Anleitung Zusammenfassung
t_ good condition_ • no longerthan _50f_t. .12 gtlUge (AWG) or larger. (Wire size increases as gauge number _lecreaseso10 AWG and 8 AWG may atso l_eused, OO NOT USt_t4 or 16AWG_) Grounding Instr,JcUons Ground L_ i IMPROPER GROUNDING CAN RESULT iN ELECTRICAl. SHOCK. IN THE EVENT OF A SHORT CIRCUIT, GROUNDING REDUCES IHE RISK OF SHOCK BY PROVIDING AN ESCAPE WIRE FOR THE ELECTRIC CURRENT. THIS AIR COMPRESSOR MUST BE PROPERLYGROUNDED. 1. The air compressortsequippedwltha cord having a groundingwire with an _ppr_priate groundingplug. The plugmust be usedwith an outletthat has been installedand groundedin accordance wi_hall IocaI codes and ordinances, The out_etmust have the _aJ'_econfigurationas the plug. DO NOT USE AN ADAPTER, 2, Do notmodify the plug1hathas been provided.!! it does not tit the available outlet, the correct outlet shoutdbe installedby a qualifiederectrician 3 inspecttheplugandcordbeforeeach use_Donotuse ifthereare signsof damage, RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK, IF REPAIRING OR REPLACING CORD OR PLUG, THE GROUNDING WIRE MUST BE KEPT SEPARATE FROM THE CURRENT.CARRYING WIRES, NEVER CONNECT THE GROUND, tNG WIRE TO A FLAT BLADE PLUG TERMINAL (THE GROUNDING WIRE HAS INSULATION WITH AN OUTER SURFACE THAT IS GREEN -WiTH OR WITHOUT YELLOW STRIPES.) if these grounding ine_ru_Uonsare not completely unclerstood0orif In doubtas to whether[he compressor is properlygrounO_d,havethe install=ioncheckedby a qualifiedelectrlclan_ " Wire "" GROUNDING ,,2" L..------J PIN 120 vOltS,i5 amps Break-In PrOc_ums Serious damage moy _glt If_I'KIfoll_ing break-in tnatructrono =r== not closely followed. Thisprocedureis only _quir-ud the firstlime the=JrcompreSSOriS putintoserwce, 1. Set the swlt_ OFFtAUTO lever to the'OFF' poetriespressure 2 Plug the.power c_ordinto the (;orrectbranc;h cimUit receptacJe, 3 Turnthe regulatorc!oc.kw'L_,e,, openingit fulIy,to pre. ventmr pressureI:_uz=o-up=nthe tanK, 4_Move *,heOFF!AUTO leverto "AUTO'. Th_ compressorwltIstarL 5, Run _he compressorfor 10 minutes, Make surethe rupegulator Is open and them is no tank pressure build-,_ 6 After 10 rnin.utes,_ose t,heregultttorby lurning it counter-c_oc:Kwise,_ pres f ne _urtankv_lIfillOJt-,out sure andlhanthe rno_r Will510p OPERATING PROCEDURES 1, Before attaching aJrhose or accessories, make sure the OFFtAUTO lever is set to "OFF" and the air regulatorIs closed (Close it by turningit counter- ClOCkWiSe) 2_At_chhOSe_ndaocessorfes. WARNING 1"OOMUCH AIR PREgSURE CREATES A HAZARDOUS RISK OF BURSTING, CAREFULLYFOLLOWSTEPS 3 AND 5 EACH TIME THE COMPRF-_SOR IS USED. COMPRESSED AIR FROM THE OUTFIT MAY CONTAIN WATER CONDENSATION. DO NOT SPRAY UNRLTERED AIR AT AN ITEM Tl1AT GOULD B_ DAMAGED. SOM F AIR OPERATED TOOLS OR DEVICES MAY REQUIRE FILTERED AIR. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE AIR TOOL OR DEVICE, . Checkthemanufacturer'sm_lmum preserve_ating for air tools and accessories, "Theregulatoroutlet pressuremustnever exceed the maximurnprB_$ure _at]ng. 4. TurntheOFF!AUTO le._r to "AUTO"andallow Tank pressureto _,Jlld,Motorwill6too whentank presmure reaches"Cut-out"pressure. S Open theregulatorby turningit clockwise Adjustthe regulatorto the correctpressuresettJng,Your compressor{= readyfor use. 6. AlwaysoperaletheaircompressorInwell-ventilated areas; free of gasoline or other solventvapors Do notoperate the compressor near the spray area. , When you are finished: 7. Setthe "OFF-AUTO"leverto "OFF", 8. Turntheregulatorcounter-clock.viseand setthe out_ I_ pressuretOz_ro, 9oRemovetMeair tooloraccessory, ! O. Openthe ,'_egutator andallow the airto slowlybleed from the ta.,'P_Close the regulator when tank pres_ sumis approximately 20 psi. 1t, Drainwaterfrom air tank, WATERWILL CONDENSE IN THE AIR TANK. IF NOT DRAINED, WATER WILL CORRODE AND WEAKEN THE AIR TANK CAUSING A RISK OF AIR TANK RUPTURE. With tank pressurest approximately20 psi,, open the clan cock and allowmoisture to d_n. NOTE If drain cock valve Is p_ugged,release all air prossure. Tilevalvecanthenbe removed,cleaned,then relnst=lled !2o After thewater has been drained, olose the drsln e.ock.The air compressorcan now be stored. MAINTENANCE UNIT CYCLES AUTOMATICALLY WHEN POWER IS ON. WHEN DOING MAIN_=.NANCE, YOU MAY BE EXPOSED TO VOLTAGE SOURGESt COMPRESSED AIR OR MOVING PARTS. PERSONAL INJURIESCANOCCUR.BEFOREPERFORMING ANYMAINTENANCE0RREPAIR,UNPLUGTHE COMPRESSOR AND BLEED OFF ALL AIR PRESSURE, Atr Filter-Inspection NOTE Keepthe airfiltercleanat all times Do notoper ate the compressorwiththe airfilter removed, A dirty air filterwillnot a.llowthe compressorto operate at furlcapacity°Beforeyou use the compressor,check the air filter to be sum it is clean_ If it tsdirty,simplypullit out.Youmaywashitwitha mild detergentandwarm water,or repiace It, Check Valve-Replecement 1. Release afl air pressure fromaTrlanf< and unplug outfit. 2. Removeshroud, 3, Loosen the top and bottom nuts and remove the outlet tube. 4. Removethe pressurerelease tubeand fitting, 5oUnsorewthe chec_ valve (turn counterclockwise] usinga =ockel w_n...
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