Anleitung Yamaha, modell Cloud Audio Recorder for MOTIF XF
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documentationand cannotbeheldresponsiblefortheresultsoftheuseofthismanual and the software. • The software andthis owner’s manual are exclusive copyrights ofYamahaCorporation. • The screen displays as illustrated in this Owner’s Manual are for instructional purposes, and may • Copyingofthesoftwareorreproductionofthismanualinwholeorin partby any meansisexpressly appear somewhat differentfromthe screens which appear onyourdevice. forbidden withoutthe written consentofthe manufacturer. • Apple,iPodtouch/iPhone/iPadaretrademarksofAppleInc.,registeredintheU.S.andothercountries. • The company names andproduct namesin thisOwner’sManual are the trademarks or registered trademarks oftheir respective companies. ©2012YamahaCorporation.Allrights reserved. What is Cloud Audio Recorder for MOTIF XF? ThisapplicationletsyourecordthesoundoftheMOTIFXFtoyouriPodtouch/iPhone/iPad(subsequently,referredtoas“iPad”inthismanual)viawirelessLAN.Therecorded datacanbeplayedback,transferredtotheMOTIFXFviawirelessLAN, andthen soundedfromMOTIFXF.It canalsobenormalized andtrimmed ontheiPad.Recorded data canbefreelyuploadedto ordownloadedfromSoundCloud. SoundCloud NOTE TouseSoundCloud, accessthefollowingURL,thenregisteryourname. IMPORTANT Copyingof commerciallyavailable music sequencedata and/or digitalaudiofilesis strictlyprohibitedexceptforyourpersonaluse.Never uploadsuch datatoSoundCloud.Yamahamakesnorepresentationsorwarrantieswithregard totheuse ofthesoftwareanddocumentationand cannotbeheld responsibleforthe results ofthe use ofthis manual andthe software. Data upload Datadownload Record Cloud Audio Recorder for MOTIF XF iPad MOTIF XF Router EthernetCable Wireless LAN NOTE Download/Upload Record/Edit/Playback Playback ForinformationaboutthesettingsontheMOTIFXF,referto“Network connection”in theMOTIFXFReferenceManual. Cloud Audio Recorder for MOTIF XF Owner’s Manual 2 Cloud Audio Recorder for MOTIF XF iPad SoundCloud MOTIF XF NOTE For information about the settings on the MOTIF XF, refer to “When setting to Infrastructure” in “New Functions in MOTIF XF Version 1.20” (Supplementary Manual). NOTE For information about the settings on the MOTIF XF, refer to “When setting to Ad-hoc” in “New Functions in MOTIF XF Version 1.20” (Supplementary Manual). NOTE SoundCloud is not available in this connection. iPad Cloud Audio Recorder for MOTIF XF MOTIF XF Download/Upload Record/Edit/Playback Record/Edit/Playback Record Record Playback Playback Router Wireless LAN Wireless LAN Wireless LAN Data upload Data download Cloud Audio Recorder for MOTIF XF Owner’s Manual 3 1 Shows the sound level of playback or recording. 2 Shows the playback or recording time. 3 Enters the Recording Standby mode, in which tapping [n] exits from this mode while tapping [u] starts actual recording. 4 Pauses playback at the current position. 5 Stops recording/playback, or exits from recording standby. 6 Starts recording/playback. 7 Touching this button rewinds the playback position. 8 Touching this button forwards the playback position. 9 Shows the title of the current data. About recording and Voice data If you record your performance in the Voice mode, the Voice data as well as audio signals will be recorded. The recorded Voice data will be called up on the MOTIF XF when you play the recorded data in the following conditions. • The MOTIF XF is in the Voice mode. • The MIDI In/Out parameter (called up via [UTILITY] ¦ [F5] Control) of the MOTIF XF is set to “Network.” • The application and the MOTIF XF are connected via the network. Record/Playback display .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. NOTE When the MOTIF XF and this application are connected via the network, playback sound is output from the MOTIF XF. When not connected, playback sound is output from the iPad. Opens or closes the Configuration window. Searches for an available MOTIF XF and connects to it. Calls up the Owner’s Manual. Opens the SoundCloud Upload window. Opens the Library window, in which you can select the desired sound data saved on both the application and SoundCloud. Opens or closes the Sound Edit window. Uploadsthecurrent sounddatatoSoundCloud. Closesthe window. For enteringthe musicalgenreortypeofsounddata withthe on-screenkeyboard. Whenthisissetto“ON,”youcanplaybackthe sound datadirectlyfromSoundCloud.Inthis case,the playbacksoundisoutputonlyfromtheiPad. Settingthisto“public”allowsyoutosharethe sound data onSoundCloudwith other users.Settingthis to“private”allowsyoutokeepthe sounddataon SoundCloudfrombeingaccessedby other users. Touchand slideleftward orrightwardtoadjustthe Trim area. Playsbackthe audio showninthe window. Copies the sounddata to the clipboard, Executes Normalize, whichoptimizes the entire level ofthe audio data. obtainedby anotherapplication. ExecutesTrim,whichremoves the specifiedareas. from whichthe copieddata canbe Sound Edit window Voicedatais also uploadedifincluded. For enteringatitleornameforthe sounddatawith the on-screenkeyboard. For enteringidentifyingtagsto...