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Model Name: R8355-SP3133L Part Numberr: PT324U-011TLM1 UPC: 8839974832873 . Weight: Starting at 11.50kg dependingg upon configuraation 11 Operrating Systemm C1 2 Pow er . Gennuine Windows® 7 Home Premiumm 64-bit, Spanishh . 65WW (19V 3.42A) 1000-240V/50-60Hzz AC Adapter Proccessor3 and GGraphics4 . Dimmensions (W x H x D): 107mm x 447mm x 30.5mm . Intel® Core™ i3-231 0M Processor . Weight: starting at 2250g oo 2.1 GHz, 3MBB Cache . Mobbile Intel® HM65 Express Chipsett Batteery12 . Mobbile Intel® HD Graaphics with 64MBB-1696MB dynammically allocated . 6 ceell/66Wh Lithium Ion battery packk shhared graphic meemory C1 13 Softwware Memmory5 . Toshhiba Software annd Utilities . Connfigured with 4GBB DDR3 1333MHHz (max 16GB) oo Bluetooth Staack for Windows by Toshiba . 2 m emory slots oo TOSHIBA As ssist oo TOSHIBA BoookPlace™ Storaage Drive6 oo TOSHIBA Buulletin Board . 500GB (5400 RPM) ; Serial ATA hardd disk drive oo TOSHIBA Dissc Creator . TOSSHIBA Hard Drivve Impact Sensorr (3D sensor) oo TOSHIBA DVVD Player oo TOSHIBA ecoo Utility™ oo TOSHIBA Fa ace Recognition Fixed Optical Dissk Drive7 . DVDD SuperMulti drive supporting 111 formats oo TOSHIBA HDDD/SSD Alert oo Maximum speeed and compat ibility: CD-ROM (24x), CD-R (24xx), oo TOSHIBA HDDD Protection CD-RW (10xx), DVD-ROM (8xx), DVD-R (8x), DDVD-R DL (6x), oo TOSHIBA HWW Setup Utility DVD-RW (6xx), DVD+R (8x), DDVD+R DL (6x), DVD+RW (8x), oo TOSHIBA Meedia Controller14 DVD-RAM (55x) oo TOSHIBA Paassword Utility Dispplay8 oo TOSHIBA PCC Health Monitor . 13.33” diagonal widesscreen TruBrite® TFT display at 11366 x 768 nativee oo TOSHIBA Reecovery Disc Creeator reesolution (HD) oo TOSHIBA ReeelTime oo Native supporrt for 720p conte nt oo TOSHIBA Seecurity Assist oo 16:9 aspect raatio oo TOSHIBA Seervice Station oo LED backlit oo TOSHIBA Sleeep Utility oo TOSHIBA Uppconvert Plug-in ffor Media Playerr15 oo TOSHIBA Vaalue Added Pack age Sounnd . Built kers t-in stereo speak oo TOSHIBA Weeb Camera Appliication oo TOSHIBA Wi reless LAN Indiccator . Premmium Spill-resisttant Raised Tile KKeyboard Inpuut Devices . Thirrd-party Softwaree . Touch pad pointing ddevice with multii-touch control oo Adobe® Acrobbat® Reader oo Adobe® AIR® Runtime . Conntrol Buttons: oo Corel® Digitall Studio™ for TOOSHIBA oo TOSHIBA ecoo utility™ (Energyy-saving mode) oo Google® Toollbar oo Touchpad on//off oo Google® Chroome oo Presentation bbutton oo Internet Exploorer Commmunicationss oo Microsoft® Livve Essentials . Webbcam and micropphone . Photto Gallery . 10/1100/1000 Etherneet . Messsenger . Wi-FFi® Wireless netwworking (802.11bb/g/n)9 . Mail . Blueetooth® version 33.0 plus HS . Writeer . Movvie Maker Expaandability oo Microsoft® Offfice Starter 2010016 . Exp ressCard™ 54/334 slot oo Microsoft® Sillverlight™ . SD Card slot oo Microsoft® Wiindows Media Pllayer 12 oo WildTangent®® Games Consol e Portss . Speecial Offers and TTrial Software . Videeo oo Norton Intern et Security™ 20 11 (30-day trial ssubscription) oo RGB oo HDMI Envi ronmental SSpecificationss . Auddio . Thiss product is RoHSS17 compatible oo Microphone innput port . Eneergy Star Qualifieed oo Headphone o utput port . EPEEAT™ Gold Commpliant . Dataa oo 3 USB ports( (1 USB v3.0 porrt + 2 USB v2.0 pports (1 eSATA/USB combo with USBB Sleep and Charrge10)) oo RJ-45 LAN poort . Seccurity oo Slot for securiity lock Physsical Descripption . Maggnesium Alloy Caasing in Black . Dimmensions (W x D x H Front/H Reaar): 316mm x 2277mm x 188.3mm/26.6mm © Copyrightt 2011 Toshiba Americca Information Systemms Inc. All Rights rese rved. TAIS shhall not be liable for daamages of any kind forr use of this informatioon, which is subject to change without noticee. Portegee R835-SP3133L Page 1 off 4 Thhis product speciification is variabble and subject too change prior too product launch. Operating Non-ooperating Temperaature18 5° to 35° C -20° too 60° C Thermal Gradient 15° C per hour (max) 20° C per hour Relative (non-con Humidity ndensing) 20% to 80% 10% to 90% Altitude (relative to sea level) -60 to 3,000 meeters -60 to 10,000 meters Shock 10G 60G Vibrationn 0.5G, 0.25G w/ ODD 1.0G 1 YEARR STANDARRD LIMITED WWARRANTY119 . Inclludes Internationnal Limited Warraanty for obtainingg service when travveling outside thee United States. Service Upgrades and EExtensions Toshiba offers many diffeerent enhanced sservices such ass SystemGuard® , On-Site RRepair, and ServviceExpress to p rovide additional support to your notebookk PC. For a full ddescription and ccomplete list of programs and program terms and cond itions, please vissit Subjecct to Changee While Tooshiba has madee every effort at thhe time of publiccation to ensure tthe accuracy of t he information p provided herein, pproduct specificaations, configuraations, prices, syystem/componennt/options availabbility are all subjeect to change withhout notice. Forr the most up-to-ddate product infoormation about y our computeer, or to stay curr ent with the varioous...