Hersteller: Bryant
Dateigröße: 885.73 kb
Dateiname: pds213a.18.1.pdf

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
The 213A has been designed utilizing Bryant’s Puron refrigerant. The environmentally sound refrigerant allows consumers to make a responsible decision in the protection of the earth’s ozone layer. As an Energy Starr Partner, Bryant Heating & Cooling Systems has determined that this product meets the Energy Star r guidelines for energy efficiency. Refer to the combination ratings in the Product Data for system combinations that meet Energy Starr guidelines. INDUSTRY LEADING FEATURES / BENEFITS Efficiency S 13 SEER/ 10.1 - -- 10.8 EER/ 7.7 - -- 8.3 HSPF (nominal) S Microtube Technologyt refrigeration system S Indoor air quality accessories available Sound S Sound level as low as 74 dBA Comfort S System supports Thermidistatt or standard thermostat controls Reliability S Puronr refrigerant - --environmentally sound, won’t deplete the ozone layer and low lifetime service cost. S Front- --seating service valves S Scroll compressor S Internal pressure relief valve S Internal thermal overload S High pressure switch S Loss of charge switch S Filter drier S Balanced refrigeration system for maximum reliability Durability DuraGuardt protection package: S Solid, Durable sheet metal construction S Dense wire coil guard S Baked- --on, complete coverage, powder paint Applications S Long- --line - --up to 250 feet total equivalent length, up to 200 feet condenser above evaporator, or up to 80 ft. evaporator above condenser (See Longline Guide for more information.) S Low ambient (down to - --20_F) with accessory kit Warranty S 5 year limited compressor warranty S 5 year limited parts warranty MODEL NUMBER NOMENCLATURE 12 3 4 5 678910 11 12 14 NN N A A/N NNNNA/N A/N N A 213A N A03600 00 Product Tier SEER Major Voltage Variations Cooling Capacity Open Open Open Minor Family Series Series 2=HP 1= 3=13 SEER A=Puron N= 208---230---1 A = Standard 0=Not 0=Not 0=Not A= Legacy or 208/230---1 Defined Defined Defined Original RNC Series ISO 9001:2000 REGISTERED the environmentally sound refrigerant As an Energy Star® Partner, Bryant Heating & Cooling systems has determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR® guidelines for energy efficiency. Refer to the combination ratings in Product Data for system combinations that meet Energy Star guidelines. STANDARD FEATURES Feature18243036424860PuronRefrigerantXXXXXXX13SEERXXXXXXXScrollCompressorXXXXXXXDenseWireCoilGuardXXXXXXXFieldInstalledFilterDrierXXXXXXXFrontSeatingServiceValvesXXXXXXXInternalPressureReliefValveXXXXXXXInternalThermalOverloadXXXXXXXLongLinecapabilityXXXXXXXLowAmbientcapabilitywithKitXXXXXXXSuctionLineAccumulatorXXXXXXXHighPressureSwitchXXXXXXXLossofChargeSwitchXXXXXXX 213A 2 25034678910121112233312334456001111123345678911122233001111114567910111311223344001111222503467891012111223331233445600111112334567891112223300111111456791011131122334400111122 PHYSICAL DATA UNITSIZESERIES018---A024---A030---A036---A042---A048---A060---AOperatingWeight(lb)146162203207246263279ShippingWeight(lb)169189235239278293311CompressorTypeScrollREFRIGERANTPuron®(R---410A) ControlTXV(PuronHardShutoff) Charge(lb),DirectDriveAirDischargeVerticalAirQty.(CFM)2196261426143365381040464046MotorHP1/101/101/101/41/51/51/5MotorRPM1100110011001100800800800CONDCOILFaceArea(Sq.ft.)13.1315.0925.8725.8725.1520.1222.63FinsperIn.25202020202020Rows1111122Circuits4566688VALVECONNECT.(In.ID) Vapor5/85/83/43/47/87/87/8Liquid3/8REFRIGERANTTUBES*(In.OD) Vapor(0---80ft.TubeLength)5/85/83/43/47/87/81---1/8Liquid(0---80ft.TubeLength)3/8*Fortubingsetsbetween80and200ft.horizontalor20ft.verticaldifferential,consulttheLonglineGuideline. Note:SeeunitInstallationInstructionforproperinstallation. VAPORLINESIZINGANDCOOLINGCAPACITYLOSSPURON1--STAGEHEATPUMPAPPLICATIONS213A Standard Length = 80 ft. or less total equivalent length Applications in this area are long line. Accessories are required as shown recommended on Long Line Application Guidelines Applications in this area may have height restrictions that limit allowable total equivalent length, when outdoor unit is below indoor unit See Long Line Application Guidelines LONG LINE APPLICATION: An application is considered ”Long line” when the total equivalent tubing length exceeds 80 ft. or when there is more than 20 ft. vertical separation between indoor and outdoor units. These applications require additional accessories and system modifications for reliable system operation. The maximum allowable total equivalent length is 250 ft. The maximum vertical separation is 200 ft. when outdoor unit UnitNominalSize(Btuh) 180001---StagePuronHP240001---StagePuronHP300001---StagePuronHP360001---StagePuronHP420001---StagePuronHP480001---StagePuronHP AcceptableVaporLineDiameters(In.OD) CoolingCapacityLoss(%)TotalEquivalentLineLength(ft.) StandardApplicationLongLineApplicationRequiresAccessories25508080+1001251501752002251/21235/80015/80113/40005/81233/40017/80005/81243/40017/8000 3/4012223445667/8001111222333/4012234556787/8001112223346000...