation by You in purchasing the Agreement or
extended by the length of time in which the covered Product is in
obtaining Service; the discovery of an act or omission, or a
Our custody for repair. If You have a dispute with Us, You may
violation of any condition of the Agreement by You which
contact the State of Connecticut, Insurance Department, P.O. Box
substantially and materially increases the Service required under
816, Hartford, CT 06142-0816, Attn: Consumer Affairs. The
the Agreement; or a material change in the nature or extent of the
written complaint must contain a description of the dispute, the
Service required under the Agreement which occurs after the
purchase price of the Product, the cost of repair of the Product, and
purchase of the Agreement and substantially and materially
a copy of the Agreement. The obligations of the Provider under
increases the Service required beyond that contemplated at the time
this Agreement are backed by the full faith and credit of Lenovo.
of purchase. If We cancel the Agreement, You will be refunded
IN GEORGIA: If You purchase Your Agreement in Georgia, You
the unearned pro rata purchase price of the Agreement. This
are entitled to cancel this Agreement at any time. Cancellation
Agreement is not renewable. The obligations of the Provider
must comply with Section 33-24-44 of the Georgia Code. Any
under this Agreement are backed by the full faith and credit of
refund owed in the event of cancellation shall be determined on the
excess of the Agreement purchase price above the customary short
IN NEW HAMPSHIRE: In the event you do not receive
rate for the expired term of the Agreement, and no Claim paid or
satisfaction under this Plan, you may contact the New Hampshire
incurred shall be deducted from any refund owed. We are also
Insurance Department at 21 South Fruit Street, Suite 14, Concord
entitled to cancel this Agreement at any time based upon fraud,
NH 03301, (800) 852-3416.
L505-0072-00 Lenovo Damage Protection Services Agreement – US Consumer.doc
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