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Raise MW for additional sound change. 11 SE Sea View Feel yourself on the deep seas 12 CO Gabriel CP Layered pad with CP features 13 CO MIDI Grand Layered voice: electric piano plus acoustic piano. Raising MW changes voice to acoustic piano with pad. 14 OR Church Organ Solemn church organ 15 GT Metal Dist Heavy-metal distortion guitar. Features are the touch-driven picking harmonics and the scratching sound of notes from B1 down. 16 BA SynJazzBass Synth bass with jazz-bass echo 17 ST Horn&Strings Easy string voice with mixed-in horn 18 BR TijuanaBrass Soft brass section with 60s flavor 19 PD Blue&Blue Pellucid pad SC Mega Studio Synth voice good for SEQ phrasing and backing beat 21 PD Aquamarine Underwater pad 22 ET Asian Dance Ethnic bell sound with Southeast Asian feel 23 SC Clavorgue Blend of clavinet and organ 24 EP Phazed EP Electric piano with sharp phaser 25 OR Old Days OR Percussive organ. Use MW to change rotary speaker speed. 26 GT Wah Guitar Electric guitar with funky auto-wah 27 BA WaterPhazeBs Heavy bass with distinctive velocity-induced timbre changes 28 ST Hi Strings Hybrid strings; mixture of acoustic and synth 29 BR CS80mind Brass from the great Yamaha CS80 analog synth CH Ooh Choir Chorus voice with effect-driven expansiveness 31 SC Solid Funk Comp voice with metallic attack 32 FX Z-Hole Pad voice pulling you into unknown world 33 ET Jungle Road African jungle image 34 CO Jewel Box Pad voice with music-box attack 35 EP DX Lover Rich electric piano with blended DX-type sound 36 OR ProgresiveOR Typical progressive rock organ sound. MW1 operates rotary speaker 37 GT 12st Fantasy 12-string guitar. Hold down key to add padding. 38 BA Porta Bass Mono synth bass with portamento 39 FX Star Dust Typical sparkling pad. Raise MW for flashy change. BR PowerSyn BR Powerful synth brass; also usable as reed 41 PD White Train Fantastical soporific pad 42 LD SyncousticLD Combination synth and acoustic lead 43 PD FatEnsemble Warm analog-synth feel 44 SE SAMURAI! Good accompaniment to shamisens in Japanese period plays. Velocity produces neighing running horse. 45 CO Nylon EP Layered voice: DX electric piano plus acoustic guitar. MW brings out pad. 46 KY Clav Westrn Classical clavinet sound 47 OR Doors OR Heavy, imposing organ 48 BA Slap Switch Slap bass with split velocity 49 ST Orchestra Orchestra voice. Strong velocity produces timpani sound. BR Shot Brass Brass-hit 51 PD Analog Age Warm, limpid analog synth pad 52 SC Clababy Synth clavinet with distinctive auto-wah 53 FX To Heaven Pad with impressive bell sound 54 SE Alien Mysterious space creature. Strong velocity produces shrieking voice. 55 CO 1950’s Jazz Split wood-bass/piano voice with 50s feel 56 EP Spector EP Electric piano. MW produces a variety of timbres. 57 OR Dream Organ Dreamlike organ with bell-like sound mixed in 58 RD SoftSaxSect Mlld sax section; 4 saxes 59 PD Movie Pad Big fat string-type pad LD MonoWireLD Mild synth lead with intruding wire-like sound 61 SC Fat Comp Versatile comp; usable as brass or reed 62 LD Sticky LD Synth lead with distinctive velocity-induced attack change 63 FX Space Legend Chorus-like pad with outer-space feel 64 SE Devil’sHouse Effects voice producing image of devil’s lair. Strong touch produces devil voice and cries, becoming really scary as you pass split point C3. Performance bank selects are as follows. PRE : MSB = 01, LSB = 00 INT : MSB = 02, LSB = 00 41 A/D1A/D1BANK Source PGM CNG# = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 MIC Preset Nameinput gainvar type Offmic- Micmic- Reverbmic- Chorusmic- Chorus+Reverbmic- Karaoke1micKaraoke1 Karaoke2micKaraoke2 Karaoke3micKaraoke3 EchomicEcho VocalmicStage1 StudiomicExciter Oct UpmicPitch Change Oct Down micPitch Change1 GUITAR* Preset Nameinput gainvar type Offmic- Guitarmic- Reverbmic- Chorusmic- Chorus+Reverbmic- TubemicAmp Sim. StackmicAmp Sim. Flang GtrmicFlanger Clean GtrmicCeleste Funk GtrmicTouch Wah TremolomicTremolo PhasermicPhaser 5th GuitarmicPitch Change2 KEYBOARD Preset Nameinput gainvar type Offline- Keyboardline- Reverbline- Chorusline- Chorus+Reverbline- Phaser EPlinePhaser Pan EPlineAuto Pan Wah ClavilineTouch Wah Rotary OrgnlineRotary Speaker Synth StrlineSymphonic Synth PadlineFlanger2 Synth LeadlineDelay LCR SFXlinePitch Change3 AUDIO** Preset Nameinput gainvar type Offline- Audioline- Reverbline- Chorusline- Chorus+Reverbline- * Some guitars may produce input distortion. Correct by adjusting the A/D input ** For Audio, pan is set so A/D1 is on Lch, A/D2 is on Rch. NOTE: For information about paramater change by System Exclusive Message, refer to Table1- MU80 A/D INPUT PRESET 42 YAMAHA [ Tone Generator ] Date:28-OCT-1994 Model MU80 MIDI Implementation Chart Version : 1.0 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Transmitted | Recognized | Remarks | | Function ... | | | | |-------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------| |Basic Default | x | 1 - 16 | memorized | |Channel Changed | x | 1 - 16 | | |...