Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Thegrille sideof the unit maybe flush with or extendbeyond the faceof theexteriorwall, but shouldnot berecessed more than two (2) inchesfrom the face of the building andshould notbeobstructed with trees, landscapematerials, or building structure. Thereis no minimum clearancerequired on locatinga unit to an interior corner of a building. If the unit is tobe enclosed, provisionsshouldbe madeallowing accessto the indoorside ofthe unit tot changing filters andfor inspection. At least 33" ol unobstructed space should be provided in fronl of the indoorside, whether enclosed or not, to permit removalof the coolingchassisshouJdrepairs orinspectionberequired, If this unit is installed in a residential garage it must be located or protectedto avoidphysical damage by vehicles. This unit must be installed so that no electrical componentsare exposedto water. INSTALLATION CAUTION:THESLEEVEIS NOTINTENDEDAS THESOLESUPPORTFORTHEUNIT. ANADDITIONALSUPPORTMUST BEPROVIDEDNEARTHE RETURNOPENINGONTHE UNITFORADEQUATESUPPORT.THE USEOFVIBRATION ISOLATIONMATERIALBETWEENTHE UNIT AND THESUPPORTIS RECOMMENDED. CAUTION:THIS UNITMUST BE INSTALLEOLEVELFORPROPERDRAINAGEOFTHECHASSISBASEPANAND UNIT DRAINPAN. WITHOUTWALLSLEEVE Measurethe sizeof the unit andprovidean openingin an outsidewallthat willaccepttheunit. Localordinancesmay require a steel lintelto supportthe wall abovethe opening.This opening must be square in all corners. Positionthe unitsothat the gritles on the outsideface of the unit are flush or extendbeyondthe faceof the exterior wall, but notrecessedmore than two (2) inchesfrom the face of the building. PROVIDEA SUPPORTUNDERTHEUNIT INSIDETHE BUILDING.Make sure that theinsidesupport does not block the return air. The unit should be installed level. Sealthespacebetweenthe unitandthebuildingopening usinga non-hardeningcaulkingcompound.Thesealmust be weather-tight to prevententrance ol moisture andwaterinto the building. Make surethe drainholes in the base are not plugged with caulking. WITH WALL SLEEVE Seethe installationinstructionspacked with the wall sleeveto assembleandamountin a wall. Make surethat the gaskets attachedtothe sleeveare not damaged. Assurethat the unit is completelyseatedagainst the gaskets onthe wall sleeve. Sealspace betweenwail sleeveand building opening using non-hardeningcaulkingcompound.This seal must be water tight, CONDENSATEDRAIN Install the plastic drain tube(furnished) over the 5/8" O.D. fitting weldedto the condensatepan. Connectotherend of the drain tubetotrapped drain line (See Figure 2). Theplastic drain connectionto thechassisbaseis provided so that it may be disconnected from the permanent drain tubingin the baseof unit in the event it becomesnecessaryto remove the chassis assembly. The drain line shouldpitch gradually downward at least 1" per 10 loot of horizontal run to the open drain. Be certainthat the plaslic drain tubing has free drainage and is not crimpedor flattened at any bend, PAGE4 OF 10 NEW [ I I "(940094[ DArEI PART.O.I 4-_5-9'SUPERSEDES FIGURE1 INSTRUCTIONFORSUPPORTINGPWCUNITS WallSleeve 7 x 22 Mio. OpeningTo Align with Return Air Opening _n Unit. ] L_ VibrationisolatingMaterial % FIGURE2 5/8 "I.D. PLASTIC (FURNISHED) CHASSISDRAIN (FURNISHED) 5/8" I.D. PLASTIC TUBE (FURNISHED) RETURN NR DUCT \ \ \ \ 518" O.O. DRAIN "-UNE AND TRAP (INSTALLERSUPPLIED) PA,TNOI 4tt94OOB4DA E41594]SUPERSEDESNEWI I I I PAGE OFtO LIMITATIONS The unit shouldbe installedin accordance with all national and localsafetycodes. Limitationsof the unit and appropriateaccessoriesmust alsobe observed. Theunit mustNOTbe installedwithany ductworkin the outdoor airstream.Theoutdoorfan is notdesignedto operate againstany additionalstatic pressure. Minimumand maximum,operatingconditionsmust be observed to assure maximumsystem performancewith minimum servicerequired. TABLE1 -APPLICATIONLIMITATIONS OUTDOORAMBIENTAIRTEMP. OF INDOORAMBIENTTEMP. OF MIN. OB" COOL MAX. OB MIN. MAX. 65 COOL HEAT DB/WB DB DB/WB DB 125 75 COOL HEAT COOL HEAT 62/57 50 90/72 80 DUCTWORK Ductworkshouldbe designed_lndsized accordingto applicablemethodsfrom the Air Conditioning Contractors of America(ACCA). It is recommendedthatsupplyand return duct connectionsat the unit be madewith flexible joints. The supptyandreturn air ductsystemsshouldbedesignedfor the CFM staticrequirementsof the job. Theyshould NOTbe sizedtomatchthedimensionsof the ductconnectionsonthe unit, NOTE:SUPPLYDUCTFLANGESARESHIPPEDFLATANDMUSTBEBENTUPBEFOREATTACHINGTHESUPPLYDUCT. Toconnectthereturnducttotheunit.usea straightpieceof duct 22" wideby 7" deep.Insert the ductintothe return openinginthe bottomof theunit. Flangetheductovertheexistingflanges aroundtheopeninginsideunit. Make sure that allsidesof the ductare flangedovertopermitremovalof coolingchassisif required.Usea flexible connectionto attachrema...
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