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To produce smooth pitch bends you’ll need to insert several small pitch bend events at appropriate intervals. Remember to use more pitch bend events to return the pitch to normal after a bend. Location Value PC (Program Change) Program change events can be used to switch voices at any point in the track. The Bank Select (MSB and LSB) parameters are used for bank selection when selecting XG voices. Refer to the XG Normal/Drum voice list in the Data List for details. 223 .... Editing Songs & Patterns Voice name Program change number Editing Songs & Patterns Voice name Program change number Location Bank Select LSB Bank Select MSB Note that the program number in the XG Normal/Drum voice list (refer to the Data List) and the MIDI program change number is different: i.e., the program number for “Grand Piano” is “1” while its MIDI program change number is”0”. (Program numbers, which are defined in General MIDI, range 1 - 128, while MIDI program change numbers range 0 - 127.) CC (Control Change) Any MIDI control change number from 000 through 127 can be entered with an appropriate control value where applicable. Control change numbers are used for modulation, volume, panning, expression and other control functions. Some control change numbers are assigned to specific functions and some are not. Refer to the “MIDI Data Format” section of the Data List for details. Location Control change value Control change number 224 Editing Songs & Patterns Editing Songs & Patterns Inserts a channel aftertouch message with the specified aftertouch value. .... Location Aftertouch value PAT (Polyphonic Aftertouch) Inserts a polyphonic aftertouch message for the specified note with the specified aftertouch value. PAT aftertouch events affect a single specified note, as opposed to CAT aftertouch events which affect all notes on the same channel (track) simultaneously. Location Aftertouch value Note 225 Editing Songs & Patterns Editing Songs & Patterns Inserts RPN data. RPN is an abbreviation for “Registered Parameter Number”, which is a MIDI message used to control part settings such as pitch bend sensitivity, tuning, etc. Refer to the “MIDI Data Format” section of the Data List for details. Location RPN LSB RPN MSB Data entry LSB Data entry MSB NRPN Inserts NRPN data. NRPN is an abbreviation for “Non Registered Parameter Number”, which is a MIDI message used to control voice settings such as vibrato, filter, envelope generator, drum setup, etc. Refer to the “MIDI Data Format” section of the Data List for details. NRPN LSB NRPN MSB Location Data entry MSB 226 Editing Songs & Patterns Editing Songs & Patterns Inserts a System Exclusive message in hexadecimal format. Refer to the “MIDI Data Format” section of the Data List for details. .... Location Data (in hexadecimal, begins with “F0” and ends with “F7”) Hexadecimal Number Entry Use the [SHIFT] and the micro-keyboard to enter hexadecimal values. • Press a black key while holding the [SHIFT] button to enter the corresponding number. • Press a white key in the left-hand section of the micro-keyboard (E - D except G) while holding the [SHIFT] button to enter the corresponding character, “A” through “F”. • After entering a hexadecimal value in one space, move the cursor to the next space and enter the next value. • Remember to enter “F7” at the end of every exclusive message. 227 Editing Songs & Patterns Editing Songs & Patterns Inserts RPN (Registered Parameter Number) data using an XG parameter name (“RPN”, above, needs to be entered using numbers). Refer to the “MIDI Data Format” section of the Data List for details. Location RPN parameter name Data XG NRPN Inserts NRPN (Non Registered Parameter Number) data using an XG parameter name (“NRPN”, above, needs to be entered using numbers). Refer to the “MIDI Data Format” section of the Data List for details. Location NRPN parameter name Data 228 * “Note” appears if a drum setup parameter is selected to specify a drum instrument. Editing Songs & Patterns Editing Songs & Patterns Inserts a System Exclusive (XG System) message using an XG parameter name (“Exc”, above, needs to be entered using hexadecimal values). Refer to the “MIDI Data Format” section of the Data List for details. .... Location Data XG System parameter name XG Exc Effect Inserts a System Exclusive (XG Effect) message using an XG parameter name (“Exc”, above, needs to be entered using hexadecimal values). Refer to the “MIDI Data Format” section of the Data List for details. Location Data/Type XG Effect parameter name 229 Editing Songs & Patterns Editing Songs & Patterns Inserts a System Exclusive (XG Multi part) message using an XG parameter name (“Exc”, above, needs to be entered using hexadecimal values). Refer to the “MIDI Data Format” section of the Data List for details. XG Multi part parameter name Data Location Part XG Exc Drum Inserts a System Exclusive (XG Drum setup) message using an XG parameter name (“Exc”, above, needs to be entered using hexadecimal values)....