Anleitung American DJ, modell Master Blaster
Hersteller: American DJ Dateigröße: 81.18 kb Dateiname: MB700.pdf

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
SPECIFICATIONS: SPECIFICATIONS: MODEL -Master Blaster-700™ MODEL -Master Blaster-1000™ ELECTRONIC THERMO SENSING ELECTRONIC THERMO SENSING WEIGHT: 13 LBS. WEIGHT: 18 LBS. DIMENSIONS: 6.5" X 6.5" X 16" DIMENSIONS: 6.25" X 7.5" X 19" FUSE: 7A AGC FUSE: 10A AGC SUPPLY VOLTAGE: 120V SUPPLY VOLTAGE: 120V WARM UP TIME: 5 Minutes WARM UP TIME: 5 Minutes TANK CAPACITY: 1 Quart Removable TANK CAPACITY: 1 Quart Removable OUTPUT: 4,000 cubic feet per minute OUTPUT: 12,000 cubic feet per minute FLUID TYPE: Water Base American DJ Fog Juice™ FLUID TYPE: Water Base American DJ Fog Juice™ DUTY CYCLE: Not to exceed 6 hours turned on. DUTY CYCLE: Not to exceed 6 hours turned on. HEATER: 700 WATT HEATER: 1000 WATT N NNE EEV VVE EER RR P PPO OOI IIN NNT TT O OOR RR A AAI IIM MM A AAN NNY YY F FFO OOG GG M MMA AAC CCH HHI IIN NNE EE T TTO OOW WWA AAR RRD DDS SS P PPE EEO OOP PPL LLE EE O OOR RR T TTH HHE EEI IIR RR C CCL LLO OOT TTH HHI IIN NNG GG. .. F FFO OOG GG M MMA AAC CCH HHI IIN NNE EES SS E EEM MMI IIT TT H HHO OOT TT V VVA AAP PPO OOR RR A AAN NND DD S SSH HHO OOU UUL LLD DD B BBE EE U UUS SSE EED DD W WWI IIT TTH HH T TTH HHE EE S SSA AAM MME EE C CCA AAR RRE EE T TTH HHA AAT TT Y YYO OOU UU W WWO OOU UUL LLD DD O OOB BBS SSE EER RRV VVE EE W WWH HHE EEN NN U UUS SSI IIN NNG GG A AAN NN E EEL LLE EEC CCT TTR RRI IIC CC K KKE EET TTT TTL LLE EE O OOR RR I IIR RRO OON NN. .. I IIN NNT TTR RRO OOD DDU UUC CCT TTI IIO OON NN: :: TO HELP PREVENT UNIT FROM CLOGGING, USE AMERICAN DJ® CLEAN MACHINE™ LIQUID. CLEAN MACHINE IS RECOMMENDED WHEN STORING YOUR FOGGER FOR MORE THAN 1 WEEK, OR AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH AS NORMAL MAINTENANCE WHEN UNIT IS BEING USED ALL THE TIME. ITS LIKE A TUNE UP FOR YOUR FOG MACHINE! CLEAN MACHINE REMOVES PARTICLE BUILD UP IN THE HEATER AND GIVES LONGER LIFE TO THE FOG MACHINE. CLEAN MACHINE IS AVAILABLE IN GALLON OR QUART BOTTLES FROM YOUR LOCAL AMERICAN DJ® DEALER. Congratulations, you have just purchased one of the most innovative and reliable fog machines on the market today! The M MMa aas sst tte eer rr B BBl lla aas sst tte eer rr - --7 770 000 00 and the M MMa aas sst tte eer rr B BBl lla aas sst tte eer rr 1 110 000 000 00 are Affordable Quality Lighting Products from American DJ Supply, Inc. Los Angeles, CA. 90058 Page 1 part of American DJ’s new c cco oom mmm mme eer rrc cci iia aal lls sse eer rri iie ees ssfog machines with patented Electronic Thermo Sensing (E.T.S.), for continuous heating regulation. F FFu uun nnc cct tti iio oon nns ss: :: The new Commercial Series MASTER BLASTER™ fog machines all come with E.T.S., for continuous heating-regulation. These foggers also carry a new innovation in fog machine technology, user cleanable heaters. The MASTER BLASTER ™ operates via a 25 ft. wired, timer remote control, that comes mounted into the unit. The remote may be removed, by unscrewing the four (4) thumb screws that hold it to the base. The unit also contains a removable, one quart reservoir. E EEl lle eec cct ttr rro oon nni iic cc T TTh hhe eer rrm mmo oo S SSe een nns ssi iin nng gg / // E EE. ..T TT. ..S SS. ..: :: This feature allows you to have fog output available at almost any time. A small on board micro processor constantly monitors the operating temperature of the fog machine. When the fog machine drops ONE (1) degree in temperature the E.T.S., automatically senses this change and turns the heater on to raise the temperature that one degree lost. This enables the end user to have fog output at anytime. The only time fog will not be available, is at the end of the machines duty cycle (The fog output was maxed out and the heater has to reheat completely). O OOp ppe eer rra aat tti iin nng gg a aan nnd dd R RRe eem mmo oot tte ee I IIn nns sst ttr rru uuc cct tti iio oon nns ss: :: Plug your fog machine into a standard 110V/120V supply. The remote control comes connected to the fog machine but can be removed to access the 25ft. cord. Make sure there is an adequate supply of American Fog Juice™ in the fluid reservoir. Running the fog machine dry will cause pump failure and or clogging. This is the largest cause of failure in fog machines. Only American Fog Juice™ is recommended and not all fog juice is created equal. Once the machine is plugged in and turned on, a red L.E.D. will indicate the unit is receiving power. The unit has a warm up time of five (5) minutes. After the unit has warmed up, a GREEN L.E.D on the remote will light indicating the unit is ready to emit fog. To emit fog, simply press the green button on the remote for desired length of time. If the GREEN L.E.D. is on and fog does not come out after holding the button down for 30 seconds, check the fluid tank and hose to make sure there is fluid going through the hose. You can also operate the fog output automatically by adjusting the timer settings on the remote. The remote has three (3) L.E.D.s that indicate different functions; The YELLOW L.E.D. will indicated the timer is turned on and is activated. The RED L.E.D. ...