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© 1999 3Com. All rights reserved. Trademarks used in this text: 3Com are registered trademarks of 3Com; Dell and the DELL logo are trademarks of Dell Computer Corporation; Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated, which may be registered in certain jurisdictions; Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names or their products. 3Com disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks and trade names other than its own. Initial release: 6 Nov 1999 Introduction Installation Using the modem Command Set S-Registers Result Codes Troubleshooting Specifications Regulatory Back to Contents Page Modem AT Commands: Mini PCI Type 3B Data Fax Modem by 3Com User's Guide Modem AT Commands You can enter modem commands from several places, but the most common way is from terminal mode in your communications software. The basic rules for entering AT commands follow: l Type commands in either upper or lower case, not a combination. l You can enter up to 60 characters, not counting AT, carriage returns, or spaces (spaces are not necessary when entering several (a string of) AT commands at once; they just make it easier to read). l If you leave the number off a command, zero is assumed. For example, if you type ATE, ATE0 is assumed. l Every command except A/ and +++ must be prefixed with AT and completed by pressing Enter. l The modem will respond with OK, ERROR, or other result codes (see the result code summary below). For example, follow these steps if you want to view the version of firmware used in your modem. 1. Check the following table to find the AT command that controls viewing firmware information. The functions are listed in alphabetical order. Note that the AT command for displaying the firmware version is I7. 2. Enter your communications software. 3. Enter Terminal mode. 4. Because almost all commands must be preceded by AT to get the modem’s attention, prefix the command with AT. Type ATI7 and press Enter. The firmware version will be displayed. To view defaults, widen the right-hand side of the view window. CAUTION: In most cases, your modem will work using the factory-set defaults. We recommend that you have a good understanding of modems before you change any settings. Command Syntax Function Default +++ +++ Escape to online command mode (not preceded by AT) / / Pause (not preceded by AT) 125 ms A ATA Answer manually A/ A/ Repeat last command (not preceded by AT) D ATD Dial n Phone #, 0 through 9 DT ATDT T Tone dial DP ATDP P Pulse dial DR ATDR R Call an originate-only modem DTnWn ATDTnWn W Wait for second dial tone (X2, X4) DTWn@ ATDTWn@ @ Wait for answer (X3, X4) DTn!n ATDTn!n ! Flash switch hook DTn#n ATDTn#n # Auxiliary tone dial digit DTn,n ATDTn,n , Pause in dialing (S8) 2 seconds DTn*n ATDTn*n * Auxiliary tone dial digit DTn;n ATDTn;n . Stay in command mode after dialing DTn$n ATDTn$n $ Wait for calling card bong DTn&n ATDTn&n & Wait for calling card bong DTn"n ATDTn"n " Set quote mode for the following D$ ATD$ Display a list of dial commands DL ATDL Redial last number DL? ATDL? Display last dialed number DSn ATDSn Dial stored number E0 ATE0 Turn command echo off E1 ATE1 Turn command echo on X F0 ATF0 Turn online echo on F1 ATF1 Turn online echo off X H0 ATH0 Hang up (go on-hook) H1 ATH1 Pick up (go off-hook) I0 ATI0 Display the 4-digit product code I1 ATI1 Display the checksum I2 ATI2 Display the RAM test results I3 ATI3 Display the firmware version I4 ATI4 Display the current modem settings I5 ATI5 Display user profiles I7 ATI7 Display the product configuration I8 ATI8 Display black list screen I10 ATI10 Display VXD configuration screen I11 ATI11 Display V.34 link screen L0 ATL0 Set modem speaker volume off L1 ATL1 Set modem speaker volume on (low) L2 ATL2 Set modem speaker volume on (medium) X L3 ATL3 Set modem speaker volume on (high) M0 ATM0 The modem's speaker is always off M1 ATM1 The modem's speaker is on until a connection is made X M2 ATM2 The modem's speaker is always on M3 ATM3 The modem's speaker is off during dialing, and on after dialing until the connection is made O0 ATO0 Return to online mode O1 ATO1 Return to online mode and retrain (automatically return to the highest speed) S$ ATS$ Display the list of S-register settings Sr=n ATSr=n Set S-Register "r" to "n" Sr? ATSr? Display the value of S-Register "r" V0 ATV0 Display result codes in numeric form V1 ATV1 Display result codes in verbose form (words) X X0 ATX0 Report basic call progress result codes, i.e., OK, CONNECT, RING, NO CARRIER, (also, for busy, if enabled, and dial tone not detected), NO ANSWER and ERROR X1 ATX1 Report basic call progress result codes and the connect rates-OK, CONNECT, RING, NO CARRIER (also, for busy, if enabled, and dial tone not detected), NO ANSWER, CONNECT XXXX and ERROR X2 ATX2 Report basic call progress result codes and the connect r...