heruntergeladen wurde: 10   Dateigröße: 1 mb   Hersteller: Elation Professional  
Kategorie: Musikinstrumente

Refer to regulations BGV C1 (formerly VBG 70) and DIN VDE0711-217 for proper installation in Europe To ensure proper installation, only qualified staff should attempt installation. ©Elation Professional® 13 Design Spot 575E™ Design Spot 575E™ Mounting points Overhead mounting requires extensive experience, including amongst others calculating working load limits, a fine knowledge of the installation material being used, and periodic safety inspection of all installation material and the fixture.

heruntergeladen wurde: 0   Dateigröße: 514 kb   Hersteller: Elation Professional  
Kategorie: Musikinstrumente

It is always advisableto connect a DMX terminal, (Resistance120 Ohm 1/4 W) between PIN 2 (DMX-) and PIN 3 (DMX +) of the last fixture. 123123DMX + DMX - COMMONDMX512 OUT3-PIN XLR ELAR EX TRIPAR Set Up ELAR EX TRIPAR Set Up Power Supply: The Elation ELAR EX TRIPAR contains an electronic ballast, which will auto sense the voltage when it is plugged into the power source. With the electronic power supply unit you do not need to worry about wall voltage, this unit can be plugged in anywhere. DMX-512
