Anleitung Acesonic, modell DGX-109
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
www Cautions W WWa aarnings, rnings,rnings, Cautions and andand Others OthersOthers en garde, Mises MisesMises en garde, precautions precautionsprecautions et etet indications indicationsindications diverses diversesdiverses RISK RISKRISK OF OFOF ELECTRIC ELECTRICELECTRIC SHOCK SHOCKSHOCK DO DODO NOT NOTNOT OPEN OPENOPEN CAUTION REDUCE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK. COVER PARTS CAUTION: CAUTION:CAUTION: T TT O OO REDUCE THE THETHE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK. DO DODO NOT NOTNOT R RR EMOVE EMOVEEMOVE COVER (OR (OR(OR BACK). BACK).BACK). NO NONO USER USERUSER SER SERSER VICEABLE VICEABLEVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. INSIDE.INSIDE. REFER REFERREFER SER SERSER VICING VICINGVICING T TT O OO QUALIFIED QUALIFIEDQUALIFIED SER SERSER VICE VICEVICE PERSONNEL. PERSONNEL.PERSONNEL. arrowhead The TheThe lightning lightninglightning flash flashflash with withwith arrowhead symbol, symbol,symbol, within withinwithin an anan the equilateral equilateralequilateral triangle triangletriangle is isis intended intendedintended to toto alert alertalert the user useruser to toto the thethe of uninsulated dangerous dangerousdangerous voltage within withinvoltagevoltage within the thethe presence presencepresence of uninsulated enclosure that be of sufficient product's product'sproduct's enclosure that may maymay be of sufficient magnitude magnitudemagnitude risk of electric to to toto constitute constituteconstitute a aa risk of electric shock shockshock to persons. persons.persons. ForCanada/PourleCanadaATTENTION: CAUTION:TO PREVENTELECTRICSHOCK, MATCHWIDEBLADE OFPLUGTOWIDESLOT,ANDFULLYINSERT. POUREVITERLES CHOCSELECTRIQUES,INTRODUIRELALAMELAPLUSLARGEDE LA FICHEDANSLA BORNE CORRESPONDANTEDE LA PRISE ETPOUSSERJUSQUAUFOND. For Canada/Pour le Canada ATTENTION: CAUTION: TO PREVENT ELECTRIC SHOCK, MATCH WIDE BLADE OF PLUG TO WIDE SLOT,AND FULLY INSERT. POUR EVITER LES CHOCS ELECTRIQUES, INTRODUIRE LA LAME LA PLUS LARGE DE LA FICHE DANS LA BORNE CORRESPONDANTE DE LA PRISE ET POUSSER JUSQUAU FOND. CAUTIONTo reducethe riskofelectricalshocks,fire,etc: 1.Donotremovescrews,screws, covers or cabinet. 2.Donotexposethis applianceto rain ormoisture. CAUTION To reduce the risk of electrical shocks, fire, etc: 1.Do not remove screws, screws, covers or cabinet. 2.Do not expose this appliance to rain or moisture. ForCanada/PourleCanadaTHISDIGITALAPPARATUSDOESNOTEXCEEDTHECLASS BLIMITS FORRADIO NOISEEMISSIONSFORM DIGITALAPPARATUSASSETOUTINTHEINTERFERENCE-CAUSINGEQUIPMENTSTANDARDENTITLEDDIGITALAPPARATUS,ICES-003 OFTHEDEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNICATIONS.CETAPPAREILNUMERIQUERESPECTELESLIMITESDE BRUITS RADIOELECTRIQUESAPPLICABLESAUXAPPAREILSNUMERIQUESDECLASSEBPRESCRITES DANS LANORMESURLE MATERIEL BROUILLEUR: APPAREILSNUMERIQUES,NMB-003 EDICTEEPARLE MINISTRE DESCOMMUNICATIONS. For Canada/Pour le Canada THIS DIGITAL APPARATUS DOES NOT EXCEED THE CLASS B LIMITS FOR RADIO NOISE EMISSIONS FORM DIGITAL APPARATUS AS SET OUT IN THE INTERFERENCE-CAUSING EQUIPMENT STANDARD ENTITLED DIGITAL APPARATUS, ICES-003 OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS. CET APPAREIL NUMERIQUE RESPECTE LES LIMITES DE BRUITS RADIO ELECTRIQUES APPLICABLES AUX APPAREILS NUMERIQUES DE CLASSE B PRESCRITES DANS LA NORMESUR LE MATERIEL BROUILLEUR: APPAREILS NUMERIQUES , NMB-003 EDICTEE PAR LE MINISTRE DES COMMUNICATIONS. "" "" CautionDisconnectthe electricalplugtoshutoffpower completely.ThePOWERon the unitisnotofffromtheelectricalplugwhenthePOWER buttonon the frontpanelisnotpressed in. Caution Disconnect the electrical plug to shut off power completely. The POWER on the unit is not off from the electrical plug when the POWER button on the front panel is not pressed in. 1.2.Visiblelaserradiationwhenopenandinterlockfailed ordefeated.Avoiddirectexposure to beam. 3.Donotopenthetop cover.Thereare nouserserviceablepartsinsidetheunit.Leave allservicingtoqualifiedservicepersonnel. 4.CAUTIONLABEL, PLACEDINSIDETHEUNIT. CLASS1LASERPRODUCTDANGER: CATION: REPRODUCTIONOFLABEL: 1. 2. Visible laser radiation when open and interlock failed or defeated. Avoid direct exposure to beam. 3. Do not open the top cover. There are no user service able parts inside the unit. Leave all servicing to qualified service personnel. 4. CAUTION LABEL, PLACED INSIDE THE UNIT. CLASS1 LASER PRODUCT DANGER: CATION: REPRODUCTION OF LABEL: IMPORTANTFORLASERPODUCTSIMPORTANT FOR LASER PODUCTS Theexclamation pointwithinanequilateraltriangleisintendedtoalertthe usertothepresence of important operatingandmaintenance(servicing) instructionsintheliteratureaccompanying theappliance. The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance. 1.Thisequipmenthasbeen testedandfoundtocomplywiththelimitsfor aClass Bdigital device, pursuanttopart15 of the FCCRules.Theselimitsaredesignedtoprovidereasonableprotectionagainstharmful interferencein aresidential installation. Thisequipmentgenerates,uses and canradiate radio...